chapter 4

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Alex was beyond uncomfortable with Leah being around. But I told him she was depressed and we needed to cheer her up.

So we went surfing.

Leah was reluctant, but eventually gave in. She texted Embry to inform the other about where they were going, and then we geared up.

"I don't know how to surf" said Leah once we arrived.

"Nice try, I saw you with your brother, fighting off the most dangerous waves" said Alex, smirking at Leah. "He's in the same year as Embry and his friends, the ones you always hang out with, right?" Asked Alex, looking at me.

"No, he's a year younger" said Leah. "He's still a kid" she added, smiling a little. I raised a brow. Was he also a wolf already?

"Let's go" said Alex excitedly, and ran into the water not even waiting for us.

"Is he jealous a lot?" Asked Leah.

"Not really, he's pretty chill. He doesn't like me and Embry getting along so well, but he doesn't complain too much, trying not to be toxic I guess."

"You should probably tell him that's Embry's your half-brother" said Leah, laughing a little. Looking at her laughing so genuinely, I was reminded of her old self, which I honestly missed. We got along well. She was also beautiful when she smiled.

"Let's not leave him alone" I said with a grin, and me and Leah also went for the waves.

Once I was on my surfboard, I had a weird feeling rush through me that I'd never experienced before. It felt like my body was on fire. The water felt so much colder than it actually was, and I lost my balance for a second. I fell into the water, and I felt like I spent hours there. My head hurt and my body was flaming, I felt dizzy. But when I resurfaced, both Leah and Alex just laughed at me, like nothing happened.

We spent the whole afternoon surfing, then Alex drove me and Leah home. Where Leah's car was parked, ready to go home.


Weeks went by like that.

Me trying to get used to the whole supernatural situation, trying my best to keep it from Alex, although it was hard.

Me having weird episodes where my body felt like it was set on fire. I asked Sam if it was possible for me to phase, but he didn't have an answer for me. He was just as much in the dark as I was.

I was talking to Alice every now and then, trying to find out the reason for this Victoria woman to go after me.

"Maybe we could talk to the Volturi" offered Emmett once we were in the cafeteria of our high school, just talking about our situation.

"The what?"

"Are you mad?" Asked Alice. "They'd kill her for knowing about us. If not for that, then for being a werewolf."

"I'm not a werewolf."

"Well you're a werewolf's... uh, sister" said Alice.

"So what's the Valterri?"

"It's the Volturi" corrected Edward. "One of the oldest vampire covens. They're kind of the kings of our world."

"That's sick" I admitted.

"Yeah but Edward pissed them off a month ago so I doubt they'd help us with anything" said Rosalie, being the usual source of positivity.

"We could ask Kaure" said Jasper quietly. "She knows a lot of legends."

"That's not a bad idea" said Alice, taking a mental note. "Nika, tell Sam to call me. I need to arrange something."

I nodded suspiciously, but our conversation paused because Bella arrived and the focus shifted to her. My attention drifted and suddenly the weird hot feeling was back in my body. I was hurting all over, and closed my eyes for a second.

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