Part 9

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I woke up the next morning I was very tired I went downstairs to get some pills one for headache and the other for my throat I had these special pills for when I sing so they can help my vocals "morning mom"I said as I walked in I then noticed drew sitting on the island talking with my mom "oh hey babe"I said going towards him and giving him a kiss "morning ma"he said I grabbed the pills and drunk them "honey you where great yesterday"my mom said "thanks mom it felt good to sing again"I said while drew wrapped his arms around my waist "u have an amazing voice"he whispered "thanks"I said kissing him one more time

I woke up the next morning I was very tired I went downstairs to get some pills one for headache and the other for my throat I had these special pills for when I sing so they can help my vocals "morning mom"I said as I walked in I then noticed dre...

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Drewstarkey: a day at the beach with my queen😍
Ameliabrewster: stop I love u rafe shit I mean baby
   Drewstarkey: Amelia you gotta stop with the rafe jokes babe
Madisonbailey: y'all are sooo cute
Drewstarkey liked this comment
Rudypankow: where's my invite
Austinnorth: ^^
Jonathandaviss: what they said
Madelyncline: JD u really had to ruin the chain smh
Fan- they probably gonna end up breaking up in a month or so

Real life
I went to my room to change drew followed behind me my mom stayed with my two baby brothers Rowan and Julian Was 11 and Rowan was 9 I was in my room with drew he kept looking at me "what"I asked "why didn't u answer my calls"he asked I sighed "let me guess are u jealous"I asked looking at him "Amelia answer my question"he said raising his voice a lil "then u answer mines asshole"I said raising my voice to "yess I'm fucking jealous you where hanging out with your fucking ex boyfriend and the song y'all where singing about love and shit and the way he looks at u Amelia that dude is clearly still in love with you of course I'm fucking jealous"he yelled at me I looked at him shocked "Drew are u freakin serious me and colson are freakin past hes fucking getting married he has a daughter drew me and col are history babe I love him but not like the love I have for u drew what don't u get I gave u a second chance for fucks sake I don't do that shit I don't give second chance but I love u I want u not colson or anyone else why won't u get that"i yelled at him he looked taken back by my outburst he came up to me and hugged me "babe I'm sorry it's just seeing all on the tv and all around social media really tipped me off"he said kissing the top of my head "I didn't answer the phone because I left it back stage but I promise I didn't do anything with him Megan and his daughter where back stage with us"I said he hugged me tighter "i believe u baby I'm sorry I'm so so sorry I love u" he said we started making out and one thing lead to the next thing we had sex in my room (after seggs lol) me and drew plopped down on me bed "wow...... just wow"Drew said I started laughing "not gonna lie the was some good after arguing sex"i said he nodded his head "yes indeed it was"he said I got up and out on my underwear and bra and i threw on Drew's shirt on and went to the bathroom free I came out he saw me and smirked "u look hot in my shirt"he said I giggled we both got changed and went downstairs because I heard noise and once we were down I saw vin disel and Michelle, Devon, chad and tyrese their "oh hey guys"I said they all said hi to me "this is drew my boyfriend drew this is my fam or as u know them as the fast and furious cast"I said giggling drew waved at them "nice to meet y'all"drew said "likewise"they said "so what y'all doing here"I asked them as I sat next to Devon "damm can't we come visit or what"tyrese said I laughed "sorry that sounded bad but it's good to see y'all"I said "yea we're glad your back home" Michelle said "I'm glad I'm home to"I said that's when my phone started ringing drew had it "who is babe"I asked he looked annoyed but played it off "it's colson"he said I jumped up from my seat and grabbed the phone and answered it "hey Amelia u busy" casie asked cols daughter "hey baby what's up I'm not busy"I said all my family looked at me like wtf is she doing "do u want to hang out and go out idk so where I'm bored"she said I giggled "yes bubs just give me like an hour or so I'll text u when I'm ready and I'll go to your house"i said she said ok then i hung up everyone in the room was looking at me "that was colsons daughter before y'all start saying shit"i said I saw drew relieved "well what does ms casie want"my mom asked "she's wants to hang out she misses me plus i think ms Megan and col need some alone time"i said smirking "so imma meet her in an hour do u wanna go babe"i asked "no it's fine babe I need to go do some photo shoots so I won't be able to go"he said I nodded ok I then got ready and I went to colsons house "hey Mila"Megan said I hugged her "hey I'm here for ma munchie"I said just then casie came running col behind her "hey bub ready to go"I asked her "yes let's go now I'm bored of behind here"she said I laughed "damm ok don't gotta be rude"col said "I'll bring here back later y'all have a good rest of y'all's day if u know what I mean"I said winking at them me and casie ran to my car "alright munchie where to first"I asked "ooo let's go to Starbucks"she said "good choice"I said we drove and got inside "omg that Amelia hiii I love u so much could I get a picture"a girl asked "hey yea sure"I said we both posed and took one casie was in it to "thank you so much I literally love u so much"she said "thank you for the support honey I love u to"I said she squealed i then saw she was recorded I just smiled she then left me and casie continued our little date we got our stuff and headed out

 just wow"Drew said I started laughing "not gonna lie the was some good after arguing sex"i said he nodded his head "yes indeed it was"he said I got up and out on my underwear and bra and i threw on Drew's  shirt on and went to the bathroom free I...

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Ameliabrewster: girls day out with my girl casie I love u bubs
Fan-wait is she Cassie's mother
Fan-omg idk she could be
MGKAKACOLSON: guys that is my daughter lol with someone else not Amelia
Madelyncline: aww how cute
Drewstarkey: sorry I couldn't go baby
Ameliabrewster: it's fine :)

Me and Casie got our Starbucks and then we went to five below got some cool shit then we went to target got more stuff casie was 11 almost 12 so she was growing into a beautiful teenager so we got some stuff for her room afterwards we left the stores "alright I got a surprise let's go"I said we got in my car and drove to where I was taking it was a picnic

Me and Casie got our Starbucks and then we went to five below got some cool shit then we went to target got more stuff casie was 11 almost 12 so she was growing into a beautiful teenager so we got some stuff for her room afterwards we left the sto...

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   Ameliabrewster: little picnic with coles princess hehe Comments-Meganfox: DAMM I should've went no fair MGKAKACOLSON: Amelia seriously u should've invited us    Ameliabrewster: hey your the ones that wanted alone time sooooooMadelyncline: Ameli...

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   Ameliabrewster: little picnic with coles princess hehe
Meganfox: DAMM I should've went no fair
MGKAKACOLSON: Amelia seriously u should've invited us
   Ameliabrewster: hey your the ones that wanted alone time soooooo
Madelyncline: Amelia your gonna be a great mom one day
Drewstarkey: yea sure she said she's gonna name our kid rafe if it's a boy :/
Chasestockes: wait y'all talk about kids oooo Amelia are u prego
Ameliabrewster: what no LMAOO
Jonathandaviss: Amelia starkey imagine
Fan- lol it rings

Me and casie where eating while watching Netflix on my computer it's was 7pm the sun was setting it was gorgeous we had so much fun but it was time to get her home she had school tomorrow we packed everything and put it in my car "let's go munchie"I said munchie was my nickname for her she loved it we got in my car and drove to her house we went up with all the bag of things I bought her and we rang the door bell both Megan and col opened "Amelia what the heck don't tell me all of this is for Cassie"col asked "fine I won't tell u"I said causing Cassie to laugh "munchie go and take all this to your room the best aunt Amelia has to go"I said hugging her she grabbed everything and took it to her room "look I'm her aunt so I wanna spoil her so shut up"I said to colson he laughed and gave me a hug "thanks for loving her so much"he said Megan joined the hug "no problem u guys know I love the girl so if y'all ever need alone time or something happens give me a call and I'll come get her"I said they both squeezed me and said thank u I then went home "I'm home bitchs"I yelled I quickly mumbled a sorry when I saw the my mom and two brothers and drew watching a movie I brought my brothers some treats and toys "here boys"I said they came running and took the stuff and ran to their room "here u go mama bear"I said giving my mom flowers her fav candy and a teddy bear "awww thank you honey your the best I love u"she said getting up and hugging me "I love u to ma"I said she then left and drew looked at me "well what do I get"he asked as he pouted I smirked "ohh u get something else let's go to my room"I said he got up quickly and dragged me to my room I threw him on the bed and got on top of him we started making out like it got heated and yea u guys know where that lead to ;)

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