Part 21

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@Mila_babe: little bts moment I love these people          👤: @Dylansprouse @hero_fr

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@Mila_babe: little bts moment I love these people
👤: @Dylansprouse @hero_fr

Fan: omg u know Dylan SPROUSE
Fan: aww the way she looks at hero in the first pic
@Dylansprouse: love ya bitch
Reply~ Dylan sir language their are kids here
@Dylansprouse~ sorry mom
@Hero_ft: this is how these two get along lol
@Madisonbailey: omg is that Zack from suite life on deck
@Dylansprouse: yess indeed it is hi Madison
@Mila_babe: not Madison fan girling
@Madelyncline: she won't stop screaming thanks Dylan
@Drewstarkey: omg it's Zack he is so hotttt
@Dylansprouse: thanks babe ur hot too
@Mila_babe: uhhhh Dylan THATS my man
Fan: lol not amelia about to throw hands with Dylan for drew

After posting me and hero got back to filming we were done filming at 5pm "thanks guys u all can go home"Josh said me and hero went back to our campers and changed back to our cloth "uhhh im exhausted"I said as I plopped down on hero's bed he chuckled "same"he said we sat down and decided to watch a movie I'm his camper we ended up falling asleep

After posting me and hero got back to filming we were done filming at 5pm "thanks guys u all can go home"Josh said me and hero went back to our campers and changed back to our cloth "uhhh im exhausted"I said as I plopped down on hero's bed he chuc...

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@Onenightstandjosh: found these two asleep in hero's camper couldn't stay awake for the best part of the movie they where watching smh 👤: @mila_babe @hero_ft

@Madelyncline: I want a friendship like them
Fan: ikr me too
Fan: they look so cute together
@Madisonbailey: guys stop commenting things like this it makes their friendship very awkward so stop please they both are dating people
@Drewstarkey: exactly what madi said
@Rudypankow: I love herooooo
@Chasestockes: ^^me too he hot asf
@Jonathandaviss: y'all needa tell us something^
Fan: bahahah JD
Fan: the fact that neither amelia or hero have commented means they are still sleeping
Comment liked by @Madisonbailey @Madelyncline @Chasestockes @Jonathandaviis @rudypankow @drewstarkey

An hour later- me and bro woke up "Jesus what time is it"I asked "it's about to be 7"hero said "oh damm I gotta go"I said getting up I hugged hero "bye bye bebe"I said "bye Tessa"he said and before y'all start saying why I called him bebe it's just a nickname I always call him because he has a baby face he's adorable lol I got in my car and drove to the Airbnb I walked in "u finally woke up"rudy said "what how did u know I was asleep"I asked confused asf Madison showed me a picture Josh the created posted "that ass"I said I saw drew I went and hugged him "hi baby"I said he kissed my cheek "hi mamas"he said "so how was filming"they asked as we sat down in the kitchen table to eat "it was very fun like always Dylan is suck a crack head"I said "I want to meet him"Madison said "I giggled "hey maybe u can come with me to set tomorrow he's gonna be their" I said "I want to come toooooo"Madelyn yelled from the kitchen I giggled "it's officially girls day out tomorrow sorry boys"I said they all rolled their eyes "it's fine we gotta film anyways"rudy said "true kook and pogues"drew said I laughed we all had our dinner (TIME SKIP TO NEXT DAY)
Me and the girls where currently getting ready to go to set I asked Josh if I could bring them he said yes "let's go gals"I said we walked downstairs the guys where watching tv I went over to drew and threw my self on him I looked up and kissed him "bye babes"I said he grabbed my chin and kissed me harder "bye princess"he said once he pulled away I was about tot get up when he pulled me back down and he put his lips next to my ear "today at night u and me time"he whispered "omg drew"I yelled everyone looked at us "sorry"I mumbled I liked at drew "yes most definitely I'll see u later"I said with a smirk "later"he said we walked out and got into my car we arrived at set "hello hero"I said he turned around "morning sunshine"he said I rolled my eyes "hero Madison and madelyn guys hero"I said "we've already met before silly"madelyn said "ohhh right I forgot"I said I forgot about my apartment in LA "let's go get ready"hero said I nodded the girl followed me we sat in our camper where we get ready talking and laughing "morning"Josh said "morning josh these are Madison and Madelyn my coworkers from my other show"I said introducing them "morning ladies glad y'all wanted to come hope u guys enjoy seeing what it take to film and steamy movie with hero and Amelia"Josh said me and hero laughed "thank u so much Josh for letting us come we are very excited"Madelyn said and Madison agreed with her we went and filmed Madison and Madelyn kept taking picture lol of course always asking if she could post one

1567comments~@Madelyncline: I want a friendship like themFan: ikr me too Fan: they look so cute together @Madisonbailey: guys stop commenting things like this it makes their friendship very awkward so stop please they both are dating people @Drews...

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Madisonbailey: came to see these two hotties film
👤: @mila_babe. @Hero_ft

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After we filmed a little bit it was time to film with Dylan he came "Omg it's actually zackkk"Madison fam gurled "hi madi"Dylan said as he hugged her "omg he's hugging me"she said we all laughed he then hugged madelyn and yea we started filming after filming for what felt like forever we finished the girls had to leave because they had filming to do me and hero went back to our own campers and changed I then came out and saw hero outside mine about to climb the stairs "catcha creep"I said he looked up at me "guilty"he said I laughed Josh then came up to us "hey guys u two are gonna have to fly out to la for an interview about one night stand"Josh said "alright when do we leave"hero asked "u guys leave tomorrow so pack I already have ur tickets laied for and have a place ready for y'all"Josh said "ok thanks"I said hero walked me to my car cause the sun was going down and he always made sure I was safe he opened my door "alright drive home safe call me if anything happens and I'll see u tomorrow"he said I nodded "thanks bub I'll see u tomorrow"I said "bye Mila"he said as he closed my door I drove home I arrived after a while o got out and went inside "hey theirs our superstar"Madison said I laughed "hi y'all"I said "alright we were talking and maybe tomorrow we could go to the beach"madelyn said drew came and wrapped his arms around me "I can't tomorrow I'm flying out to LA with hero"I said "what why"drew asked everyone looked at me "we have an interview"I said they nodded "when are u coming back"drew asked "idk probably the next day or so"I said he nodded and kissed my neck "I gotta go pack"I said pulling drew with me "imma help"drew said I giggled and rolled my eyes we arrived at my room and drew immediately threw me on the bed and started kissing my neck "drew drew I gotta pack"i said "bebe u can do that later or tomorrow I'll help"he said as he begin to take of my shirt "fuck it"I mumbled as I took of his shirt and I grabbed his chin and kissed we were making out for while I then started unbuttoning his pants (and yea y'all know what happened 😏)

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