chapter 3

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I screamed.

And a second later, Paul, followed by Jared were right next to me.

"Why did you scream?" Asked Paul. I looked at him like he was out of his mind.

"Dude" I whispered yelled. "There's a gigantic wolf at my house" I cried. "I'm calling animal control."

I headed back into the house, but Emily was just on the way out, and dragged me back out.

"Why am I the only one freaking out?" I asked, watching as Emily walked up to the wolf and lovingly petted it. "Okay I'm dreaming."

Slowly, the wolf laid down, and all I saw was the huge fur disappearing and my brother reappearing, fixing his pants. It took me a few silent seconds to process.

"Fucking hell" I muttered. "Sam."

"Yeah" sighed Sam. "Sorry for not telling you earlier."

I was too stunned to speak. I was debating wether I was dreaming or not, but deep down I knew I was in reality.

"This is crazy."

"I know. But if that leech is after you, she knows something about you that we don't."

"No way this just happened, Sam. How?"

"This is what we are, Nika."

"Hold on a second" I said. I looked at Paul and Jared, then Emily. "Are you all wolves?"

"We are" nodded Jared.

"Well I'm not" said Emily.

"That's a story for another day" said Sam, sharing a meaningful look with Paul.

"Okay. Another question then" I said with folded arms. "What the hell do you mean by the leech?"


The next day in school I approached Alice immediately. She was with her family and Edward was whispering to them, as they all looked at me strutting towards them.

"I can't believe-"

"I'm so glad you finally know" said Alice, grinning.

"Well I'm not. What the hell?!"

"Do you know what you are?" Asked Alice.

"What?? What do you mean what I am?"

"Well... you're no werewolf. But you're something else."

I folded my arms and looked at Edward. Sam told me about his abilities, and pretty mich everyone's, so I didn't bother speaking.

"We don't know, Nika" he said sympathetically. "Alice saw something about you where you're not a human."

"But I'm a woman... she-wolves are extremely rare..."

I thought about Leah for a second.

"Exactly. And besides, I would've recognised you being a wolf" said Alice. "Carlisle could help you, you know" she offered. "He has the biggest knowledge out of all of us."

"Your father?" I asked, raising a brow. "Honestly it'll just work out. I'm more concerned about the redhead leech that's after me and you guys..."

The vampires shared a look.

"After you?" Asked Alice.

"Yeah. She said it herself."

"Victoria?" Asked Edward, tensing up.

"If that's her name" I said, shrugging.

Alice seemed deep in thoughts. She shared a look with Edward, the two of them having a silent communication.

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