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I had sat in the back seat of the big SUV, my knees curled up to my chest, and wishing I was back in bed. Dawn sat in the front with Jake and he was saying something that made her laugh. I had learned early on in the ride that tuning them out was the best option.

I pulled my big t-shirt up and over my knees, tucking my arms in like a little kid. I saw Jake glance back every so often in the rear view mirror, but I pretended not to notice.

"Charlie, you're being so quiet." Dawn whined, looking back at me. "I am dying back here." I answered, shielding my eyes from the sun that shone in bright through the windshield. Jake was watching me through the mirror again and I heard him rustling around up front.

I couldn't see what he was doing and I wanted to tell him to pay attention to the road but I also didn't want to get called bossy again. Even if he liked it.

He thrust a pair of sunglasses back towards me, his eyes going back and forth between the road and the mirror. "Here." He said firmly and I reluctantly took them from him. They were big chunky brown sunglasses and I couldn't help but give him a questioning look back in the mirror.

"They're Ronnie's, I think."

I slipped them on, staring through the big lenses that took up a majority of my face. I knew I probably looked funny and looked up towards the mirror to see myself. Jake's face came back into view, a smile tugging on the corners of his lips.

I made a face back at him, which earned me a quick glimpse of his smile as it crept onto his face. I decided that if today were going to run smoothly I'd attempt to be on my best behavior.

Jake and I were friends- I'd opened up to him about a few things last night before things went south and he'd still been so nice to me today. The least I could do was try not to be a pain in the ass.

Keyword- try.

"Ronnie was so sweet in highschool." Dawn spoke up suddenly, trying to start up a conversation with Jake again.

"Didn't you call her a whore our junior year?"

Well, damn.

Dawn looked caught off guard and quickly began to explain herself. That was my cue to stop listening again. Not my pigs, not my farm or however that saying goes. None of my business.

We arrived back at the hotel the boys and Posy were staying at, Jake shooting them a quick text to let them know we were here. We waited silently and I looked out the window in my big sunglasses.

Minutes later I saw them coming out the front entrance, Josh in the lead with his and Posy's pinkies interlocked. As they approached the car Posy's face lit up, seeing me in the backseat. "Charlie!" She called out as soon as she opened the door.

I offered her a meek smile as she scooted in next to me, throwing an arm around my shoulders. "I bought some advil." She whispered in my ear, shaking her bag a little. "And weed. Jake told me."

Of course he did. But I couldn't be mad at that, not even if I tried to be. "Thank you, I'll take the whole bottle please."

Posy grinned, shaking her finger at me. "Let's start off with two, okay?" Josh shoved himself in next to her, holding out a water bottle to us. "We have chocolate too." He said, before quickly lowering his voice, "Jake told me."

Jesus Christ.

I smiled at them though, because I really did appreciate their kindness. Jake turned in his seat to look back at us and I gave him a small smile too. He wanted to help, I knew that. And like I said, I was trying to be on my best behavior.

Sam and Danny piled in the very back of the SUV, leaning forward to see what was going on. "I love your sunglasses." Sam said, poking them lightly with his slender finger. "They're your sister's, I think."

"Impeccable taste, that one."

I felt a little better already. The group seemed to have that effect on me.

"Can we listen to music?" Danny yelled out from the back as we began to drive off. Jake nodded, looking back at me. "Charlie, you wanna pick a song?"

"Oh God no." Dawn uttered under her breath. She hated my music. "I'm not sure if you all will like it." I responded, suddenly feeling a little self conscious about my taste.

"Nonsense." Josh assured me, smiling wide. "Okay," I began to say and I could see Dawn's growing frustration from the front seat. "Jennifer's Body by... uh- Hole."

"Hole?" Jake repeated and I nodded. "Yeah, Hole." His eyes flickered to mine in the mirror for a fleeting moment and the music began playing over the radio speakers.

I wasn't sure if everyone would like it, but I enjoyed it and that was enough for me. Nobody was complaining though, at least not yet. I could see Dawn shifting in her seat and I knew she hated it.

"Can I play the next song?" I heard her ask Jake, who simply nodded in return. She smiled as she began to pull off her t-shirt to reveal her bikini top. "It's so hot today."

Jake didn't seem to pay her any mind, his eyes trained to the road in front of us. Dawn looked back at me, her eyebrows knitted close together and I could tell she was upset by the lack of attention Jake was showing her. I gave her a sympathetic look, pulling down my sunglasses just a bit to try and reassure her with my eyes the best I could.

I was exhausted already and we weren't even to the lake yet. The song blared throughout the big SUV and I could see Josh tapping his fingers along to the music.

"This is good shit Char." Sam yelled out to me from the back, Danny nodding in agreement. I tried to hide my grin as I pushed my sunglasses back over my eyes and let the music fill my ears.

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i love this song so I added it up at the top if y'all wanted to hear it. hopefully i did it right :))))

tongue tied - jake kiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now