Chapter 2

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Regina's Journal
Duth 28, 1809

    Mama has given me this journal for Blessings of Jubilee. She says that I am to record my thoughts as well as things for my Practice.      

    I'm so excited to begin training! I just wish I had a master who could teach me more than Mama. But there are none with the gift for hundreds of miles and I'm needed at home to help work the farm. Maybe in a few years when crops are more plentiful and more help can be hired I will be able to find one.

Regina's Journal          
Jul 1, 1810         

    I woke a plant from its sleep today. That's not too impressive though since I've been able to do that for a year now. What's great is that it's a plant I'll be using for my first potion. It's only a draft to encourage sleep but I'm so excited. I'll go gather the rest of the herbs later today.                       

Regina's Journal
Jul 18, 1810

    The candle maker's son has begun to linger around the farm. He does work but always tries to talk to me. He's a dull boy though. I prefer the tailor's son, Tyette. He makes me laugh.    

    Mama has started to cough an awful lot. I made her a tonic but it didn't seem to help.  

Regina's Journal
Favil 27, 1810

    I have not written for so long but I haven't had the time. Things are getting bad. The King's soldiers have marched through town and more come daily. Papa says they're gathering at the border because an invasion is coming. The soldiers are taking our food and animals and leaving us with little. People have begun to talk that war is about to come down on our heads. We are so close to the border. I pray it isn't true.      

    Mama is getting worse. The doctor can't determine what the problem is.           

Regina's Journal
Morik 15, 1810

    Mama is too ill to leave bed. She's in horrible pain. The only relief she finds is in sleep. I've gone through her book and made every healing tonic and potion but nothing works. She's grown so thin and fragile.    

    I'm afraid.      

Regina's Journal
Morik 18, 1810  

    The battle on the border has begun. They keep bringing wounded into town and have us give up our homes and medical supplies for them. I wouldn't mind helping if they'd have let Mama stay in the house. The soldiers have told us we are to live in the barn for now while they keep our home. The nights are so cold and we are not allowed a fire as the soldiers are worried it makes us too easy for enemy soldiers to see.

Regina's Journal
Anglus 1, 1810

    Mama is dead.

Regina's Journal
Anglus 3, 1810

    Papa says we must leave. Our home is too dangerous and now that we've buried Mama there's nothing left for us in this country. The fighting is getting closer. Cannon fire echoes in the valley like continuous thunder. I hear soldiers whisper we are losing.

     The village resembles a ghost town as more and more people abandon their homes in the night. The butcher, candle maker, and tailor were the first to leave. Papa says this is the new King's fault.   

King Leopold entered a foolish agreement which when the time came he did not honor. Now his people pay the price as the jilted country gains more ground every day.      

    Mama told me I must take her book and as much from her stores as I can carry to continue the Practice. She feared this new land may hold different elements I know not. I don't know how I can Practice without her guidance. Even though she never had the gift Mama trained with ones that did. Now I must forge a path alone.

Regina's Journal
Anglus 25, 1810

    We leave tonight. We stayed as long as possible to gather food we'll need. I fear we stayed too long. In the distance fires from both armies can now be seen and cannonballs are landing in our town. It's getting harder to recognize the place where I've spent all my thirteen years of life. We have a long journey over land and then across the sea to an island called Myras. Papa knows people there.

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