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We were back in my car with the windows up so Dawn wouldn't have to worry about her hair. She really outdid herself this time, she looked great. I had opted for something a little more toned down, so that all the attention went to her.

   I was a major "Dawn advocate" tonight.

   But still, I had pinned my hair back to try and control it a little and put on makeup so I didn't look completely dead. I didn't go out often, only when Dawn dragged me out and it was nice to be able to look a little better than usual.

   The ride there went smoothly, except for Dawn complaining about my music. Not that that wasn't out of the ordinary. Jake had let her know that Posy would be waiting for us out front and Dawn made a face when she read the text out loud.

   "Hey," I started, "It won't be bad, okay? Just try and make things right." She shifted in her seat a little, as though the thought alone made her uncomfortable. "I'm pretty she hates me from high school."

   I shrugged slightly, keeping my eyes focused on the road so I wouldn't miss my turn. "We all had bitches we hated in high school. But that's high school, you know?"

   I wasn't sure if my advice was helping and I'm sure Posy didn't hate her but they definitely had some animosity going on that could make for an awkward night.

   "What'd I say before?" I began again, "Try and bond over the music." Dawn pulled the sun visor down to look at her makeup nervously in the mirror.

"What if that doesn't help? What if I'm the issue?" She asked, glancing over at me sideways before widening her eyes in realization, "What if I give off bad vibes?"

"Just- try not to?" I offered, wishing I could be of more help. How could she not know the reason Posy didn't like her? I'm sure she did, but it wasn't going to stop her worrying the whole car ride there.

"I need her to like me so Jake will like me." Dawn sighed, pushing the sun visor back up in exasperation. I didn't say anything to that. I wasn't sure what to say.

If that was the only reason she wanted to get along with Posy then this would be a long night.

Finally we pulled up to the theatre, having to park alongside the street because the small parking lot was full. Dawn checked her reflection again before getting out of the car with me.

As we approached the theatre I caught sight of Posy, who began waving us over. She threw an arm around my shoulder, pulling me in close for a quick hug, before doing the same with Dawn, much to her surprise.

As Posy ushered us inside I caught her eye and she shrugged. "I'm a little drunk." But Dawn didn't have to know that. She seemed content with Posy's gesture after a car ride of worry.

"Do you wanna go to the back to see the boys first? It's still early." Posy asked and Dawn nodded eagerly. Without any other questions, Posy walked to a side door which led to the backstage of the theatre.

I took one year of theatre in high school so I couldn't for the life of me remember all the terminology, but we were all huddled on the side of the stage where there was space.

As I ran over all the possibilities of what everything was called, I felt a hand on my back. I turned quickly to see Sammy. "Hey!" He said, throwing both arms around me now that he had my attention. "Danny, look who's here to see us!"

Sammy exchanged me for Dawn while Danny came over to give me a side hug, a smile spread across his face. "Glad that you both could make it." He said, giving Dawn a quick hug too.

"You'll do great kid." I assured him, flashing him a thumbs up. Josh came running up next, a bouncy little ball of energy as he hugged Posy from behind. With his arms still around her, he extended a fist to me and I tapped mine against it.

He was grinning from ear to ear and I could tell he was racing with adrenaline for the show. "This is gonna be fucking great." Josh said, more to himself and Posy than anyone else. I wasn't sure how Josh was by himself, but from what I could see whenever he was with Posy, it was like they were in their own little world.

"Where's Jake?" Dawn asked, looking a little worried.

"Depends on who's asking."

We turned to see Jake coming up behind us, smiling wide. He hugged Dawn first and I swear I could see her melting. "Hey Charlie." He spoke as he pulled away from her.


Jake came over to my side and wrapped an arm around my back for a quick side hug, same as Danny had done. But his fingers lingered a little longer as they slid down to my waist, before he quickly removed himself from my side.

"You wouldn't happen to have a cigarette, would you?" Jake asked, running his fingers through his hair. He looked nervous. I would be too before playing in front of all those people.

I raised an eyebrow but still nodded as I reached into my bag to pull out the new pack. He motioned towards the door at the back, which I was guessing led outside behind the theatre.

"Anybody else want one?" I called out and was immediately followed by the whole group. "Nerves." Sam explained as he saddled himself up beside me. "I thought big performers like you guys wouldn't get nervous." I teased and he stuck out his tongue.

"On the contrary," Josh spoke up from behind me, "It's completely natural for us to get a little nervy." He reached over my shoulder to grab a cigarette from the pack before continuing, "Cause we can't get really drunk until after the show."

He grinned at me before offering the cigarette to Posy, who politely declined. He gave her a big kiss and stuck the cigarette between his lips immediately after.

"Did anyone bring a lighter?"

tongue tied - jake kiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now