Chapter 14

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*I skipped a few unimportant awkward moments....*

*next morning*

Haley’s P.O.V:        

When I woke up I felt strong arms around me. I looked over and Harry and chuckled. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me. “Hello love. How did you sleep?” he asked in his sexy morning voice. I giggled. Ugh the stupid girly side of me is showing. “I slept fine. And yourself?” I asked. He smiled. “I slept fine thanks to you.” I felt his arms pull me closer. I snuggled into the crook of his neck and smiled. “I could get used to waking up like this.” “So could I.” He let me go and got up and put on a shirt and smirked at me. “Well are you coming or not?” I laughed and got out of my warm bed whining about it. “But I like the bed though it’s warm.” He smiled and came over to me and kissed me. “Ok I’m much better now.” He smiled and grabbed my hand and we left the room to find that we were the only ones up. “Perfect. Now I can make you breakfast and not have to worry about Niall eating it.” I giggled. “Ok.” Right when I said that my brother came down.

Zayns P.O.V:

I was woken up by the sound of giggling. I know weird right. I’m usually the hardest besides harry to get up. I got out of bed and walked downstairs. I heard my sister and Harry talking. I had known that they had started dating but it didn’t mean that I was ok with it. Well I was actually as long as he didn’t take advantage of her. I walked into the kitchen and found that Harry was cooking and Haley was sitting at the table waiting for breakfast. “Hey Zayn. How did you sleep?” “I slept fine, thanks for asking. And you guys?” “Fine.” They both replied. Harry put a plate in front of me and Haley. “Um Harry what is this.” “That is breakfast scramble.” It had potatoes, egg and sausage in it. Harry placed a cup of tea in front of me too. “Thanks Harry.” “You’re welcome Zayn.” He sat down and started eating and Haley followed suit as did I. It was delicious. “Harry this is delicious.” He looked up from his food and smiled at me. “Thanks.” And he went back to eating.

Harrys P.O.V:

Ugh why did Zayn have to come downstairs now? We were perfectly fine without him. Don’t get me wrong I love him and all (brother way) but he is so protective of Haley. He would kill both of us when he finds out I had sex with his sister. But I regret nothing. “So Zayn, how did you sleep?” Haley asked him. He looked up and smiled. “I slept fine. Thanks for asking. How did you two sleep?” “Fine.” We both said at the same time. He looked at us like we were crazy.  Which we kind of were. “Well I have to go to work.” I said. “Alright. I do to so I will see you at the station.” Zayn said. I didn’t know he had work today. Oh well the more the merrier right. Boy was I wrong.

When Zayn and I got to the station it was packed. I saw Louis, Niall, and Liam. I walked over to them. “Hey what going on here?” “We don’t know. I guess were about to find out though.” Niall said and pointed to the front of the room. I looked to where he was pointing. I saw Simon our chief trying to shush everyone but it wasn’t working. He looked at Louis and Louis got the hint. “HEY EVERYONE SHUT UP!” everyone looked at Louis and shut up. Simon went on talking.

“Thank you Louis.” Louis smiled. “So I’m sure you are all wondering why I have gathered you here today. As of today I would like to say that it has been an honor working with you. I am sorry to say that I am retiring. And as of today, Paul is the new chief. Paul come up here please.” I saw a man go up to the stage and stop by the former chief. “Paul do you promise to uphold the code and honor everyone in this room?” “I do.” “Do you promise to protect the citizens of this town?” “I do.” “Then I make you the new chief of the LAPD.” (I don’t know how these actually work so just go with it.) Paul had a grin on his face and a look in his eye that was the kind of look that a crazy person who is meant to be in a psych ward. UHOH. This is bad. I looked at the lad and everyone else in the room. They all the same look on their face except Simon. Shock and realization. They knew that we couldn’t trust Paul. “This is bad. Really bad.” Niall said quietly. We all nodded. Simon looked at us and gave us the two finger point and come. (I honestly don’t know what that is about. It’s weird.)He left and went into his office.  We all looked at each other and followed Simon. We reached his office and went in. Simon was at his desk and asked Liam to close the door. Liam did. “Hello boys.” He said. “Hello Simon.” We all said at the same time. “So I’m sure you are wondering why I called you in.” We nodded. He cleared his throat and went on talking. “I called you in here because I want you to keep a close eye on Paul. He might be the chief now but that doesn’t mean that I trust him completely.” We nodded again. “You may go now.” And he pointed to the door. We got up out of our chairs and left his office and the building.

Mystery persons P.O.V:

I was finally made chief. Finally. I had been waiting for this for so long. I suppose I should introduce myself now. Hi I’m Paul. I know what you’re thinking. “Why did he blow up Zayns house and why did I try to set Zayn up with a slut.” Well I have a good reason for that. But I won’t tell you until later. On with the story now.

I was walking to my car when I was grabbed from behind. I felt a cloth go over my mouth and I passed out. When I came to, I was strapped to a chair. In the dim light, I saw a figure. “Hello? Who’s there?” The figure got up and walked into the light. It was my old friend Amy. “Well hello Amy. How are you? Looking good as always.” “Shut up Paul. And I’m doing good thanks for asking.” “You promised me I would get a date with Zayn Malik.” I opened my mouth to talk but got a slap in the face instead. “What the hell was that for? And you will get your date. I promise.” “How can I be sure of that?” “Trust me Amy, you will eventually. After all I have enough power now that I can make them do whatever I want them to.” I smirked at her. “Uhhuh. How much power do you have?” She asked me skeptically. “I am the new chief of the LAPD.” “Oh.” She said realization clear on her face. She walked over to me and undid my ties. That was a mistake. I grabbed her and put handcuffs on her. “You little son of a Bitch.” I smiled. “Watch you language missy.” And I snapped her neck. She fell to the floor with a sickening thud. I ran out of the house and called 911. I left an unidentified call. I left the scene and came back like 20 minutes later. The crime scene was surrounded with cops and citizens.  

Harrys P.O.V:

Louis and the rest of us got a call saying that there was another murder. Really?! How many girls are going to die before we catch this dude? We all got into our cars and left for the scene. When we got there Paul wasn’t there yet. So we started our investigation. Asking questions, taking evidence so on. When they wheeled the girl out, I noticed that she wasn’t stabbed but her neck was snapped. “Oh my god” I heard Zayn say. “What’s the matter?” I asked him. “That girl tried to get me to go out with her when I was dating Scarlett.” Oh that’s what. She was dressed like a total slut though. Well this was going to get interesting. “Ok Zayn you do realize that we now have to interrogate you and Scar.” “Ya I know. Just get on with it.” “OK then.” And we asked him all sorts of questions. When we had finished I noticed that Paul had arrived. Interesting. He lives just down the street though. What took him so long?

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