Chapter 20: The Reveal

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We see a busy street as we can see cars within a stuck traffic as we can hear many cars horns bing honked as the people want to move so they can sat in their cars and wait for the traffic to move.

They wait for a bit and things seems to be nice and quiet but then there was an explosion in the distances as the people peak over of their driver side window and see what is going on. There was another explosion and another and then something was thrown into the air and then something fell and then crashed onto the guys front window.

The man got surprised and exit out of the car to see Spider-man as he lend out a groan while he turn his body to the left and land hard on the ground whike he slowly get up.

Male person: Are you okay?

Spider-man: Y-Yeah I'm good. Say, you might need to get out of here because this traffic will be far worse then you-

Suddenly black webs stuck onto Spider-man and he was thrown forward whike the citizens get out of their cars and make a run for it as Spider-man was pulled and grabbed by Vemon as he grab him by the neck and roared at him.

He then tossed him which Spider-man slammed onto the parked car and land hard onto the ground while Vemon walks towards him while he tells him.

Vemon: It's been a long while since we last fought Spider-man. Now I will finally have my revenge once and for all.

He was about to slam Spider-man which is fist but Spider-man shoot out his webs onto his eyes which blinds him a bit as Vemon stumble back and soon ripped off the webs and see that Spider-man is gone. He looks around and even lend out a roar of anger while we see Spider-man inside an abandoned building as he calls up his father and soon he answers.

Peter: (phone) Son where are you? We've been looking for you everywhere and you haven't answered my-

Spider-man: Dad it's Vemon! He's back and he tooking control of Zach.

Peter: (phone).......Are you joking son? Like, are you actually serious by now?

Spider-man: Yeah I am! I don't know how though but I'll try to-

Suddenly the wall behind him burst open, sending Spider-man flying and he crash onto the wall while dropping his phone onto the ground as Vemon enters the building while Spider-man gets up.

Vemon: Found you, time to die.

Spider-man: Like to see you try Vemon.

Vemon lend out a roar and charged at him but Spider-man leaps up and stuck onto the ceiling as Vemon rushed passed him and crashed through the wall. Spider-man lands onto thr floor and turn to the hole when suddenly Vemon leaps towards Spider-man and tackle him to the ground as the two rolled and they crashed outside of the building and land hard onto the street once more.

Vemon have Spider-man pinned as Vemon was about to punch him in the face but Spider-man shoot out his webs at his face once more and once that Vemon let's go as Spider-man leaps back while Vemon rips out the webs and roars at him.

Spider-man: Zach i know your still in there and I know you can fight it! This ain't you! I know you mad that everything is going on but I know you can do this and I know you can-

Suddenly Vemon lands a powerful punch at Spider-man, sending him flying back and crashing into a building. Parts of his suit get rip off as he fell onto his knees as he looks down at the floor and then looks up and immediately dodges Vemon's punch but he punched through the wall but he pulls out the wall and roars at Spider-man and charge at him.

Spider-man dodges his blows and punches while landing hits at him as well but Vemon seems to be a lot more stronger and faster now as Vemon keeps on throwing punches at him.

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