Chapter 10

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Lilly was sat in the passenger seat of her partner's car and was exhausted. The revelation that Scotty was the father of Bean, their resulting argument, and Bean's first kick had finally caught up with.

Dinner with Scotty's parents had gone better than she'd expected, although having now met his mother she knew where Scotty got his interrogation skills from. Rosa Valens would make a fine defective.

Upon entering the house Scotty's father, Ramiro, had greeted her warm and had even given her a hug and her bump a rub. Rosa on the other hand had simply nodded to her and had been rather standoffish the whole evening, often excusing herself to the kitchen. Rosa's foods had been delicious and dinner had passed relatively smoothly, with Scotty and his father coming to her rescue on several occasions chastening Rosa in quick fire Spanish when he comments were out of hand. Things with Rosa had been terse, but civil, whereas Ramiro had seemed genuinely excited about his next grandchild.

It appeared that Rosa's main concern was that seeing as neither Scotty nor Lilly wanted to get married, or even live together, that Lilly must be using Scotty to get the baby that apparently every 30+ woman desired. She feared that Lilly would just dump Scotty and the Valens family once she had gotten when she wanted. Despite Lilly's reassurances this was not the case, the fact of the matter was, unless there was a wedding between Scotty and Lilly then Rosa just saw her grandchild being taken away from her once Lilly had given birth. However, there had been no out and out shouting matches and for that she was grateful. It actually comforted Lilly that Rosa cared so much about Bean already, she doubted her mother would even care if she knew she was pregnant. An unwanted grandchild to go along with an unwanted kid.

"Your mother's right you know." Lilly said as she turned towards Scotty who was currently driving in the direction of Lilly's house.

"About what?" Scotty asked confusedly.

"We haven't talked about were Bean is going to live or how this is going to work practically. I mean who is going to look after Bean when we're at work? Then hours we pull, getting a sitter is going to be hard, and I don't think any child minder is going to like being woken up at 4AM because we have a case."

Scotty had been thinking about these problems from the moment he had found out Lilly was pregnant, but so far, had only been able to come up with limited solutions.

"I signed a new lease on my apartment just a couple of weeks before we found out about Bean so I can move move until next summer at the earliest. It's only a one bedroom apartment so I figured that Bean would live with you, but I would take the baby on my days off and get a travel cot or something. I mean, for the first few months you'll be breastfeeding so Bean will have to stay at your house anyway. Once my lease is up, I'll get a two bedroom place so that Bean can have his or her's own room."

Lilly though about his proposal. She did have a second bedroom at her house that she currently used as her office. Realization dawned that her office was going to have to be cleared out and become Bean's room, another change she was going to have to get used to. She hadn't even thought about breastfeeding, the idea of it unnerved her somewhat. A baby sucking on her breast for food just didn't seem right, but then growing a little person inside her seemed bizarre too, although here she was doing just that she thought with irony.

"Guess that makes sense." Lilly said.

Scotty continued. "Work wise, I could get my parents and Alegria to help out. As for being on call, I guess we can ask to be put on different rotas so that Bean will always be with one of us if we get that 4AM phone call."

"Alegria?" Lilly queried.

She'd not heard him mention a sister before and there had been no female baby photos in the Valens' house, although there was  a rather cute one of a baby Scotty with a mop of curly black hair. Who knew his hair was naturally curly?

"She's my sister-in-law, Lil, and she's a stay at home mom to my nephew, Emilio. He's so excited to be having a little cousin by the way that I'm sure she'll be happy to help out, if only to keep Emilio happy." Scotty replied with a warm smile.

Lilly recalled seeing a picture at his parents house of a man a little older than Scotty, a woman about the same age, and a toddler and figured this must have been his brother, Alegria, and Emilio. She wasn't sure if she was happy with having to rely on Scotty's family so much, but what choice did she have? She didn't like the idea of leaving Bean with a stranger, given what she knew people were capable of through her job, and it wasn't like her mother or sister were in the picture to help out. She wouldn't have trusted them to look after Bean even if they were.

"I'm not sure you're mother will like that." Lilly hypothesized. "She hadn't exactly been the warmest person at dinner tonight."

"Nah Lil, she's just annoyed at the situation and scared she'll lose her beloved grandchild. As soon as Bean gets here and she realizes you're not going to run off with it, she's going to want to spend every minute with the baby. It drove Alegria crazy when Emilio was first born and Mike, my brother, had to have a serious word about boundaries." He replied with mirth in his voice.

Glancing across at Lilly quickly he saw the worry in her eyes and grabbed her hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Hey Lil, it's going to be fine. It'll all work out." The conviction evident in his voice.

Lilly just nodded and stared out the passenger window watching the lights of the city pass by.

The rest of the journey passed in silence and twenty minutes later Scotty pulled up outside Lilly's house however, when Lilly didn't move to get out he realized that she had fallen asleep. With the light from the streetlight casting a soft glow over her face Scotty just sat and watched her sleep for a few moments. She just looked so peaceful and he didn't have the heart to wake her, especially as she had looked so tired earlier on. A part of him felt guilty that it was her body that had to go through all of this and he just got the good part at the end.

Reaching down he grabbed Lilly's bag that had been resting by her feet and quickly found the keys to her house. Getting out of the car and unlocking the door to her house, he returned and gently lifted Lilly out of the car and brought her into her home, carrying her up the stairs and resting her delicately on her bed. He removed her shoes and turned her onto her left side as he remembered reading that was the best side for pregnant woman to sleep on, something about it being good for circulation. He decided against undressing her, granted he had seen her naked before but now it just seemed inappropriate, and instead pulled the blankets up around her, tucking them in tightly around her sleeping form. Lilly's cats appeared then and give him a death glare before curling themselves around Lilly protectively. He chuckled to himself at that.

He stood and watched her sleep for a few minutes. She just looked so relaxed and peaceful, so different from the Lilly he saw everyday at work. He didn't know what happened then or why, but a strong wave of affection came over him. Maybe it was the fact that Bean had kicked for the first time earlier that day, maybe it was the way the moonlight was dancing over Lilly's milky skin and blonde hair, but he bent down and brushed his lips gently over Lilly's forehead.

"Night Lil." He whispered as he caressed her bump lovingly, his hand once again feeling a slight movement under the blankets. "You too Bean."

With that, he left, making sure to lock up as he went.

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