chapter -8

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in rikara's room 

Gauri was sleeping , lying on the bed while omkara was reading something when gauri started to whimper in her sleep and started mumbling  frantically in her sleep ," he will take away my baby. he is taking my baby away from me ." 

seeing her so frightened , omkara started patting her cheeks saying ," wake up . gauri , wake up . what happened ?"

gauri came awake listening to him and omkara brought the glass of water to her mouth saying ," gauri , have some water ." omkara put the glass on table after gauri drank the water . he then hugged her sideways and rubbed her arms saying ," gauri , calm down . what happened ?'

after gauri calmed down she answered ," nothing , i just saw a nightmare .''

" what did you see ?" asked a worried omkara .

" it was nothing serious ." 

" how it was not serious .  you were so scared ." said omkara with worry evident in his voice .

seeing her not ready to tell him he sighed and said," fine, you should sleep . " 

gauri was going to lie down when her eyes caught the image of a baby  imprinted on the cover of the  book omkara was reading .

" what were you reading " she asked knowing very well what he was reading .

" nothing , I was just reading about taking care of  baby . afterall i will have to take care of baby alone " said omkara and seeing her eyes teared up  immediately regretted what he said . it's true that she will be going away after giving baby to him as she promised but what was the need to remind her that again and again .

" sorry " apologised omkara sincerely and gauri blinked her eyes to prevent tears from falling .

" you don't need to say sorry " said gauri .

"you love this child very much ?" asked gauri .

" yes , a lot . gauri , I never got the love of a father , i just  want my baby not to  be deprived of father's love . " said omkara while thinking that he didn't even got the love of a mother as his was always busy in nursing her own broken heart  and he wanted his child to get mother's love too but he is just not able to forget the past and to forgive her . when he listened gauri mumbling about taking her baby away from her , omkara felt really guilty and thought about gauri being with him after giving birth to their child  but the thought left his mind immediately and problem was again same that he cannot forget what happened in bareilley .

while gauri was thinking that her decision was absolutely right . omkara loves this child a lot and her child will get the love of a father which she and omkara both were deprived of .

after 5 months 

In these five months , omkara and gauri got to know that gauri was going to give birth to a daughter . omkara was extremely happy listening to the news that he will be getting a little princess soon . but gauri seemed a little off . its not like she was not happy . she too was happy and was enjoying every moment of her pregnancy . she was trying to fulfill her small wishes for her child from selecting crib for her to select even a small pair of socks knowing that she would not get time to select anything for her after she will be born . however, omkara tried his best to not hurt gauri and sincerely took care of her . his prospective towards gauri had started to change seeing her love for him and his family . omkara felt guilty whenever he saw gauri fulfilling her small wishes for their baby as if she was never to going to meet  their baby again . 

one day omkara saw gauri talking to herself . after going a little near her , he realised that she was talking to their baby .

" baby i know you will be sad with me for going away from you and leaving you but  please try to forgive me . your mother is going to left you because she wants you to live your life , without any fear , with hands of your father on your head . your father loves you a lot and is eagerly waiting for your arrival . he will always love you and i believe he will not let you feel your mother's lack in your life . " said gauri with tears flowing from her eyes .

after listening to gauri he realised what a monster he was being. he was going to separate a mother from her child .when he thought how his mother  will feel if she will be separated from him , his eyes teared up. he couldn't even imagine being away from his mother and here he was thinking about separating her own baby from her mother . 

and at present he was standing on the stairs seeing gauri talking with rudra and thinking that when he saw gauri's tearstrained face while talking to their baby , that  was the moment he had decided that he will accept gauri as his wife for the sake of a mother , for the sake of a child and may be also for the sake of his feelings that started to develop in his heart for the mother of his baby . he knew that a soft corner had  developed in his heart for her and he had started liking her or may be it was more than like . he decided to to tell gauri about his feeling soon.  

his thoughts were broken when anika called him ," om , why are you standing like this ? we have a lot of work to do . there is gauri's babyshower tommorow . a lot of preparations are still left to be done and here you are standing here in deep thoughts . come fast ."said annika shaking her head on him.

" coming bhabhi " said omkara smiling while making up his mind that he will tell gauri about his feelings on the day of babyshower .and with that thought in mind he walked towards anika to help her in decorations.


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