Part 13

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Jordanabrewster: hacked by @ameliabrewster just woke up btwComments~Fan1: how do u look so pretty in the mornings    Jordanabrewster: stop your so nice I luv u  Fan1: omgggg I love uuuuuuMadisonbailey: my gorgeous girl   Hero_ft: ^^Fan2:oop hero u...

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Jordanabrewster: hacked by @ameliabrewster just woke up btw
Fan1: how do u look so pretty in the mornings
Jordanabrewster: stop your so nice I luv u
Fan1: omgggg I love uuuuuu
Madisonbailey: my gorgeous girl
Hero_ft: ^^
Fan2:oop hero u have some explanation to give or u Amelia
Jordanabrewster: 🤐
Chasestockes: Amelia get off and give us some mom content I don't wanna see your ugly face
Jordanabrewster: we'll DAMM chase so mean for whaat
Rudypankow: what chase said
Jordanabrewster: haters

Real like:
I gave my mom her phone back when my phone started ringing it was Jonás "hey Jonás whats up"i said threw the phone "hey ameila how are u"he asked "I'm good hbu"I asked "good good I was calling to ask u a question I'm here with the rest of the people"he said when he said people he meant Madison and all of them "sure shoot"I said "how would u like to come back for season two of outer banks"he said sounding very excited "yea what do u say Mila"madelyn said I stayed silent for a moment I had a phot shoot to do in a bit my hair and make up guy came in "amelia u ready to go babe"jake said he was gay before y'all say sum "ummm hey Jonás I'll call u in a bit to give u an answer I have a photo shoot to get to"I said I heard drew mumble a 'of course she does' I ignored it "yes definitely just let me know by the end up today"Jonás said "yes definitely"I said "bye"I said he said bye and I hung up my phone started blowing up with questions of the girls asking me who called me babe and if I had a bf I replied with a simple 'no' and got up and went with jake I to his car we arrived to where I was doing the photo shoot paparazzi where already there "shit"i mumbled "come on girl I got u"jake said trying to act tough I let out a giggle and got out the car "amelia amelia"I immediately got called to "hey guys how u doing"I asked "good good how are u"one girl asked "I'm good thanks for asking"I said giving her a smile "can we take a pic"one asked "definitely"I said I started taking pic with fans when jake whispered in my ear that we had to go "I'm sorry guys I have to go I love u all"I said walking away as jake put his arm around my waist to help me get out of the crowd "is this your new bf"a guy asked "u move on a lot and fast"another guy said I walked faster Into the building where security stoped everyone from coming in I went and did my makeup and hair and took the pic for Burberry a company I partner with

Real like:I gave my mom her phone back when my phone started ringing it was Jonás "hey Jonás whats up"i said threw the phone "hey ameila how are u"he asked "I'm good hbu"I asked "good good I was calling to ask u a question I'm here with the rest o...

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Burberry:thank u so much @ameliabrewster for partnering with us we always love your company!!Comments limited~Fan1: she'd so gorgeous like ahhhhhAmeliabrewster: thank u so much for the invite it alway great working with y'all!Madisonbailey:'so hot...

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Burberry:thank u so much @ameliabrewster for partnering with us we always love your company!!
Comments limited~
Fan1: she'd so gorgeous like ahhhhh
Ameliabrewster: thank u so much for the invite it alway great working with y'all!
Madisonbailey:'so hot
Madelyncline: ikr she's stunning
Hero_ft: right she's gorgeous
Ameliabrewster: stowppp y'all making me blush!!

Ameliabrewster: I'm here to clear the air of rumors this is @jakebecky he's not my bf he is my hair and makeup bestie he has a bf so please stop with the rumors this guy is my bff best make and hair stylist ever love u jakeComments~ @jakebecky: lo...

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Ameliabrewster: I'm here to clear the air of rumors this is @jakebecky he's not my bf he is my hair and makeup bestie he has a bf so please stop with the rumors this guy is my bff best make and hair stylist ever love u jake
@jakebecky: love u to bitch
@madisonbailey: oh cool cool
@rudypankwo: so he's the one that makes u look gorgeous!
Ameliabrewster: rudyyy stop your making me blushhh real hard rn
Fan: ok ruby we see u
Drewstarkey: he not wrong tho
Ameliabrewster: stowppppp I can't taking the blushing anymore
Fan: her and drew talking again I'm so confused
Austinnorth: me to my guy me to
Real life
I called Jonás once I was done "sooooo"everyone said threw the phone "Hayles coming back bitchs"i yelled "hell yea"they all yelled "we'll get here to NC"Jonás said "sure I'll book the first flight I don't feel like driving this time"I said "alright see u here we will pick u up"chase said "bye love y'all"I said and I hung up and I let a happy scream out I was in my moms house she came running "what's wrong"she said "I'm going to NC for season two of outer banks"I said excited she hugged me "I'm happy for u now go get out of my house and go to yours and pack"she did "well damm alright"I said getting up from the couch I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and left I drove to my house I told the news to hero he was happy for me I decided not to take him up on the afar to make drew jelly because i didn't wanna use him so we stayed besties my flight would be loving at 1am it was currently 11pm so I packed fast and ordered a Uber to the airport I wore and blonde wig and glassed with a hoddie and and sweatpants to match I didn't want people to see it as me I arrived at the airport and went threw security and everything "flight to North Carolina boarding now make your way to the gate now"they said threw the microphone i made my way threw the gate I had a first class ticket i went to my seat and chilled while the flight took oof "couple hours later" i landed in nc i texted Madelyn and chase where I was I soon spotted them they where getting surrounded by people "amelia over here"they yelled I walked over to them they saw me with the blonde wig "hey love please"Drew said I glared at me "it's me dumbass"i said he looked at me and lifted up my glasses "oh I didn't know sorry"he said I grabbed his hand and we rushed out of their into the car they got it was a huge ass limo "way to be discreet dumbasses"i said and got into the limo "hey we wanted to be fashionable"rudy said I giggled "why u wearing a blonde wig"drew asked I looked at him "so people wouldn't know it's me clearly it worked"i said letting a laugh escape my lips "sorry again"he said "it's alright"i said giving him a smile "so how was going back to la"Austin asked "it was fun u know to be back home see your family and stuff"I said smiling I honestly had the best time with my family "talking about family i forgot to tell my mom i landed"i said pulling out my phone and sending her a quick message "mama i landed love u 😽"i said in the message "alright baby be safe I love u to"she sent back I put my phone away and looked at them they where starring at me "what"i asked then they all tackled me into a huge ear hug "we missed u Mila"JD said "aww i missed u guys to also sorry for not reaching out much"i said hugging them trying to breath "it's ok we forgive u"chase said "alright guys I can't breath"i said they started laughing and pulled away we put music in the limo and danced and sang it was a fun night with all my besties headed to the hotel where all of us where going to be staying in during filming S2.

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