maybe you provoked her

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Bella's POV:

I came here to my younger childhood town; forks Washington, one of the smallest and dreary towns there was, it rains almost every day so it's common courtesy for rain coats to be in style.

My mother remarried to a guy named Phil, he's not a bad guy and he makes mom happy but I didn't want to get in the way of her travels because it killed my mom to be away from Phil even though she tried to cover it up; saying she was greatfull to spend time with me, which she was. But I could see it in her eyes. You see Phil plays ball, professionally for an occupation. So he would often have to travel.

So I decided to come live with Charlie in forks, charlie is my dad but I'm really not aloud to call him Charlie to his face.

We were at the airport and I was about to board the plane.

"You sure you got everything?" Mom asked

"I'm sure" I asured her, we've been standing here the past twenty minutes me trying to convince my mom I'll be fine

"You sure you're okay?" Mom asked

"Yes, mom. I'm fine" I asured, with a smile

"I'm just gonna miss you so much" she hugs me "are you sure you don't want to come with us, there's always room for one more" she asked for the tenth time.

"No, mom I'm fine with going to forks. I'm sure charlie needs some company down there" I say

She sighs "you're right, I love you say hi to Charlie for me, alright?"

"Of course, love you too" I say and she gives me one last squeeze.

"Be careful"

"You too" my mother has somewhat of a hard time taking care of herself she's like a child in some ways, doesn't take responsibility for anything, so I'm glad she has Phil.

The plane wasn't that long; Three hours and ten minutes.

When I arrive at Charlie's house he gifts me with an old red truck, even though it's old I absolutely love it.


It was the first day of school and apparently I'm not completely alone because there are lots of people talking to me, almost as if we're all best friends, I don't know. But they catch me up with everything and everyone in this school at lunch time.

Then at the outside enterence to the cafeteria I see a group of really beautiful people and when I say beautiful I mean beautiful.

"Hey, Jess who are they?" I ask the girl with curly hair named Jessica,who I have trigonometry with.

"Oh, them?" She asks quietly "those are the Cullen's; doctor and Mrs Cullen's foster kids, they moved down here from Alaska a couple years ago"

"Who is who?" I ask curiously

"That odd gleefull girl with the short spiky hair that's Alice, and that one beside her with the curly blonde hair who always looks in pain that's jasper"

"And then that insane looking muscular dude that's Emmett then there the insanely beautiful Rosalie" she continued

But I see two more kids behind them, are the most quiet smiling and whispering to eachother but not in a flirtatious way. More like loving brother and sister.

Then I see the boy nod over to that Emmett guy the back at her she looks up at him (because he's a couple inches taller then her but then again the girl looks about my hight) and her smile widening almost mischievously.

She quickly skips/sprints twords Emmett, knocking his shoulder, with a surprising amount of force, earning a scowl from him but she keeps her head high with a devilish smile and continues to a table, meanwhile the boy in the back laughs at her audacity to piss off Emmett, but I honestly think he was incuraging her. Soon the rest of the kids join the girl at the table.

I think Jessica catches me staring because she speaks up "oh, that's Edward and Y/n they're the youngest, Y/n likes to get into trouble alot by teasing Emmett I don't know why. But her and Edward have a really strong bond, she can be a really big bitch sometimes" now that caught my attention

"How so?" I ask turning my attention away from the family

"One time Lauren said 'why are you so ugly?' to her though I think she was just jealous, she said back 'sorry girl I'm not a mirror' I mean who does that!?" She says

"Maybe you provoked her" I shrugged

"Ugh! Provoked her? Please. You'll see, you'll see" she says shaking her head

But I can't help but understand that girl I mean I not gonna start pointing fingers untill I get to know her. I break out of my thoughts and turn back to Jessica.

I exhaled "you ever hear of 'dont judge a book by its cover'?" I say

She looks at me a little surprised, I then grab my lunch tray, get up and leave the cafeteria because honestly I don't want to be around those brats I mean everyone deserves a chance Jessica. I shook my head whatever.

I get through the rest of the day without a problem, I didn't let Jessica's snide aditute effect my day.

When I get back to Charlie's house I have dinner, unpack some stuff, call my mom then go to sleep.

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