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|| The Calm Before The Storm ||

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[ 3RD POV ]

In the Sano Family household,


"What the heck happened?!?" The oldest Sano brother, Shinichiro asked as he ran to the stairs where the commotion was heard.

"Ack-! Nii-san!?" Mikey said as he was surprised to see someone there so suddenly. "Wh-What are you doing here? Don't you have somewhere t-to go to?" He kept stuttering whilst trying to hide his face. 

"Weird", is what Shinichiro thought, he immediately knelt down in front of Mikey. "Manjiro, show me your f-" , "WHAT HAPPENED TO MIKEY?" Izana went down the stairs as well, but then he suddenly froze in shock. "W-What happened to Mikey's face..?" After Shinichiro heard Izana say that he immediately turned Mikey to face him.

That's when he saw his head bleeding, the blood dripping from his chin to the floor. "IZANA, GET THE AID KIT!" , "HAI!" As Izana left Shinichiro grabbed a towel to wipe the blood off and wrap it around his head as they wait for Izana.

"What happened Mikey?" , "Ahh.. Uhm.. Ehh.. Sooo... IWasSpinningMyselfAroundInMyRoomButIGotHungryButThenIBecameDizzyAndWhenIWasTryingToGoDownTheStairsMyMindBeganSpinningAndBeforeIKnewItIFellAndThenSuddenlyMyDizzinessStoppedButThenWhenIWentToTouchMyHeadIFoundOutIWasBleedingButIThoughtYouAlreadyLeftButThenIWasSurprisedToSeeYouStillHereButIDidn'tWantYouToBeWorriedForMeSoITriedToKeepItASecretFromYouButThenIdiotIzanaWentDownTheStairsAsWellAndSawMyFaceSoYouFoundOutAndNowWe'reAtThisSituation."

{WRITER: That's a long arse sentence o-o}

"..." , "Be careful next time, don't forget you still have to meet with your friends later." , "Yes nii-san.." . After some moments of scolding from Shinichiro, Izana finally came back with the first aid kit and they helped Mikey. 

"What took you so damn long? Mikey would've fainted if it weren't for me taking care of him while you were away." , "WELL, IT'S NOT MY FAULT THE MEDKIT WAS SO HARD TO FIND" , "THE MEDKIT'S LITERALLY JUST ON TOP OF THE GOSH DARN SHELF YOU BLIND SIMP" , "WTF, I'M YOUR YOUNGER BROTHER BUT YOU INSULT ME LIKE THIS" , "AGE EQUALITY B!TCH" , "THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE ANY F0CK!NG SENSE!" , "DO I LOOK LIKE A GIVE A SH1T?" they argued more after that so Mikey decided to go back to his room to prepare himself for him and his friends' meeting.

"Agh.. I forgot Emma went out with Hina, great, who's gonna prepare my clothes and tie my hair..? Ken-chin won't come since we all promised to meet up without stopping by each other's houses.. Guess they were right that I would have to do all of this by myself one day, and that day is today..." Mikey sighs with disappointment. 

He grabbed whatever he found good enough from his closet which was: a black turtleneck long sleeve sweater tucked in jeans and black sneakers with white laces. A very simple outfit but when he wore it, he made the outfit look more elegant than it seems.

"Now that I'm done with clothes, what about my hair? I never tried doing it on my own.. AGH! This is so confusing.. Should I ask Iza-san? . . . " , "No, that's a bad idea. The last time he did it I looked bald as a result. Maybe I'll just ask Ken-chin to tie it for me when I arrive"

Mikey went out of his room and walked down the stairs again, for some reason his foot lost balance and tripped, and in that split moment, Mikey thought..

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