yeah, well I'm quite strange

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"where are we?" Edward asked

"We're here" you say

You point out a huge castle in the distance behind the forest.

"Oh, cool" he says

You get to the castle and walk up to the entrance.

Big metal gates

You pull

It's locked

You step back "hm"

You grab Edwards hand and teleport you inside.

You scare the crap out of a student because when you get there the first thing you hear is;

"Holy fuck!!" A boy says

You start laughing

After a second he takes a deep breath "you're the new kids aren't you? Vampires?"

"Uh, yeah" you say

It's so weird to have people know what you are.

"Well we better get going" Edward says to you as he puts an arm around your shoulder and we walk down the corridor the only thing you hear is the clicking of your shoes

When you get hear you listen to someone saying a speech.

"Boring boring boring blah blah blah" you say

Edward smiles humorously with a light laugh

"Now, I welcome our new students: Edward Cullen and Y/n Cullen!" The person says

You and Edward walk through the doors.

And see thousands of eyes on us.

"Okay I'm over this" you say

Then you run up the the front so fast to a normal person it would be a blur.

You hear alot of the students gasp.

Edward follows after you earning another round of gasps.

"Now miss Cullen will sit on this stool?" Professor McGonagall says although you have no idea who she is

"Um I can stand" you suggest

"Y/n just she says" Edward says

You huff and sit down.

She places a ragged old hat on my head; the sorting hat

"Ahh! Very ambitious, also cunning and witty, definitely resourceful. I think SLYTHERIN!!" The hat says and you're imediatly confused a shocked.

What The Fuck?

"You may take your seat over there" McGonagall says pointing to a table on the other end of the hall

"I think I'll wait for my brother" you  say

She sighs and Edward sits down on the stool

"Hmm kind, and very loyal. I see better be HUFFLEPUFF!!" The hat said again

Wait it said to different things. What does that mean? You think

"Edward?" You say

He gives you a faint but warm  smile and gently kisses you forehead after a quick embrace.

He then leaves to another table on the opposite side of the hall.

Then you know what it means.

You sigh a walk over to the 'slytherin' table per say.

Everyone at the table is looking at you some scaredly some disgusted some curious some with admiration.

You notice a dark boy extend his hand to you with what looked like a genuine smile.

You keep you poker face on.

"Blaise, blaise zabini" he says

"Y/n Cullen" you say taking his hand

"So are from around here?" He asks

"No actually, I'm from the states" you say

"But your accent?" He questions

"Yes, well I was born in Britain but I've lived most of my 'life' in America" you say "I guess I just never lost the accent" you shrug

"How strange" blaise says dazed

"Yeah, well.. I'm quite strange" you say

"Blaise, why are you talking to that monster?" A boy beside with platinum blonde hair says

You scoff and he turns to you

"What's your problem?" He sneers

"Not very friendly" you mock

"Stop being such a grouch Malfoy, she's a really nice girl. And quite frankly I don't know anyone wouldn't talk to her; she's fucking gorgeous!" Blaise exclaims

"Yeah, well looks aren't everything. Still doesn't change the fact that she's a blood sucking monster" he scoffs and glares at you.

(Unfinished chapter)

y/n cullen Where stories live. Discover now