Chapter 5

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Cross POV

Error and Nightmare have been silently staring at my stats for a while, and I could feel the other 3 people, who I'm assuming are the murder time trio, starting to wake up. Deciding to be nice, I teleported over towards the food and started making everyone a huge breakfast. Making magic food since there weren't any groceries right now.

Before the other 3 actually woke up Nightmare and Error came into the huge ass dining room, where I was putting the food. They were still somewhat out of it, not that I blame them. I also edited my Check box, so that the others don't find out about who I am. Speaking of the others, they seem to be heading down now. Nightmare was, Once AGAIN, nestled into my emotions. I have a feeling that I better start getting used to that.

The trio all came in together, but froze when the saw someone new, some who was putting down food. From what I gathered, their short on food almost constantly if the way their looking at is an indication. "Go on and eat if your hungry, I can always make more food later". Horror was the first to snap out of it and immediately started eating as much as he could. Killer shrugged and joined him a few minutes later, with Nightmare and Error also joining in. Dust took another look at the food and simply stated "That's magic food, where the fuck did you learn to make magic food?".

As yes, apparently how to make magic food is a closely guarded secret and not very well known. I however, have known how to make it since Ink was born. I was the one always feeding Ink, even when our parents weren't dead. So I simply shrugged at Dust's question. "I've known how to make Magic food since I was around 4-5 years old. I wasn't taught or anything but my parents weren't the best and I needed to learn to cook or my baby brother would have starved to death."

Technically the truth, but I was actually 3 when I learned from our 'Mother' since she decided she didn't want to feed us anymore. I would do it since I had so much magic. I was quick to learn and after I did, Reaper and I never went hungry again. Ink has never gone hungry though. Even when bitch 1 and 2 tried denying us food. Not that they realised I learn to make magic food, I spied on our mother when she cooked to learn how.

3rd POV

What Cross didn't realize was that once he mentioned not having the best parents, all of the skeletons eyes snapped over towards him. Dust was hesitant but asked something else, "You and your brother were abused?" "Mhm, brothers actually, I was born an Out Code, No au of my own but I do have my 2 brothers. A younger and an older one. I considered the au Nightmare found me in as home before Ink threw a tantrum and erased it from reality. I'm not very close with my older brother now but we used to be. As for my younger brother? Well I was left to raise him even after our parents died and he ended up very spoiled. He doesn't take no very well either. He only really listens to me but I can't blame him."

As Cross continued to talk/rant about his brothers, the gang all just listened and quietly ate, Dust joining in with eating. They just listened as Cross talked about 'his baby brother' and how 'its my fault he's so spoiled, I never told him no because I feared becomming like our parents' or about 'how my older brother was always so busy once our parents died and my baby bro doesn't remember our parents, witch is probably for the best'. They could all tell that he deeply cared for his brothers, both of them even if his younger brother 'was his baby who he failed to properly raise'. They never mentioned it, but his older brother, wether he ment to or not, was semi abusive towards him.

They left Cross with their younger brother, for around 12-14 hours a day. They expected Cross to do all the chores and all of the cooking as well. It was like Cross left 1 toxic situation and was thrusted into another even more toxic situation. Everyone including Cross finished up their meals and went their separate ways. Nightmare left to do some more paperwork, Error went to his anti-void, Dust and Killer went to spar and Horror stayed back with Cross to help do the dishes.

Cross POV

After breakfast, everyone went their separate ways. Horror stayed back and helped me with dishes, witch I was thankful for. From what I sensed from Horror, he had very little magic. Without thinking I sent him some of my magic to help encourage the growth of his natural magic, and to boost up his reserves. I heard a quiet gasp from Horror, not a bad one per say, but a surprised one.

"Did you... Do... That?" I heard Horror ask in a quiet, rasped voice. "Yeah, all I did was encourage your magic reserves to grow since I don't sense much magic from you. If fact you have so little it's a surprise you haven't dusted from lack of magic." I then proceeded to explain to him about how to naturally boost his reserves, safely of course! I also offered to show him how to cook magic food once he had enough magic. "I... Would like... That" Horror then gave me a small smile. I smiled back and we did the rest of the dishes in content silence. This... I thought, I can get used to.

And here is chapter 5! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and tell me what you think of it so far!

Transported as Cross... with a Twist.Where stories live. Discover now