Chapter 8: Scarlet Bloom?!

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It was a nice night in the city as the streets and road are empty of anyone or anything aorta of a construction building where we see Spider-man battling Beetle on top of the building as Spider-man flips back while Beetle fires at him while Shizuka dose what ever he can to dodge his attacks.

Spider-man: Is that the best you can do? I think Stormtroopers can say you miss a lot in a far off galaxy!

Beetle gest angry and fires more beams at him which he continues to dodge until he leaps back off the building but fires iis webs and swing around and land a double kick kick Beetle which sent Beetle to a wall. Beetle slide down to the floor while Spider-man lands and walks over to him while he tells Beetle.

Spider-man: Looks like your wings are broken. Guess that means the Spider wins, don't worry I'm not gonna eat you or anything, beside I don't think Spiders like Beetles...maybe.

Beetle: You will regret this Spider-man.

Spider-man: I think I've already regretting not taking a shower before I came out to play. I mean I smell like I fell into a garbage bin.

Spider-man sniff himself while Beelte charge up his plasma beam and quickly fire a beam at Spider-man but he dodges but the beam hits a large pillar that breaks as Spider-man sense go off meaning there is someone down there that is gonna be crush. He turn to see a pillar falling so he rushes over and fire both webs and stomp his feet as the pillar fell but stopped as Spider-man slides on the floor towards the edge but stop and struggled to hold while Beetle see this distraction and flies off while Spider-man struggled to hold it long.

Spider-man: a little bit....longer.

The floor that he is standing on start to break and crack which Spider-man sees this and soon the floor below him breaks and he fell along with the pillar as a business man looks up to see it as he scream while Spider-man fire his webs and pulled himself down faster and once on the surface he gets over to the man and stretch out his arms ready to catch the falling pillar.

Spider-man: (thought) This might break my arms.

But to his surprise nothing happen which he looks up to see the pillar glowing red with a female figure grabbing it with one hand as she sets it down.

???: You okay you two?

Spider-man: Um yeah thanks for the help? So what's your name?

She then leaps and lands on top of a traffic light as she gose on to say to the two.

???: A hero that will fight sidd by side with you for justice and to protect this nation along side you from evil. You may call me....

Scarlet bloom: Scarlet bloom!

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Scarlet bloom: Scarlet bloom!


Spider-man: (thought) Well this night is something I'm gonna to remember for now on.

Castle town dandelion X Spider-Man male reader: The nations great spidy heroWhere stories live. Discover now