The Day Everything Had Changed

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Claire POV:

    I haven't told her. I've been caught up in a daydream, that when I come back, she will be lonely. As lonely as me, and we can pick up right back where we left off. Best friends. 

  I know this is bad, but I don't want anyone to take her from me. I wish I wasn't like this, but I can't help it. I wish I wasn't clingy. 

  Anyways, heading back to Northfox will be... an experience. I am not excited for the past people I already know, for the thought of us probably having to move again, for the old faces. Except two; Belle Silvius: my longest kept friend. The one that has never abandoned me, regardless. Hayden Ryder: the boy I pictured loving, but never could. If only I was like Belle.

   I look out the window, memories of my past time here, flood back. The arcade that I adored but was never invited to go. The movies that were very unique, but never went to see. All the shops that the others used to hang out, but I was never involved. 

  The dance studio, where I spent most of my time. It was the only place I felt like I could call home. Each room was painted a different pastel, every accent being white. The scent of roses I will never forget. The bar we used for our beginning stretches, and the mirror we used to perfect our moves. 

   The only thing I regret about dance is not making friends. Not making contact. My anxiety had gotten the better of me most, then. They all seemed so nice yet, I couldn't get myself to communicate. I felt it was too late for me to at least try. They all had their groups and friends, I didn't want to barge in.

   I snapped back into reality at a familiar sight-

 420 Hoons Avenue. The place I would like to call home most. We're finally here...


Belle POV:

   I knew today would be different from the moment I awoke. Everything seemed clearer, though the sky was gloomy, and the snow had melted away. I hadn't known then why the day seemed different or why I found myself staring at the empty house I dreaded.

   From the moment I moved to Northfox I was given two homes. First, a logged house that stood at the end of Hoons Avenue; it was completely different from the others on our street yet, it fit well. And the more normal white house with tan shutters who blended in with its surroundings all year long. That house belonged to Claire.

   I had never been able to view the house as the same memorable and full of light persona it created for us. The moment Claire moved the perspective changed. While the sun still shone on the house the same way it always had and the flowers still favored her yard, the constant black and white pattern changed. Today though, I finally noticed the different colors...

   Harmony and I love the arcade, it was one place we could escape the realty which holds us hostage. We easily forget the worries and doubts from the weeks before creating a fantasy world only we can understand. We go every Saturday, some days we invite mutual friends but for the most part it is just the two of us. 

   We've played every game too many times to count, our favorite however, was "Street Fighter II". Although we don't earn any tickets from winning, It was always fun to watch Harmony's reaction to me beating her countless times. She always threw the biggest tantrum when she couldn't manipulate her wins like in Skee-Ball. It was nice having our own thing even if no one understood why we enjoyed the arcade so much.

  I watched as the tickets drained from the flappy bird machine while Harmony cheered in excitement. 

    "I told you I'm just that good," She says full of cockiness, "Pay up, blondie." I watched her extended arm as she gestures for her tickets. The bet was simple, whoever won more tickets would receive the earnings of others. I had clearly lost by a mere few points. No more, no less, that lucky little...

   I reached for my bag where the tickets had been. Instead of handing them to her, I bolted out of the one place we enjoyed the most, checking behind me as she gains ground. 

  "Belle, get your ass back here!" I heard Harmony pant from a distance.

   Before I returned my gaze Infront of me, I was no longer on my feet while my earnings had scattered across the floor. I looked up to see no one other than Hayden Ryder. I felt heat rise to my cheeks from embarrassment. 

  "Watch where you're going, Bub." He says with a cheeky smile holding out a hand. I glanced at his hand before reaching for it.

   "Sike." He laughs while I roll my eyes in annoyance. Harmony had caught up to us at this time only exchanging a few glances at him before helping me pick up my tickets. I watched as he bent down to pick one up, when he noticed I kept my gaze on him he put the ticket in his pocket and smiled.

    While distracted, Harmony had managed to shove numerous tickets into her pockets. I rushed to put the remaining in my bag so I could add them to my collection at home. Harmony didn't care to stop me, instead she threw a few insults at Hayden. He walked away, carelessly, with just a quick smile over the shoulder. 

   The whole car ride home Harmony attempted to negotiate with me from the driver's side for the tickets I stole back, but I didn't budge. 

"Oh, come on, they are literally rightfully mine." Harmony stated in attempts to convince me.

"Literally no." I deadpanned

"Whatever," Harmony playfully says, "Hayden is a brat, honestly who steals someone else's tickets. I mean except for you, you deceiving little-"

"Watch your mouth."

"You love me." 

"No, I don't."

"K. Anyways, I hope he falls in a ditch."


   I zone out of the conversation a few moments later. Harmony has always been one to ramble on and on.

    Before I had time to notice, the world around me changed in one swift motion not even I could anticipate. I didn't understand how or why but I knew one thing for sure. I knew from the moment I looked at the white house with than shutters across the street, it was Claire. The same white Honda Civic her mom drove ever since I met her. It still had the Hello Kitty stickers we put on the back windshield many years ago. There was still a scratch on the car from the first time Claire attempted to drive accidently putting car in reverse rather than drive.

   I couldn't believe what I saw. Claire never told me she was visiting Northfox, even if it was for a little while. It was unlike her, she loved telling me everything while I loved to listen. I felt as though I was living a memory, the same car, same house, same girl, but was it the same Claire? Had she changed the same way her house had the moment she left? Or are we meant to rewrite history using the same characters?

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