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**Suggestive Scene**

"Sorry," Knox whispered, as he fell onto the sofa. He leaned back, clutching his half-full glass, and took a long swig of the bitter bourbon. It seemed to burn less now as it slid down his throat. He looked around, loosening up from the effect of the booze. To his left was a tangled couple that sounded like a giant panting beast. To his right was another pair who seemed to have sunk right into the sofa. Knox wanted to stand up, but he realized that the couple he had tripped over was now rolled against his shins, pinning him in place. He looked around and almost giggled. Oh well, I may as well make himself comfortable, he said to himself. The bodies surrounding him were too busy to notice him anyway. The music stopped, and the sound of heavy breathing filled the room. This sounds like an artificial respiration ward, Knox thought to himself, wishing he too had a partner. He checked on the couple to his right. I think he's going to chew her lips off, he thought. He turned to the couple on his left.

"Oh, Chris, you're so beautiful," he heard the boy's voice say.

'Oh my God, it's Chris and Chet!' Knox thought, his heart beginning to throb. Chris Noel was sitting right next to him on the couch! The music started up again, and the strains of the Drifters singing "This Magic Moment" filled the room. Knox's head was spinning. Chris and Chet were going at it full force. Knox tried to look away but his eyes were riveted on Chris.

"Chris," Chet groaned, "you're so gorgeous." Chet kissed Chris hard, and she leaned against Knox. In the moonlit room Knox stared at the outline of Chris's face, the nape of her neck, the curves of her breasts. He quickly downed the rest of his drink and forced himself to look away.

'Oh my God,' help me, he thought as Chris leaned more heavily on him. Knox's face was contorted in agony as he felt himself struggle with temptation. He tried not to look but he knew he was losing his inner battle. Suddenly, he turned toward Chris again. He melted as his emotions took over.

"Carpe breastum," he said to himself, closing his eyes. "Seize the breast!"

"Huh?" Knox heard Chris say to Chet.

"I didn't say anything," Chet said. The pair continued to kiss while Knox felt his hand, drawn by a powerful magnetic force, reach out and lightly stroke the nape of Chris's neck, then down toward her breast. He dropped his head back and closed his eyes while he slowly caressed Chris. Thinking that Chet's hands were on her, Chris responded eagerly and Knox started breathing heavily.

"Oh, Chet, that feels fabulous," Chris said in the dark.

"It does?" Chet sounded surprised. "What?"

"You know," she said secretively. Knox pulled his hand away. Chet looked up for a moment and then kissed Chris again.

"Don't stop, Chet," Chris moaned.

"Stop what?"

"Chet ..." Knox put his hand back on Chris's neck and started rubbing her, gently moving down toward her breast.

"Oh, oh," Chris moaned. Chet pulled back, trying to figure out what Chris was talking about, but he gave up and started to kiss her again. Chris moaned with pleasure. Knox leaned his head back on the sofa. His breathing was slow and deep. The sound of the music in the room grew louder. Unable to resist, he rubbed Chris's chest, getting dangerously close to her breast. Chris was breathing hard now, too. Knox felt himself slip into ecstasy just as his glass fell out of his hand. Suddenly, Chet's hand grabbed Knox's hand, and a lamp light rudely flicked on. Knox sat face to face with a furious Chet and Chris, who was totally confused.

"What are you doing?" Chet yelled.

"Knox?" Chris shielded her eyes from the sudden light.

"Chet! Chris!" Knox said, pretending to be surprised. "What are you doing here?"

Dead Poets Society By N.H. KleinbaumWhere stories live. Discover now