Chapter 3

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Cross POV

  Once Nightmare stepped through the portal we just stared at each other for a while. All of a sudden I felt, a poke? On my emotions I think. Nightmare continued to stare at me and continued to poke at my emotions. It felt weird not gonna lie, so I poked his magic. I felt amusement rise up when he jumped at the feeling.

Before he could say anything I spoke up, "So, what brings you here? Because I highly doubt you came here for sight seeing. Because honestly, other then Ink and Reaper not many people know of this AU." As Nightmare stared at me he started to mess with my emotions a bit. Making me trust him more? Well he is a guardian of emotions so it's not too far out that he could control emotions.

"Why are you the only monster here? What happened to the others? Did something happen?" He tried questioning me, but he was still messing with my emotions sooooo "How about you stop messing with my emotions first?" It came out more deadpan then I expected, but he did stop. "And to answer your questions, the others were erased from reality, because Ink was throwing a temper tantrum, not that it's any of your business" I shot him a look. He still hasn't answered my questions, witch I think he's trying to avoid.

I'm pretty sure he was extremely curious of me at this point since I could tell he messed with my emotions. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing to be honest. I have out a sigh and just, I'm tired okay? I've been here 6 months and only talked with Ink. Who is the equivalent of a child. While I got lost in thought I felt Nightmare starting to mess with my emotions, again. I frown. Why is he trying to mess with my emotions? What does he want from me?

"You know" I began, "You can just tell me what you want instead of playing with my emotions right?" I finished while sending him a small glare. Nightmare backed off my emotions again and looked at me, searching for something I guess? Before I know it Nightmare grabs my emotions, again. What is it with him and my emotions?!?! "Join my gang." 'What?' "So you decided to mess with my emotions and demand I join your gang? Why." I demanded.

Pls tell me that he isn't an overgrown child too. Please. I already have enough of that when I'm dealing with Ink. "Because I said so." Another tug on my emotions. "I need people and your strong" 'Yeah but you don't know that' "And it's not like you have anywhere else to go." 'I do actually but I just don't want too' "So join my gang." I gave him another look, does he not know how to ask people? Another tug on my emotions. "Do you make it a habit of tugging on people's emotions of just mine?" I asked. "Just yours."  Another tug. Yep, he's acting like a child who found a new favorite toy. And I just happen to be that toy.

"You don't even know who I am" I deadpan at him. He gave me an unamused look. "I don't care. Now let's go." Without another word one of his tenticals wrapped around me and dragged me to him. I rolled my eyes? Eye-lights? At him and then he's bringing my through the portal into a dark, deserted au. Infront of us was a castle, dark of course, and inside were other monsters. They were sleeping from what I could sense so at least they wouldn't see me get dragged around by their boss? Leader?

While I was lost in thought Nightmare ended up putting some sort of bracelet on me. While he continued to drag me to who knows where I took a look at the bracelet. It had some sort of tracking magic in it, and seemed to be trying to suppress my magic. I let it suppress it out of curiosity and amusement. Looks like Nightmare decided I'm stuck with him wether I like it or not. Wonder how he's gonna react to me being a God? 'Oh well' I shrugged, not my problem he didn't check me.

While Nightmare was doing... Whatever he was doing he... settled himself in my emotions? Well I felt his magic mixed with my emotions but he wasn't tugging on them or manipulating them or anything. He then started going downwards? "If you think I'll let you out me in a cell then you can forget it" Nightmare just continued to walk, ignoring my warning. So I kicked him. Hard. In response he made his tenticals restrict my leg movements. He then gave a harsh tug on my emotions witch actually hurt. So I just pouted while he carried me towards wherever he was bringing me. Witch at this point I wouldn't be surprised if it was a cell of some kind.

I was bored. But can you blamed me? The bracelet would tell him if I played with my magic and he wasn't saying anything. I didn't want him to know I was a god yet, its fun pretending to be a 'hostage'. Then I realised that we technically never told each other our names. So I poked him "Hey what's your name? I can't keep calling you Mr.Goopy in my head you know" not that I was but he doesn't need to know that. "Nightmare" well he doesn't want to talk. Meany pants. "Cross" I reply instead.

Then he started poking at my emotions, once again. So I poked my emotions right back. I didn't take magic so why not? I felt his magic jolt in surprise. It took everything I had not to burst out laughing, guess he isn't used to others being able to control their emotions so well. Though I'm sure he could feel my amusement is the tightening of the tenticals was any indication. About 5 minutes later we seemed to reach where Night-light wanted to go. With one last look towards me he opened up a heavy duty door and put me inside. Then closed the door so that I shouldn't be able to leave. Now what?

And that is chapter 3! What do you think is gonna happen next?

Transported as Cross... with a Twist.Where stories live. Discover now