Chapter 4: Is This Love?

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Ash quickly walks inside. "Please don't have let those idiot robots done anything to the boss." He mumbles under his breath. As he entered the main stage area, he notices his boss is sitting with a woman. His boss notices him and waves for him to come over. Ash holds up one finger, so show that he will in just a moment. He quickly walks to the office and hides his backpack then goes back to where his boss and mysterious woman. As he got closer, Ash realizes that it's not an older woman than he thought, it was a teenage girl that looked about his age. He went and sat down beside his boss, on the opposite side of the table from the girl.

"This is Ash. He has been working here for about, what, 4 nights now Ash?" Boss asked.

"Yes sir. 4 nights tonight." He replied.

"Ash will be working with you from now on. Congrats, you finally have some living company Ash." Boss said with a smile.

"You don't know the half of it.." Ash mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" Boss snapped quickly at him.

"Nothing Sir." Ash says with a sigh. "Come on newbie, I'll show you where to hide *cough* sorry, where do our job." Ash says to her with a smile.

They walk to the office and their boss leaves. Ash quickly looks at the clock, 12:10am. He quickly hurries the girl inside and closes both doors.

"Uh, what are you doing?" She said scared.

"What? Oh wait sorry I should've explained why I did that. Those robots we're suppose to "watch and protect" actually move and try to kill us. The doors are to keep them out of the office. If the doors fail then we're basically screwed, but I came with a surprise in case they did get past the doors." He says pointing to where his backpack was.

"Oh.... Wait, what? But boss said that they don't move!!" Panic was starting to enter her voice.

"Hey calm down. I've dealt with these things before. I've actually talked and ate pizza with them. Just relax and don't do anything rash. I'll convince them to leave you alone." He said, trying to reassure her.

"O-ok..." She was slightly shaking.

"What's your name kid?" Ash asked with a smile.

She had electric blue eyes, long blonde hair that was in a ponytail. She was about a foot shorter than he was. And by looking at her chest, he guess she had triple D's. She had a small scar on her right cheek, faint but still there. Was was wearing in black skinny jeans and the white security shirt like his. It was the jobs uniform.

"My name is Sarah." She replied with a smile.

•Sarah's point of view•
I looked at this teenage boy who seemed like he wasn't that much older than me..... And damn he was hot. "Holy shit he's so fine!! God I just wanna rip his clothes off and see what's under them." She thought to herself. He has short brown hair, but not too short. His majestic green, blue and grey mixed eyes looked into mine and I melted. "How can one boy be so handsome?" She though to herself.

•back to third person pov•
Sarah kept looking into Ash's eyes. He ruffled her hair and laughed. A huge smile appeared on his face.

"Well Sarah, congrats on signing in a job that will almost or get you killed." He said with slight sarcasm and seriousness in his voice.

"Oh ok..." She said nervously.

There was a thump on the left door, causing both of them to jump. A sound of metal scraping against metal pierced their ears. It grew louder and louder.

"Oh no, please don't let it be..." Ash trailed off as he went and checked the cameras.

He quickly flipped through the feeds until he found Pirate Cove. The curtains were thrown wide open and Foxy was nowhere to be seen. Ash quickly flipped through the other feeds to see if the other animatronics were in their usual spots. Not one of them was seen on any of the cameras.

"Well ain't this a great day so far." Ash said as he quickly changed the camera feed to show right outside the left door. And to his surprise Freddy was standing there a few inches away from the camera looking directly into the lens. Ash yelled and jumped back. A evil grin appeared on Freddy's face, as he began to rip the camera out of it's place, killing the feed. Ash quickly changed to the right door camera feed, only to find another Freddy but with gold fur doing the same, ripping the camera out. Ash quickly sat the laptop down and ran and grabbed Sarah and lead her over to the desk.

"Hide under here and don't say a word or make a sound. No matter what you hear, don't come out until I come get you, ok?" He said, trying to remain calm and keep her from panicking.

"Ok I trust you. Please don't forget about me though." Sarah replied getting under the desk.

"I won't. I promise." Ash said with a smile.

As he went to leave Sarah grabbed his arm and pulled him down to her level. She leaned in and kissed him. A heat grew in his face and his heart skipped a beat. As Sarah pulled away, she could see Ash's face was blushing. She smiled and let go of his arm. Ash slowly stood up and walked around the desk. The power went out completely and the doors opened, letting a cold breeze enter and leave the room. Ash's mind was elsewhere though.

"Why did she kiss me? We only just met. I don't even know her last name. I don't even like her like that. Do I? No, I don't. I like someone else. But who? Chica? Bonnie? What about Foxy? She's taken care of me more than anyone. She's treated me better than most have. But what about the others? Chica and Bonnie would be crushed and would hate Foxy and I." He thought to himself.

His mind was so occupied that he didn't notice Freddy had been standing in the left doorway watching him the whole time. Freddy watches him with interest. And almost as if reading Ash's mind he finally says a word.

"You might want to pick one before it gets out if hand. Don't worry about the reactions afterwards. I'll help you out if it comes to that. You need to find out who makes you happy. Best choice is to make you're decision before your shift is over. Oh and I'll tell the others to leave the newbie alone." With that last sentence Freddy pats Ash on the back and leaves to tell the others.

Ash stands there dumbfound. He finally begins to think about what Freddy and told him. After a good hour or so Ash has a idea of how he will approach it. He goes back to the other side of the desk to retrieve Sarah. He helps her out from under the desk.

"Go home. I can handle the rest of the night. Don't worry bout the animatronics, they'll leave you alone." Ash said calmly.

"Ok." She replied and walked out the door.

Ash stood there for another few minutes then made his way to pirate cove. As he stood outside the curtain, he slowly steadied his breathing and stepped inside the Cove. The walls were still covered in the writing, but it had all dried by now. Ash started to search for Foxy, but didn't have much luck. He finally found her sitting on the model ship, and went and sat beside her. They sat there in silence for a while, not speaking but just sitting there. Ash laid his head on her shoulder.

"Hey... Foxy..." He began to speak.

"Yes?" She replied.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you and for not thanking you enough." He started to tear up a little. "No one has ever taken care of me but myself, until on my birthday when you went and brought me some clothes when I had fallen asleep. It's means a lot to me Foxy, and I don't know how to repay you."

Foxy leaned in and kissed Ash on the lips. It wasn't a shut up already kiss, nor a I want you now kiss. It was a its about time kiss. She held it for a good minute before stopping.

"You don't need to thank me love. Just being able to have a friend like you is enough." She said kindly.

Ash smiled and slightly blushed. Suddenly his mind clicked, and at that moment he finally knew.

"Foxy... I've been thinking about a few things... And after that kiss I came to an conclusion. I think... I think I'm in love with you Foxy." He said shyly.

She took his hand and held it in hers, interlacing their fingers together. She leaned in again and kissed him on the check, then laid her head on his shoulder.

"I feel the same way dear. I've just been waiting to see if you did or not." She said letting out a deep breath.

A smile slowly appeared on Ash's face. They sat there for a while, with her head on his shoulder and their hands still together.

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