Chapter 6

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~Owen POV~

I slid down the vines of the alcove I had been hiding in for god knows how long. The days begin to blur together when your only goal is survival.

That place was no longer liveable for me as there was an abundance of food and it was way to hard going up and down these vines. The only thing I had eaten since I was trapped was that flesh... I ran out of spinach pretty quickly.

Sadly I had to leave my spear behind as I had no room to carry it down with me, wonder if anyone will find it. Nah probably not.

As I began a walk across the sandy beaches my fatigue started kicking in as I almost collapsed to the ground.

"Heheh." I laughed to myself, barely above a whisper to anyone else, but I hadn't drank water in a long time.

I managed to slowly walk my way to the wall, grabbing onto the hanging vines with my one 'good' arm- no my one arm.

I let out a low sigh before hearing a rustling in some bushes off to the side of me. Immediately guessing it was an attacker as it was night at the moment, I readied a javelin while leaning on the wall for support.

"Holy f-ck Owen!" Reddoons yelled the moment he saw the other. I instinctively lower my javelin at the sound of my friends voice.

"Where the f-cks your arm dude!" Reddoons yelped pointing at the bloodied mess that was an arm.

"F-fought a g-griever..." I responded, my voice low and raspy.

"Did ya win?" Red asked looking over him again.

"I-I guess... th-their d-dead and I-I'm n-not yet..." I mumbled.

"Red who are you talking to-" Apo asked before cutting himself off.

"Owen!?" Apo yelped jumping back at the sight of his former friend.

I went to speak, clearly as shocked as the other but was swiftly stopped by my own coughing. It sounded as if I was coughing up my own lungs, in the state I'm in I wouldn't be surprised if I did!

"Owen!" Apo yelled running over to hold me up.

By the time the coughing stopped Apo had realised what he'd done and tried to back away only to realise he was the only thing holding me up.

"So... what happened..." Apo mumbled, barely audible to my half deaf ears.

"G-griever..." I responded, my throat was starting to burn I couldn't bare to speak another word.

"O-oh... um have you eaten?" Apo asked very slowly now after beginning to feel uncomfortable with the silence.

All I could do was shake my head, which confused Apo for a second before he realised.

"And drank water..." He muttered helping me back to their camp.

~Time Skip~

I looked around the small camp once again, was this real? How long have I been here...? Was Apo and Red real? Or was this all a sick joke my sleep deprived mind is playing on me? I don't know anymore!

I slowly burst into tears and curling up into myself. I wanted to hide. Pretend that this was all over. I was done with all of this! Everything hurt, the only people who knew he was alive was two presumed dead people! No one would find him. He'd die here.

At least he got to see Apo again...

Soft arms wrapped around him from behind, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"W-who *cough*" I tried to say but got barely anything out.

"You ok...?" Apo whispered from behind me.

All I could do was shake my head. No. I wasn't ok and I was gonna stop fucking pretending I am.

I needed to get back to the clearing or I would die here.

Apo Just had a worried expression as he looked over me.

An idea popped to my head. I pointed to the large gash on my chest. If he didn't realise I was stung he'd realise I need medical help.

~Apo POV~

"But where- oh..." I asked before realising my own answer.

"We have to go if we wanna save him..." Red cut in from just outside the makeshift camp.

"They won't arrest you if your bringing Owen with you." Red stated.

"Maybe..." I mumbled.

"We'll it's the only way we can help him so you think about that." Reddoons stated before walking back off.

"I... uh..." I muttered while contemplating my options, one hand they might imprison me again and on the othered hand I might be the reason Owen dies.... I chose the one that felt right to me.

Lifting up Owen's now limp body before quickly checking he still had a pulse which luckily he did, it was just very slow and his eyes were barely open. I walked over to Red who was sat fishing at the small pond by the camp.

"I made up my mind." I stated while staring at Red.

"Great lets go!" Red exclaimed while jumping up from his spot and putting away his fishing rod.

~Time Skip~

We stood in front of the gate, Owen in my arms, waiting for the doors to open and to finally see everyone again. Oh dear god this'll go terribly.


Yep- idk

~Word Count: 905~

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