What Do You Say?

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You and Karl took the car to the restaurant everyone was meeting at and even though Karl was normally a very punctual person you were running late. When you arrived the party was running at a steady pace. Some people were dancing, some drinking and some just talking. Once you were inside the little hall that Karl had reserved for the party he helped you out of your coat and immediately pulled you out onto the dance floor.

"Karl I'm not a good dancer, I will step on your feet." You told him.

"That's okay, I can handle it just follow my lead." He led you around the dance floor. You've never danced with a man who wasn't your father. It was a special moment to you even though it was a normal thing for everyone else. Karl danced you all over the dance floor and neither of you were even a little winded after spending almost an hour on the dance floor.

"I think I need a glass of champagne." You giggled after you both stepped off the dance floor.

"I agree."

"How many times did I step on your foot?"

"Enough, but don't make any mistakes. I will be pulling you back onto that dance floor before the night ends." He kissed your head and handed you a glass of champagne off one of the trays going around.

The night was going great. Karl made a little speech and thanked everyone for coming and for all their hard work the past year. His eyes traveled around the room until they landed on you and that's where they stayed.

After dismissing everyone else to continue to enjoy themselves and get back to party he went straight back to you.

"That was a moving speech." You teased kissing his cheek.

"What can I say, I'd much rather be standing at your side than on a podium."

"Sweet talker."

"Of course."

You weren't one for the party scene, you liked quiet nights at home much more than a night of loud people drinking like its the end of the world. Eventually two women who also worked in the office. You never talked to them other than the normal hello. How are you goodbye. You weren't much of a people person. It took forever for you to get comfortable talking to Karl. You only spoke when spoken to until he started talking to you as less of a supervisor and more of a friend. Even then you still had trouble saying the things you wanted to to him. After a couple months you got more open but conversing with people was always hard for you.

"Hey, Y/N right. Your Karls secretary." One of the women asked once Karl walked away to talk with some of the other men.

"Y-Yes that's me." You stuttered.

"My name is Cathy, I work in the same office." She held her hand out to you.

"My name is Liz. I see you all the time as well but we've never really spoken." She held her hand out as well and you shook both their hands.

"Nice to meet you both. I apologize I must seem very rude. Honestly I'm just not much of a socializing person." You confessed.

"It's okay, we understand." Cathay replied.

"Do you want to go to the bar and get a drink with us?" Liz asked, pointing towards the open bar.

"Um, sure." You all went to the bar and ordered a drink. You weren't much of a drinker. Just another part of your innocents you suppose. You've only ever had wine and champagne you had no idea what else to drink.

"You don't really drink do you?" Liz asked.

"No, I've only had wine and champagne." You confessed.

"How about we order you something to try?" Cathay suggested.

"Uh, sure."

"One cosmopolitan." Cathay ordered for you. "Here it's fruity so it won't shock your taste buds too badly." She slid the drink in front of you.

"Thanks." You said hesitantly. After trying it you realized it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. It was, as she said, quite fruity. "It's actually pretty good."

"See." After some more conversation with the two of them you were having a good time. You were only 2 drinks in but they seemed to have a few more in their system.

"Is it true you're dating the boss?" Cathay asked.

"It is. I love him very much and he loves me. He's the sweetest man I've ever met." You told them.

"Awe, that's so sweet. You two seem to be a good couple. He loves you very much. More than he ever loved his ex wife Lotte. Which is surprising because he was head over heels for her. But he's different with you. It's hard to explain."

"The difference is I love him back. When two people love each other its different. Looking at a couple on the outside when only one is trying you tend to only see the effort one person is putting in rather than the lack of effort the other is putting in. When two people love each other it's.. Well it's hard to explain." You informed them.

"That's poetic Y/N"

"Speak of the devil." Liz said, nodding her head towards Karl who was walking towards you.

"Hello darling." He leaned down and kissed you. He could taste the vodka on your tongue. He also knew you were not a heavy drinker.

"How about another one Y/N/' Cathy offered.

"I don't think that's such a good idea." Karl cut in. "Of course you can do as you please darling but I know you don't drink much. I'd hate for you to get sick."

"I think he's right, ladies. I'm not an experienced enough drinker so I better stop while I'm ahead." You replied.

"I'd love to dance with you again, if you're feeling up for it." Karl said, holding his hand out.

"I'd love to." You smiled, taking his hand letting him lead you back onto the dance floor. A slow song that you and Karl regularly listen to at his house was playing when he wrapped you in his arms. You laid your head against his chest and let him sway you to the music. He was holding you tight, tighter than he did before. You wondered if something was wrong. About halfway through the song you couldn't ignore it anymore and lifted your head to look at him.

"Is everything okay darling? Has anyone said anything? You seem tense." You said, rubbing his shoulder.

"Hm, no, no everythings fine darling." the song had ended but he still held you tightly against his chest. "I wanted to ask you something. Something important." People were leaving the dance floor in a hurry and you were just standing there with Karl wondering what was so important that he had to ask you right now.

"Okay, what is it?" He pulled away from you which confused you even more. What was he doing? He slowly got down on one knee.

"Y/N you have made me happier than I have ever been. You have made even the darkest days in my life bright. You are the silver lining to any difficult moment I have endured. You've given my son a mother he can truly look up to and you've given me a woman who I can love unconditionally with no expectations. You made me believe in love again. I thought I knew what love was but I realized I couldn't be more wrong. Finding you was like getting an introduction into what love truly is. I don't want to experience another moment of my life without you. I love you.. Will you marry me Y/N?" He asked, presenting you with a beautiful ring.

You were speechless. Was he really asking you to be his wife? Was this a dream?

"Y-You want to marry me?" You asked in disbelief.

"More than I have ever wanted anything in my life... What do you say?" He confirmed.

"Y-Yes, yes Karl I'll marry you." You threw yourself into his arms and kissed him hard. Everyone cheered. Karl put the ring on your finger and kissed you once again.

"You might have to help me up, my legs aren't what they used to be." He joked, kissing you once more.

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