I am the She-Hulk, AMA

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...or is the She-Hulk me?

Ha! Don't worry, I'm over my philosophical phase. For now, at least.

After that unfortunate Hulk out, my other half decided she had had enough of smashing traffic and leapt her way to a small neighborhood to take a chill pill. Soon enough, no more green, just woozy ol' me in some poor family's back yard. Imagine the dad's surprise to see what his kids found. And either by the goodness of his heart or the fear of what his wife would think if he was caught near a half naked woman upon arriving home, I was given a clean shirt and a bit of cash to get going quickly.

Since it's not wise for me to stay in any place where the She-Hulk has caused trouble, lest the two of us get linked together, I used some of that change to grab a bus ticket out of town. It's only a matter of time before I get used to a place, then something happens, just as it has many times before, and she comes out again. Then I'll be moving on, rinse, repeat. It's exhausting, you know?

But that's my life, and here I am, on the move again. And here you are, readers, with me on the journey. You're the only companionship I have anymore. (Well, besides my ill-tempered body roommate, that is. And the only wavelength I share with my pal the She-Hulk is of the gamma variety.)

You already know my secret. You've seen me in my good times and not so good times. I guess that could make us friends on some level. And friends share with each other. Gossip, thoughts, life stories...I used to share those with the friends I had in my old life. My life before I feared the Change.

So, if you like, ask me anything. I'm stuck on this bus for who knows how long, and I'm an open book. Comments, messages, whatever.

I'll start with a freebie: What's my favorite color? Easy: green.



...Hell no, just kidding -- it's purple. I'm sorry. This is going to be a looong bus ride.

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