chapter 8

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TW: abuse, torture, not eating.



Mind link



After everyone has finished eating, Patton picks up all the dishes and starts washing.  Logan turns to Janus, Remus and Virgil and starts speaking "May I ask you some questions?"  The three in question look at each other, Virgil looked really worried, before Janus speaks "No".  The hero's all nod at them as Logan asked calmly "Do you want to stay in here to answer the questions or do you want to answer them in the living room again?". Virgil, Janus and Remus all look at each other and have a silent conversation about it before Remus gets up and runs to the living as an answer to the question. Everyone else gets up and follows Remus to the living room..

Once again, Remus, Virgil and Janus sit on the sofa (in that order) to answers the questions Logan, Patton and Roman had. Virgil starts fidgeting with his sleeves but doesn't show any emotion at all on his face.  Logan sits down on one of the arm chairs.  Roman creates himself a chair and Patton sits on the floor crossed legged again.  "Don't ask away," Janus said after a couple minutes of silence. "Jan Jan the Author is just thinking of questions that Ze will lay out in the same way ze did last time" Remus said laughing..


"alright Question one,  Janus why do you lie all the time?" - Logan 

"I don't lie and it's not a comfort to lie and it's not something that is mine that can be taken" -  Janus 

Logan quickly jotted that in a notebook he got from somewhere. 

"Question two, why were you sleeping on the floor?" - logan 

"n-no reason" - Virgil 

"Please answer honestly or I will have Roman create a lie detector machine" - Logan.

"not fine!" - Janus 

"Virggy had a nightmare that was very graphic. so me and Jan jan came and helped him" - Remus 

"a-and we aren't use to sleeping on our own or on beds" -  Virgil 

Logan jotted that down.

"Question 3, what di-" - Logan

"Why weren't you Allowed beds or a room to yourself" - Roman. 

"Bossman didn't allow it!" - Remus 

Patton gasped in shock and muttered something on the lines of "you pour things" as Logan jotted it down.

"Question four, what did you mean this morning when you said you haven't eaten in two weeks" - Logan. 

"i-it was o-one o-our punishments. not being allowed to eat for a week but we messed up a lot and haven't eaten in two weeks because of it" - Virgil 

Patton got up and hugged Virgil. Virgil flinched before relaxing into the hug and letting Patton hold him. Logan jotted it down.  

"question 5, what do you get punished for?" - Logan

"Nothing at all. when we do the work. when we succeed in a mission. when he isn't bored. when he doesn’t need entertainment. When we breathe too quietly. for nearly nothing" - janus 

Patton pulls Virgil into a closer hug, Virgil blushes slightly in embarrassment. Logan just writes it down. 

"question 6, what are the punishments?" 

"depends on how bossman feels" - Remus 

"c-could go from bring tortured to being chained to the wall for ages" - Virgil

"or could be just watching him hurt Virgil" - janus. 

Logan writes this down as Patton muttered under his break "if anyone dares to hurt you lot again, they have to face to rath of me" 

"question 7, do any of you guys have jobs outside of this villain work?" - Logan

"Umm no. me and Remus don't work" - janus


"i-i Don't work" - Virgil 

This time, Logan didn't write anything down. 

"and finally question 8, what are your pronouns? we will tell you ours as well" 

This shocked everyone in the room because no one thought Logan was going to question that but they answered anyway. "Me and jan jan use he/him" Remus said before looking at Virgil "I use he/they". Patton let's go of Virgil before saying "Me, Remy and Emile use any pronouns". He then looks at Roman to go next "I use he/they as well". Logan fiddles with his glasses before saying "he/him will be efficient". 

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