AMA Part 2

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Damn, it's cold out. And once again I'm left with the tatters of clothing that survived my latest transformation. I swear the She-Hulk purposely chooses the worst possible weather to change back, probably as a long con to piss me off enough to release her again sooner rather than later. That monster of mine can shrug off bullets with ease; a chill in the air should be no problem for her.

But for me, sitting here with ratty scraps of a flannel shirt and tattered jeans huddled in an sucks. You know what else sucks? Remember that bus ride where I said I'd answer questions? Well, I was hanging out in one of the rest areas for a bathroom break when the bus up and left without me! My stuff was on that bus, and there was no way to get it back. Or so I thought. Like a crazy idiot, I began running after it, and that's when I felt her. And hell, she was going to get no resistance from me this time around. Those muscled green legs burst out of my jeans and carried me up to that bus. Those tree trunk arms that tore up the sleeves of my flannel plunged into the metallic siding of the bus and dragged it to a halt. Hope the driver enjoyed his taste of the Hulk boobs that popped all the damn buttons out of this top, because the She-Hulk shoved him in one of the bus's tires she ripped off the axel and sent him rolling down the highway to lord knows where.

Here I thought we were on the same team for once, but then she leapt in the complete opposite direction of where I wanted to go, and now I'm stuck in another unfamiliar place, freezing my tits off and...ungh...ugh it's starting to make me angry. 

Can't change again. Won't change again. Need a distraction. And I see that somebody asked a question. Or a few actually. (Hey comicshop!) Sorry I'm a bit late with the response, but the She-Hulk's been around a bit more lately, and she's not much of a writer.

First question: How did I become the She-Hulk? me come back to that.

Did I have any friends or family before this?

Yeah. I had a big circle. Girls who were lifelong pals that would feed you the best gossip or take you out for a night of karaoke when you had a bad day. God, what I would give for a night out with them again. Jamie, damn, she could talk your ear off for three hours while nursing a long-chilled cup of coffee. Sara was quiet, but she always was down for a pint of ice cream and a romantic comedy. I wonder what they're up to.

My parents are assholes, but you know what? At this rate I'd give anything to be able to see them again, for them to tell me everything is going to be OK. But it won't be, and there's nothing they could do about it. In fact, they'd probably call the FBI on me just to get some cash. Wish I could say I didn't care, but it stings. What can you do, though. I have a younger sister who doesn't need me to ruin her life by introducing the destruction a rage monster brings to her. 

I had boyfriends too, including a serious relationship not too long before this all happened. It didn't end well.

But for their safety, and for mine, that's all in the past. They probably think I'm dead, or an asshole, or both. What can you do. Better than hurting any more of them. The She-Hulk's the only friend I have now.

Favorite book? Oh that's a good question. Probably "The Outsiders." Read it back in school and got obsessed. Fantastic and tragic. My neighbor Kate and I used to watch the movie on VHS on repeat. Patrick Swayze was a goddamn dreamboat. Can you believe S.E. Hinton wrote that when she was only 16 years old? Lady is a badass.

Why haven't I tried curing myself? Oh, I've tried, trust me. Nothing has worked. I'm no scientist, so I have no idea where to even begin. The smartest minds have either failed to make a cure stick, have tried to use me as fodder for their claim to fame, or have tried to turn me in. After a while, what even was the point in trying anymore? I've already been used as a lab rat and I'm not aching to return to that anytime soon.

What's my favorite color? You want me to say green, and I'm not going to do it.

What's my second favorite color? Still not green. 

Who am I running from? Nobody in particular. But the longer I stay in one place, the more likely that place is going to meet the She-Hulk. And once the She-Hulk makes an appearance, she draws attention. And attention brings trouble. The more trouble I can avoid, the better, so I stay on the move.

Does the traveling get lonely? Listen, I'm an extrovert. I have always thrived being around people. I love to party, I love to strike up conversations, to dance with strangers and make a scene. But I had to give that all up to protect others and myself. And yes being alone is damn lonely.

Why are you posting this online? Loneliness does strange things to people. And...just in case something happens to me, I want to be remembered for who I am. I'm Rebecca Reynolds, a human who used to feel like a human, but now is a monster. Nobody in the world knows what I'm going through except you readers. It's...nice to know somebody is out there.

As for releasing key information that'll lead to my capture? I'm pretty vague with where I am, and honestly if anybody cares enough to be on the hunt for the She-Hulk, she's not hard to find if you know where to look anyway. Hopefully anybody who stumbles across this can see that I'm an actual person, not some piece of meat to be dissected or weapon to be utilized. 

Anyway, back to the topic so many of you want to know: How did the She-Hulk come to be? Well, let's start from the beginning...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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