{ Chapter 9 }

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"Something's not right."
Tanner and Lela looked at each other before they both had a breakthrough and figured out Les' plan.

"We need to get help."

"In mere moments, less time than it takes for me to steal this scene, this machine will change to weather patterns. I shall take possession of Big Mommas and all your friend will disappear for forever or longer!" Les shouts

"Yeah, well there's one flaw to your plan!" Mack yells

"Oh yeah? What is it?" Les asks

"I don't know. Isn't there always a flaw to these kind of plans?" She responds

"Well I'm off to measure the beach for a resort parking lot." He smiles before walking away from Brady and Mack, who are tied to the machine.

"Everyone listen!" Tanner yells

"Les Camembert wants to destroy us!" Lela adds

"He's built a weather machine that will stop the tide!" An audible gasp can be heard from the surfers

"And rust all of our bikes!" This time it's the bikers that gasp.

"Plus he has Brady and Mack held in a secret location that we don't know where it is because it's a..."


"Oh Lordy!" Rascal exclaims

"We need your help!"

"Us or them?" The bikers yell

"Us!" Seacat shouts

"I think she meant us!" Lugnut yells

"She means everyone!" Tanner yells.

No one hears him so Butchy yells, "Hey! Everyone shut up!"

The room grows quiet.

"Alright, Rodents. I don't care what youse thinks about the soifers, but this isn't about us or them anymore alright? This about saving our bikes, and rescuing Mack and Brady, and most importantly, saving Big Mommas! Youse might not realize it, but she's done more for us than I can ever imagine. So, I think it's time we repay the favor. If youse aren't with me because of the soifers, leave your jacket on the table, walk out the door, and never come back, cause youse is not welcome if you can't put your differences aside to help Big Momma, Mack, and Brady. Okay?" He says. No bikers object and the room stays quiet.

"And surfers!" Sunny yells, "Big Momma deserves our help too! If you don't like the bikers, that's unfortunate for you, but you're gonna have to deal with it! Not to mention, if we don't save this beach, most of us will never see each other again! Seacat, Rascal, Giggles, Kiki, you'll never see each other again. Besides, Seacat, you'd miss making fun of the bikers."

This time it's Violet and Jonathan taking the stage.

"And if none of those reasons are good enough for you, think about Mack and Brady!" Jonathan yells

"They're probably stuck in some room, terrified out of their minds, waiting on us to come save them! You can't look at me with a straight and tell you don't want to help them!" Violet adds

Everyone runs out the door.

"Could be worse." Brady shrugs

"At least my favorite movie wasn't tarantulas on a train."

"If we hadn't come here, I'd be on some plane right now, headed to some... private school to become something that... I really don't wanna be." Mack sighs

"You don't, do you?"

"I've spent this entire movie telling Lela to follow her heart and she has. She's more courageous than I'll ever be..."

"That's not true, you're the bravest person I know."

"So you're glad we came here?" Brady asks

"I couldn't be more glad." Mack smiles

"It's like I'm tied up... but at the same time, I couldn't be more free." She says

"You were right. What's the hurry to grow up when I could be stuck in 1962 with you?" She laughs

The moment is interrupted by Dr. Fusion.

"We only have one loose screw left and then, we'll be ready to change the world!"

"Do you really wanna do this? Ruin the lives of all these people? Just because you can magnify the power of nuclear plutonium by 647 degrees doesn't mean you have to." Mack says

"What?" Brady says, shocked

"What? It's not like I never paid attention when you watched the movie." Mack shrugs

"How did you know that? Who are you?" Dr. Fusion asks

"We're from the future and you're not real. You're just the villain in a movie." Mack shrugs



"I'm nothing but a... a flicker on a silver screen?"

"Pretty much." Brady sighs

"Bad news!" Les Camembert yells, entering the room.

"The surfers and bikers have untied together to destroy us and save you two!" He shouts

"How's that bad?"

"Bad for you."

"Really? Doctor."


"It's time."

Dr. Fusion stood there for a second.

"The machine man!"

"Look a ray! That must be where they are!" Sunny says, pointing at the lighthouse.

"I gotta be honest with you." Butchy says, causing everyone to look at him.

"I'm not big on lighthouses. It's kind of a thing." He shudders

"For some people it's snakes, for some people it's heights," he pauses, "for me, it's lighthouses."

"You can do this!"

"We're all with you!"

"What do ya say?"

"Whoa! My fear is gone." He exclaims

"Let's go!" Butchy yells, pointing towards the lighthouse, everyone running towards it but him.

He turns around and sees Giggles.

She points towards the light house and he sighs before running towards it, her following behind.


"We are here to save you!"

Dr Fusion yells as the surfers and bikers use anything at hand to destroy the machine.

"Look at that Brady, they got together all by themselves..."

"We can't break this thing apart!" Butchy yells

"Wait! This motor isn't much different from a four-stroke, 500cc, flat twin, air cooled wankel with shaft final and rear wheel drive! The kind you guys refurbish all the time!" Lela yells

"She's right, but it's too hard to get to without taking this whole thing apart, especially with these sausage fingers."

"Not for me it isn't!" Sunny shouts, pulling a Bobby pin from her hair and laying it in Lela's hand.

"I can't imagine a scenario where this works out well for us."


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