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Hello and welcome to this book!

The purpose of this novel is to expand on the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. These are not canon ideas- in fact, some may even go against canon (particularly when it comes to naming). Instead, these are my own personal ideas that build upon the basics of the world that the Warriors series created, giving it a rich new life with deeper culture and context.

If you see elements here that you like or would like to use, feel free to- however, credit would be lovely! In any case, I hope that you enjoy reading this for whatever reason!

Until I figure out a better format, these ideas will be listed as bullet points. Also, they will be updated periodically, so remember to keep checking back for more!

(A personal note: while I read the first three series, I only remember the first two, and only the first series in great detail, so most of my ideas will be building upon the first two arcs and the clan system as a whole).

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