chapter 15

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Nika's POV

First thing I noticed was the brightness.
The moment I opened my eyes, I was blinded, and had to wait a few seconds to adjust. It was like if my brain couldn't catch up with my senses.

Then, I realised why it was too much for me in the first place. The amount of colour I saw was out of this world.

I drew in a sharp breath.

Air filled my lungs, and I realised I was hungry for more. I kept breathing deep until I felt like it was enough. I thought vampires weren't supposed to breathe.

I heard a soft rhythmic sound that was somehow also deafening. But I could easily shut it out, as I was trying to measure my surroundings more.

I decided to slowly lift my neck and look around. Carlisle was sitting next to me, with Jasper, I recognised them quickly.

"Hello, Nika" said Carlisle. It was a soft voice that came out of his mouth, but to me it was almost shouting. I looked at him again, and noticed all the details about him that my eyes weren't able to decipher before.

I always thought Carlisle looked criminally young to be a father of five. I didn't know how people bought their story. But now I saw all the years on him. Not in the form of wrinkles. In the form of small scars, reminders, marks of time. Scars that weren't easy to make out, not even to my new eyes.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. His voice was melodious. The rhythmic sound in my ears was almost like a metronome to it.

"I..." my voice was melodious too. "Am I a vampire?"

Carlisle didn't answer, and I became unsure if I even ever actually asked the question. Reality because uncertain to my conscience.

"Are you dizzy?" Asked Carlisle.

"No... I'm fine."

Ba-dumm ba-dumm.

"Can you sit up?" Asked Carlisle. I immediately tried to, but apparently, my momentum was too much, so I almost fell off the bed. I never knew my stomach muscles could work that way. Carlisle and Jasper were next to me at once, steadying me. I heard a sound and a moment later I saw Rosalie and Esme standing in the doorway of...

"Where am I?" I asked. The rhythmic sound almost didn't let me hear my own voice this time.

"What do you remember?" Asked Jasper.

"I... Alex. Then Paul. And I fell."

"And after?"

"All I remember is pain" I said. "It was unbearable."

"That's all?" Asked Carlisle. It wasn't all. My mind was working faster than what I was used to.

"Did... did Alex turn me?"

"Yes" sighed Carlisle. "I'm sorry."

"Where is he?"

"He's away."

"Away?" I asked.

The rhythmic sound picked up.

"He's with our family friends."

"I want to see him."

"Not now, Nika" said Esme tenderly.

"Why? You told me the same thing when he turned. Now I turned too. He can't harm me."

"He already did" murmured Rosalie and I was surprised I even heard it.

"Rosalie" warned Esme.

"Well where's my brother then?" I asked. "And where's Paul? He was here, he-"

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