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When I reached home, I went directly to my room.

I placed the contract on my study table. I plan on reading every word on that paper later.

Well, I don't really know if I should really trust that brute. But I'll give it a chance since I'd also be benefiting from this idea.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower. As the water run down my body, passing through every curve of it, I closed my eyes.

How can the face of the man who broke my heart still manage to stay in it. I really hate the fact that every broken piece still beats for the person who caused it to shatter.

You really can't dictate your heart to stop loving, nor force it to love someone.

I opened my eyes and shook my head furiously. I can't go on like this every time he creeps into my mind.

He's happy with Coreen right now, Reese. I told myself.

I should really stop thinking about him this way. He's happy now, so why shouldn't I? Besides, he's not the only one who deserves to be happy.

When I was done showering, I changed into my nighties and went to my desk where I placed the contract.

The contract only has two pages and I'm not surprised about it, of course. Our contract is only gonna last until the party, which is two weeks from now.

I read it and everything that is written in it is exactly what we talked about earlier, so I signed it and went to bed.

I woke up early the next day, knowing that it is going to be my first day at the hotel. I really hate being late.

After getting ready, I went downstairs to have breakfast. I saw mama and dad sitting on our dining table.

"Oh, we were gonna call you for breakfast. You're a little bit early today. Are you still looking for a job?" mama asked.

I smiled at her and sat with them.

"Uh, no, Ma. Today is already going to be my first day at work,"

"That's good then. Was it the company that you applied on yesterday?" dad asked.

"It's not. The first one I applied on, ConCielo, called yesterday and told me that I got the job, dad." I reasoned out.

"What? How could they reject you and then call you after that?" His voice rose a little and his eye brows furrowed.

"And why would you accept it? Have you no pride, Reese?" His voice suddenly softened.

I almost laughed at how fast his expressions change. It's actually quite amusing that my father can be really scary and intimidating to others, even to both my brothers, but when it comes to me and mama, he just becomes a softie.

"Of course, I have pride, dad. It just happened that their offer is much better. And they're also the number one in the country, so why not?" I laughed.

"Fine then. You know what to do if you need help, okay?"

"I know, dad." I beamed and ate my breakfast.

After breakfast, I went straight to the hotel.

The offices of the hotel are basically one with the hotel. it's just that, the entrance on both part of the building is different. Well, you don't really want to have a race with the guests of the hotel in going into the elevator, especially if you're running late.

Upon entering the elevator, I felt a bit nervous because I don't know what to expect with my colleagues. I washed the thought out and just comforted myself with the thought that I'm going to be the head of that office, so I shouldn't care more about their first impression about me.

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