Chapter 1

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Hullo! I came up with this idea on the spot so it doesn't have to much plot for now... Tell me what you think! There also may be swearing and some sensitive themes in the book. So here's a warning.


  You know when I died I expected to go to Hell for everything I've done. Not wake up as a skeleton. A  FICTIONAL skeleton to boot. Now don't get me wrong, I love Undertale and Cross is most definitely in my top 3 AU's  but I would never wish to be him. He has a ghost attached to his very soul. A ghost that he didn't want and basically caused the X-Event in Cannon is I remember correctly.

Now that I have his memories? I especially don't wanna be him. Because in this multiverse Ink and Reaper are his brothers. You heard me. His brothers. And if I am remembering right then Ink caused the X-Event in this multiverse because Cross, who Ink is unhealthily attached to by the way, missed a meet up because something akin to C-19 was going around the AU and Cross didn't want Ink or Reaper to catch it if he was somehow carrying it.

So because Cross was being a good brother, witch ended up missing the meet up, Ink through a temper tantrum and caused the X-Event. I know in some AU's that Ink acts like a child but really? Cross was heartbroken because of what that child did. And Reaper doesn't know because he is extremely busy with his Job. Now that I think about it mabey Reaper being so busy with his Job is what cause Ink to become so attached to Cross.

Cross basically raised Ink, Reaper being so busy with his Job and the parents- well let's say their better off dead then with the parents. All Ink remembers is Cross taking care of him and Reaper being busy. I guess I can't really blame Ink, Cross or now me I guess, has been the only constant thing/monster/person  in his life. Not to mention Cro- I spoiled Ink because I didn't want him to think he wasn't loved. I held his hand through everything and never forced him to grow up.

Reaper... Well Reaper can only stand Ink in small intervals and that caused Ink to cling even more onto me and there for I continued to enable Ink. It was a cycle that hasn't been broken. Cross, Reaper and Ink were abused, even if Ink can't remember being abused. Witch led to me spoiling Ink because I didn't want to end up like our parents, and it ended with Ink being a spoiled child in a grown body. I couldn't say no to Ink and Reaper wasn't around so Ink never listens to him.

I'm the only person Ink listens to, and I enabled him. And Ink ended up as spoiled as he is because I enabled him. I adore Ink don't get me wrong both as Cross and as myself, but the fact that I caused Ink to be spoiled? It sucked and I have no one else to blame. Even after the X-Event happened Cross still adored Ink and doesn't blame Ink.

Not to mention if I'm the only person Ink listens too then does Ink even know about the balance? Or does he and just doesn't care because of how I raised him? Or does he not believe other people about the balance? I have no clue and that scares me. I know from my memory that Ink creates whenever he wants and wherever he wants but I don't know if he knows about the balance or not.

As for Reaper... Well I have mixed feelings. Don't get me wrong he's my brother and he protected me best he could while our parents were alive but... I have bubbling resentment that slowly but surely grew over years. I, as Cross, have been forced into a parent role since I was about 7ish. Raising 1 year old Ink.

I know that it's not his fault. He needed to work so we had money but I was never able to be a kid. Even after our 'parents' died. I was raising Ink and when Reaper was home I was taking care of him too. Making him his food, doing all the chores and making him get some much needed sleep. I got Mabey 4 hours of sleep a week if I was lucky. Not that the other two ever knew that.

I always told them I was fine, hiding if I was tired or if I was sick. Heck I even handled the finances and hid when we were low on money! I got a night Job to help with money without the other two knowing. Basically I was that one invincible person that was always okay, never got sick and never got hurt. The one that if I complained then it must be really bad or serious.

I'm... Also really lonely and probably need therapy. My life as Cross was me always taking care of others. Never myself.  I was taking care of Ink, and when it wasn't Ink it was Reaper. I silently suffered and didn't say a thing about it to my brother's. I didn't tell Ink because well, he wouldn't understand witch is my fault more then anything... But Reaper? I slowly grew apart from him as we grew up. Before I would tell him everything but then as we grew I didn't tell him anything.

Before I would tell him if I had a nightmare, or got hurt or if I wasn't feeling well. Now? I always insist I'm fine and that he shouldn't worry. I know he's been worried for me for a while now, years in fact. But because of how far we drifted apart he never tried to get me to tell him. It hurts. Alot. He was my rock while thing 1 and 2 were alive. But now we barley speak. Mabey once a month if we're lucky. Hell I'm not even sure if we can be called brothers at this point.

Onto the X-Event.... I'm not even totally sure what happened. All I know was that Chara and Frisk were somehow controlled by Gaster. I tried stopping it but it made it worse I think. And the others AU's weren't involved this time. So Error hasn't taken my soul in this multiverse. And the others don't know about me. So that's good, I think so at least. Anyways apparently Chara isn't the only one attached to me apparently. If I remember right then X-Gaster is now also attached to my poor soul, along with X-Frisk.

That's.... Both good and bad. Good because they probably won't bother me 24/7 because of each other and bad because I now have the Overwrite button because of this. It's... It's both better and worse then the reset button. Pro, I'm not going back in time when if I were to reset. Con? I can litterly Overwrite anything. Including someone's memories or personality. I hate it. I don't want this power. I'm not some sort of God!

Well, I wasn't a god before I became Cross. But the Overwrite button also works on other gods and even Deitys witch includes Fate and Destiny. It's over powered to say the least. I wonder how Ink got his hands on it? I'm not sure if I'll like the answer though. Now what to do... I should check myself before anything.

Name: Cross ???

Age: ???

Gender: ???

Family: (Redacted)

Soul: ??? (Redacted)

ATK: ???

DEF: ???

HP: ???

Facts: God of (Redacted)

God of (Redacted)

God of (Redacted)

God of (Redacted)

Has the Overwrite button {Hidden}

Alliance: None, Family {Hidden}

Currently Feeling: Surprised, Heartbroken, betrayed, bitter, resigned, depressed

Well it's not wrong. Though I wonder what I'm the God of? The fact that I'm the God of more then one thing is worrying though. What if I have duties that I'm unintentionally ignoring? That would not be good at all. Here's to hoping that I don't accidentally cause the multiverse to implode. God- er Stars I hope not. I actually wanna try to stay alive this time around please.

And here's chapter 1. Tell me what you think of it in the comments. Also what do you think that Cross is the God of? Let me know!

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