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Geralt dropped a Ghoul head onto the Farmer's table and held his hand out for payment. Jaskier smirked at the look of shock on Sathbek's face when he looked the Witcher up and down. Blood stained the front of his armour, a huge gash ran along his cheek and there was a gouge taken out his leg, but he seemed totally unaffected. Jaskier on the other hand was free of injuries, he had watched from a near plateau as his Witcher had spun and slashed, looking like some sort of Greek hero from the myths, and then when he was done, hair plastered to his skin with sweat, eyes black from the elixir, blood running down his cheek, he had taken Jaskier into his arms and kissed him fiercely. So fiercely the Bard had gone lightheaded, but he'd wrapped his arms around the warrior and kissed back with all his might, tasting blood and lust on Geralt's tongue. 
The farmer's eyes now dropped to Jaskier's neck where his shirt dipped and revealed red marks snaking around his throat and smaller bruises from the Witcher's hot kisses along his jaw and collar. The bard had no shame in them, if anything he was proud he could hold out his own against a horny Geralt. 
"And you? What did that?" He asked, and Jaskier opened his mouth to respond before Geralt interjected.
"Overenthusiastic lover." He snarled, moving on the conversation swiftly. Jaskier felt it was an understatement, but the fact Geralt had said it at all brought a smile to his face.
If Jaskier thought that would be the biggest surprise he'd get that night, he was very wrong. The next came when Geralt walked up to the bar and said 'We need a room. Double bed will do.' and not quietly. If the Bard had been expecting a reaction, he didn't get one, just an exchange of payment and key and then Geralt was walking away and up the stairs. Jaskier was frozen still for a moment thinking there was some sort of trick involved.
"Are you coming, Bard?" He snapped, but Jaskier couldn't stop his smile spreading anyway as he followed after Geralt. 
The third surprise came when he was at the washbasin, scowling at himself in the grubby mirror. He turned his face this way and that and then picked up the razor. 
"Leave it." Geralt said, barely looking up from his knife where he sat on the bed sharpening it. Jaskier turned around with a confused scowl. "Don't shave."
The bard turned back and inspected the stubble in the mirror, it did make him look older and more rugged he supposed. He put the blade down and shucked off his shirt, having a quick wash in the luke-warm water. 
"I do love how you just brood and sharpen, brood and sharpen." Jaskier laughed as he sat on the other side of the bed to take his boots off. "It's very sexy."
Geralt choked on air, trying to regain composure desperately. The bard had caught him off-guard. Jaskier gave him a 'that's what gets you?' look and kicked his feet up on the bed, wiggling his toes and stretching. The hard ground up on the mountain had been unforgiving and he was looking forward to waking up without a bad back tomorrow. Jaskier put his hands behind his head and watched Geralt with hooded lids as he undressed, not bothering to hide his desire. He still couldn't believe he was allowed to look at the Witcher like this, he was still waiting for the catch. Geralt slid into the bath and scrubbed away whatever blood and dirt was still caked in, he'd already taken a potion for his leg and it was healing nicely. Still Jaskier watched, wondering what it would be like to slide into the water with him and rub soap over every inch of his perfect body - scars and all.
"I can smell your arousal, Jaskier." Geralt said, scrunching up his nose. 
"Well you're entirely to blame for that." The bard responded, not taking his eyes off Geralt's golden ones. "Hurry up." He knew it was risky, bossing Geralt around, but then again he was even hotter when he was yelling. But the Witcher only arched an eyebrow and stood from the bath, water running down his body and dripping off his half-hard cock.

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