Chapter 4

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*this is before the date*

Harry's p.o.v:

I had left the lab to go and get a coffee from Starbucks and saw amber with some other dude and they were kissing. It hurt I just kept going and I knew she saw me because, there was a guilty look on her face.
"Harry I'm sorry. But we're over." She said with a sad tone.
"Good because I found someone better who my best friend is and I know she would never hurt me like you did." I said angrily.
"Who?" She asked a little angry. "Haley. She is amazing and she is beautiful funny and not a bitch like you."
She laughed at that comment. "That slut? She's an ugly little skank (I'm sorry Haley I don't mean it) and you'll never find anyone like me."
I got really pissed off at this. "That's the point. I don't want to date a cheating bitch." I shouted. The whole place got quiet after that.
"Listen douchebag, don't call Amber that. She is my girlfriend and I love her so, fuck off!" Her little friend said.
"I'll call her what I want." After I said that I left.

Haley's p.o.v:
I saw Harry yelling at some chick in Starbucks and realized it was Amber. The little whore had cheated on Harry with some douchebag. I realized that douchebag was my boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend. I called him and the conversation went a little like this

(The conversation goes Haley, Tyler (her ex) then Haley)

H: Hey Tyler, what's up?

T: Hey babe at home watching tv.

H: I don't think so.

T: What do you mean?

H: Look out the window.

I see Tyler look out the window with a look of shock on his face.

T: Haley I'm sorry forgive me?

H: I don't think so. We're over shithead

(Conversation over)

I see Harry walk out looking super pissed. I would call him later and talk to him. But now I need to call my brother.

(Haley, Zayn, Haley)

H: "h-hey Zayn can you pick me up?" I say crying.

Z: What's wrong sis?

H: T-Tyler was c-cheating on me with Amber.

Z: defiantly babe see you in a couple minutes.

H: ok thanks Zayn.

After I hung up I just sat on the bench that I never noticed was there. I saw Amber and Tyler walk out of Starbucks. Amber shot me a smug look that I wanted to slap right off her face. She said something to Tyler and walked across the street over to me. Yay me. Note the sarcasm.
"Hey slut." She said smirking.
"What do you want Amber? Haven't you hurt me enough already?" I asked annoyed.
"Nope" she said popping the "p".
"I just wanted to say thanks" she smirked.
"for what?" I asked.
"For ruining my relationship with Harry!" She shouted. I ruined their relationship?
Shit, I said that out loud?
"Shut up and go away Amber" I said starting to get pissed.
"Let me think. NO!" She shouted.
I got up and started walking away but she called after me.
"Where do you think you're going whore?!" That set me off. I ran back and punched her in the nose. I heard a satisfying crack and smirked.
"You think this is funny?" I replied smartly.
"Yes, yes I do" and walked away. I heard heels running after me and turned around and saw her raising her hand and waited for the right moment. When it was close I ducked and she hit the tree that was behind me and I kicked her legs out from her.
"Don't mess with me!" And I walked away like a boss to wait for Zayn.

Harry's p.o.v:
As I was walking back to the lab after going to Starbucks and breaking up with Amber, I heard shouting and instinctively grabbed for the gun that was holstered on my hip. I walked until I found the source I the shouting. It was Amber and Haley.
"What the hell?" I mumbled. I saw Haley walk away but heard Amber yell and saw her run toward Haley. Amber tries to punch Haley but Haley ducked at the last second and Amber ended up hitting a tree that I never noticed, yet I walked by it every day. Anyway back to Amber and Haley. I heard someone fall and saw Amber on the ground with Haley standing over her.
"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME" Haley yelled. Amber: 0 Haley: 1. Go her. I saw Haley walk down the street toward a familiar car. It was Zayn's car.' He only picks her up though if something was wrong with Haley." I'll call her later and find out. I walked back to the lab.

Amber's p.o.v:
I can't believe that slut beat me! Well that can't again can it? I felt someone help me up and saw the familiar brown eyes. It was Tyler.
"Hey babe. You saw that huh?" I asked a little embarrassed.
"Ya sorry babe. I didn't want to get in the middle. It was your fight not mine." He said while his eyes shined with love. "It's fine." I chirped.
"I didn't know she was that tough. She acts shy all the time. We will get her the next time we see her though." He said darkly.
"Yes, yes we will."

Zayn's p.o.v :( haven't done his in a while)
I saw the whole thing and I must say, my sister looked like a badass. I saw her walking toward the car with a smile on her face.
"Hey Zayn, thanks for picking me up.' "Any time."
"Really? So even if I'm at school?" "Yes Haley even if you at school. If its a legit reason though." I saw her slump in the seat. Then I saw her smile a evil smile. "Can we go paint balling?" She asked evilly.
"NO!" I said loudly remembering the last time.
"But why?" She whined.
"Remember last time?" I asked reminding her.
"Oh ya. Hehe you looked like a rainbow. And oh ya I yelled at the owner." She grumbled.
"Yes you did. Why did you yell at him?" I asked her sternly but playfully. "Because I thought he cheated." She mumbled.
"Exactly so we are not going." We arrived at the house and I turned the engine off and got out of the car. I walked toward the front door but found it wide open. I pulled my gun out and walked toward the door while calling Louis.
"Hey Lou could you get the team over to my house?" I asked calmly.
"Ya why? Did you drop you hair products in the toilet again? I told you last time that I am not..." He started. "LOUIS just get the team done here now. Someone broke into my house." I said loudly.
"Oh ya we will be there in a couple minutes then." I hung up after he said that.

I started to walk through the front door when I felt something go tight against my ankle. It was a trip wire.
"Hey Haley can you call Louis again and get the bomb squad over here pronto?" I asked her nervously.
"Ya sure" she said. I handed her my phone and heard her walk towards me and grab the phone. Then I heard her walk away. I hope Louis gets here soon.

Louis p.o.v:

I was in the morgue when Zayn called. "Hey mate what's up?" I answered.
"It's not Zayn, its Haley." Her voice replied.
"Oh hey Haley, what's up?" I asked. "Could you bring the bomb squad with you come over? Zayn is currently at the front door with a trip wire at his ankles!" She said worried.
"Yes I will. Just stay calm I'll be the first one there. Ok?" I replied calmly but inside I was freaking out.
"Ok bye Lou thanks." She said.
"You're welcome.'' I hung up after we said goodbye.
"God damn it" I yelled.
"What happened?" Liam Harry and Niall all said at the same time.
"Zayn is at his house with a trip wire at his ankles. We need to get over there now and get the bomb squad, Harry." I said as they were all running in different directions to do what I said.

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