chapter 10

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The wolves were rather excited about graduation. They never really had fancy parties, so it was a chance for all of them to dress up and make an effort. Emily, Kim and Leah were especially excited (the latter mostly for me), but the boys couldn't hide their subtle enthusiasm either.

"It's time, Nika" said my brother, and we all got up from the living room, heading towards the cars. I was seated in between Embry and Leah, in the car that Jared was driving, along with Kim.

"I think I'll cry a little" admitted Kim, making me giggle.

"Don't ruin your makeup, sweetie. We'll take pictures."

Once we finally arrived at my school, and the car stopped, I was about to open the door, just to find Sam already opening it for me.

"Wow, treating your sister like a princess?" I asked, but my teasing voice died down quickly once I saw his hard look. "What?" I asked, and he just slightly nodded his head to a direction. I saw the Cullens not far away from us, already staring. I uncertainly waved at Alice and Jasper, who waved back, and the rest of the Cullens tried plastering on a smile as well. For some, (like Rosalie) it was apparently not that easy.

"Not gonna lie, they're a pretty attractive lot" said Kim, staring at the Cullen family shamelessly.

"And they all have super hearing" added Jared, throwing a loving arm around his girlfriend and soulmate. Kim went a little red, but laughed it off. She stayed flustered, and I had to raise a brow at Jasper, knowing his abilities all too well.

"Well, wish me luck" I said, smiling at the pack. They all sent me words of encouragement and then I took my place at the front.

The ceremony itself was unnecessarily long. But Jessica's speech wasn't that bad at all. Every stiff and maximalist pressure that was put on me because of boarding school, dissolved because of her. I clapped loudly.

Then names were called and we all took our diplomas.

"Nika Uley"

I walked up on stage, shook hands with the head teacher, then waved out to the crowd. I saw Alice and Jasper, cheering with smiles, my brother and Emily holding each others' hands, Embry and Jared clapping while Kim was laughing. And I saw Paul, sitting with a subtle smirk in his face, looking right into my eyes, even from far away.

After the formal steps of graduation, we all went home to La Push so I could change.

"Are you sure you can't come?" I asked Sam.

"It's their house, Nika. I don't want to cause problems."

"Okay" I sighed. "Kim? Emily?"

"We love you, but Alice and Bella are also your friends. Spend a little time with them" smiled Emily, hugging me close. I caught Paul looking at me in my silver dress with an unreadable expression.

I took a deep breath, and walked out to meet Leah, who was taking me to the treaty's borders, where Alice was waiting for me.

"You look beautiful."

"Thanks, Leah" I smiled. "You know we could go out some time, something more fancy than burgers with the guys."

"Count me in" she laughed, making me smile. "Let's invite Alex and Embry."

"Do you like Embry?" I asked, impulsively.

"No" she laughed. "I mean I do, but not like that. He's a great guy."

"Just asking" I smiled.

"Well, we're here" she said, stopping the car in the middle of the road. A few seconds later, a small figure appeared in the shadows. I was about to open the door, but Leah locked them.

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