The Seven (3)

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A few weeks had passed since Amane left, and Nene was finally getting back her feet. She had a job in a small jewellery shop, and had made a few new friends. One of them, was a boy with somewhat spiky blonde hair, who she couldn't help but describe as a golden retriever.

"Senpai! You know that back you said you wanted to read?" The boy said, running up to her.
"I got it for you!"
"You did? Thank you, Kou! You really didn't have to, though."
"I wanted to!"

The two of them began walking side by side, walking towards the shop. It was fairly early, only around 6am, which was when the shop usually opened.

Once they got to the shop, Nene unlocked the door, and they walked in. Nene set up the displays for that day, while Kou walked into the back room to organise the spare stock.

At about 8am, while Nene was standing at the counter, wiping it over, the bell for the door rang, and in walked Aoi.
"Nene~!" She said, and Nene looked up, smiling at Aoi.
"Aoi! What are you doing here? Don't you need to get your flower shop open?"
"Nope! It's not open on Fridays."
"It's not?"
"Nope! I thought you knew?"
"Guess I didn't."

Nene began to fix the display under the counter, while Aoi leaned against it.
"You want something?" Nene said, and Aoi shook her head.
"No, I just wanted to see my best friend!"
"Any particular reason?"
"I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know, but surely you've seen the news reports?"
"What reports?"

Nene stood back up, facing Aoi.
"You don't know?" Aoi said, and Nene shook her head.
"I don't watch the news. Too boring." Aoi chuckled, and continued.
"Then I'm guessing you haven't heard."
"Of what?"
"The Seven."
"The Seven?"
"Yep! They're a pretty infamous gang."
"Yeah, do you seriously not know them?"
"No, I seriously don't."

Aoi pulled over one of the stools, and pulled it over to the counter so she could lean on it.
"Well then, guess I better explain!" She said, and Nene nodded.
"Alright then, who are 'The Seven'?"
"Well, it's not easy to explain who they are without first explaining each of the members."
"How many members are there?"
"Wow. Real creative with the name!"
"I know, I know! Anyway! Let me explain first, the most well known member!"
"Go ahead."

"The most famous member, the seventh member, goes by the name 'Hanako'. Nobody's actually seen him up close, but the people that have, say he's incredibly agile."
"Yep! Some people have even said he's like a ghost, because one moment he's there, the next he's gone!"
"Why would someone who's a boy choose to use such a feminine name? Does anyone know his real name?"
"Nope. Nobody knows the real names of any of the members, they all use code names. Only a few people have managed to see Hanako somewhat close, and the people who have seen him say he looks shockingly young."
"How young?"
"Well, they can tell he's at least an adult, but describe him as really short."
"That must be pretty insulting."
"Eh, I'm sure he doesn't care. Two things that are always the same in descriptions of him, though, is that he always wears a cape and a weird hat."
"Is it at least a fashionably weird hat?"
"Don't ask me, I've never seen him."

For the rest of her shift, Aoi told Nene about all of the rumours surrounding the mysterious 'Seven', to which Nene was only half listening, because she was busy dealing with customers.

10pm. Good. That means I can go home.

Nene locked the front doors after everyone else had left, and walked towards the side door, which led into an alleyway beside the shop. She unlocked the door, and carefully closed the door.

Right before she could lock it, she felt someone kick her back, and she fell into the door, hitting her head in the process. She was about to cry out in pain, but before she had the chance, the person who had kicked her placed their hands over her mouth.

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