chapter 10

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I woke up startled by my new surroundings. It was one of those moments where you forgot everything bad that had happened to you. I expected to wake up in my New York City apartment but instead it was a cage inside a mansion.

Before I could register another thought, Martha barged into the room with clothes in hand.

"Your dress for today," she hung a beautiful but short black dress on the back of my door. She was ready to make a run for it but I stopped her.

"Is Nick home right now?"

"Yes. He is in his study but he doesn't wish to be distrubed."

"Can you lead the way?" I asked not giving a fuck if he wanted to be bothered or not.


"Just point me in the direction," I said, getting out of bed not caring that I was still in a flimsy nightgown that left nothing to imagination.

"Down the hall and to the right."

"Thank you."

On my two minute walk to his office I tried to calm down. Key word on 'tried' however. The dress was in my hand but it was another outfit that left nothing to imagination. I at least wanted to be comfortable in the new house I was going to be staying in. And what would the staff think of me when they see me walking around the house in a flimsy piece of silk?

"What the hell?" I burst into his office holding up the black dress. "Where are all my clothes?"

I hadn't stopped to take a second and scan my surroundings during my rageful conquest but there he was, smack dab in the chair located in front of his desk.

"Gone," he clipped out with an angry expression as he exhaled a sharp breath of nicotine.

"What do you fucking mean, gone?"

"In the trash. You wear what I tell you to wear."

I think the fuck not. "No."

"Out Albert," he ordered him without taking his hateful, gorgeous green eyes off of me.

I hadn't realized my mistake until Albert had left the room and Nick had stood up.

I wasn't supposed to be disobedient in front of his staff...but he couldn't expect me to do nothing, right?

"Nick. I-"

"What did I tell you last night?" He asked taking another lungul of nicotine from the cigarette in his hand.

"Not to disrespect you in front of your staff but-"

"No 'but' Natasha. You will do as I fucking say," he stated with a sense of errie calmness even though he was burning with anger.

"I'm not wearing this dress. It's way too revealing for me to feel comfortable in."

"I think you misunderstood the meaning of this marriage, Natasha," he tsked walking towards me and gripping my chin, pulling my head up to look into those furious green eyes. "I don't give a fuck if your comfortable or not. I'm not here to wipe your tears or lick your wounds. Your father needs me, I'm his crutch but if I decide to, I'll pull it out from underneath him without a second thought. I can end your father with the snap of my fingers. So if you want him alive and happy, you'll do as I say."

Tears welled up in my eyes but I refused to cry. Not in front of Nick when he would taunt me using my tears to break me down, show me I'm nothing but his toy in his grasp.

I bit the inside of my cheek trying not to make a retort.

He held my father's life in the palm of his hand, I couldn't risk pissing him off further just to make a point. I had to do as he said. I turned around heading towards the door of his study but his voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Here. You will put the dress on in here, in front of me. The punishment for disobeying me in front of members of the household."

Breathing out deeply, I closed the door trying to lower my heart rate as I turned around again to find Nick in his desk chair, still using the cigarette which made the whole room smell like ash.

I swallowed deeply, setting the dress down on the chair in front of his large desk as I hesitantly lifted my nightgown by the hem and pulled it over my head. With nothing on but panties, I refused to not look Nick in the eyes as I changed. He wanted me to obey him, fine I could do that. But I wouldn't cower in front of him. I wouldn't allow him to make me feel shame or embarrassment, I would hold my head up high looking into his eyes as I did as I was told.

I unzipped the back of the black dress as I stepped into it, allowing the spaghetti straps to fall over my shoulders but I couldn't manage to zip the dress up again but Nick already seemed to know.

He stood in front of me, his height overpowering me as his scent sent me speechless. He placed his hand on my shoulder forcibly turning me around as his other hand moved my hair around so he could zip my dress up.

With each notch of the dress that was connected, his other hand moved around my body first touching my back but moving up until he reached the pulse point in my neck. With one squeeze of his hand, he could end my life and he wanted me to know that, and then he had finished zipping my dress together.

I could feel his heat as it sent a shudder through me when his mouth grazed my ear. I wished for more, more of this contact even though I knew it was 100% wrong. He was cold, cruel, calculating but yet, I still craved him, craved his touch.

"Good girl."

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