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   After their show ended, we made our way backstage to see the boys. Josh immediately wrapped Posy up in a hug, swinging her around in his sweaty arms. Dawn ran up to Jake, hoping for the same reaction, but he gave her a quick hug, before turning back to all of us.

   "So?" He asked expectantly, a huge grin across his face. "You all did so fucking good." I assured them and Sammy rushed towards me, scooping me up in a hug. I laughed as my feet dangled in the air from how tall he was.

   "Sam." I heard Jake murmur, his tone firm and I was immediately set back down on the ground. "Sorry Char. I get excited." Sammy explained, still smiling though as he ran back over to join Danny.

   I raised my eyebrows at Jake, who pretended not to notice. "Y'all were amazing, especially you Jake." Dawn spoke, resting a hand on his arm. She was really using all her best moves tonight.

   Jake smiled at her and she went to speak again before Josh cut in. "Well fuck me huh?" He joked, laughing at himself. "Shh, you did great. Be quiet." Posy giggled, waving him away.

   "Let's get food?" Danny yelled out and everyone began shouting over each other where we should eat. They finally decided on this little burger joint that, according to Sam, also had really fucking good salads.

"Jake, ride with us." Dawn ordered, looping her arm through his. "Okay." He agreed after a moment, glancing over at me quickly. We made our way to the car, Jake having to stop several times to say hello and hug everyone. He really seemed to love it.

Once we were in the car, Dawn and I in the front, Jake in the backseat, we headed towards the burger joint. I went to turn my music on but Dawn subtly shook her head. I clicked my tongue and turned it on anyways.

My car, my music. Yes, I was one of those people.

"Charlie." Jake said abruptly and I looked at him in the rear view mirror. "I'm sure you're aware that Sam probably has a crush on you."

"Good for him." I retorted.

"Just saying." Jake shrugged and I gave him a look in the mirror once again.

"You do know he's just a baby right?" Dawn asked me and now it was her turn to get the look from me. "Yes I am aware Dawn."

"But that guy you were talking to at the concert didn't look like a baby. He was cute." She noted, bumping my elbow a little with hers.

I didn't even know she had noticed that. "Yeah, he was cool." I commented, avoiding Jake's eyes in the mirror. "Who was it?" He asked, clearly trying to get me to look at him again. I reached up to adjust the mirror so he was out of my view.

Jesus Christ.

I pulled into the parking lot of the burger place and put the car in park. "Well you two, this has been riveting conversation but sadly it must come to an end. Please get out."

"You're no fun." Dawn pouted, before lowering her voice, "You're telling me at home." I shooed her away as we got out of the car. I knew I'd have to tell her anyways, not that there was much to tell.

We made our way inside, meeting up with Posy and the rest of them who had already gotten us a big table. It was a homey little place, with little pool tables and a bar in the back. "Now I see why they wanted to come here." I whispered to Posy who grinned back at me.

Once again I was sitting in between Posy and Dawn, with Josh at one end of the table near Posy, and Jake at the other near Dawn. Sam and Danny sat across from us, immersed in their own conversation.

Jake reached out across the table to bump his fist against Posy's. "I was proud of you tonight kiddo." She smiled and he looked at her fondly. "Thanks Po." His eyes flickered over to mine as he spoke to her again, "I see you're sitting next to your new bestfriend."

Posy laughed, setting her head on my shoulder for a second. "She's great, don't you think?" Before Jake could speak, Dawn interrupted. "She is great."

I could tell she was a little irritated, but quickly gained her composure before anyone else could notice. "Fucking fantastic some have called me." I said, shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly.

Everyone laughed and I was relieved to notice that even Dawn had cracked a smile, despite her prior frustration. When our waiter came by, we all ordered our food and began talking about the show.

We were deep in conversation when I heard somebody come up behind me. "Oh shit, is that Charlie?"

I already knew. I turned around and sure enough it was Lee, the guy from the show. "Woah, I haven't seen you in ages!" He exclaimed and I snorted. "How have you been?"

"Lee, it's been so long." I managed to get out between my stifled laughter. "Guys, this is Lee. I met him at your show, like an hour ago."

Josh was watching in amazement and I almost laughed at his reaction. He would get along great with this guy. "Nice to meet you Lee. I'm Josh." He said immediately, his eyes still wide with curiosity.

Sam and Danny introduced themselves, along with Posy and Dawn. When it was Jake's turn, he managed a smile as he spoke to him. That didn't stop him from raising an eyebrow at me after Lee's attention had moved.

"You all were great, really." Lee grinned, before turning his gaze back to me. "Hey, would it be cool if I got your number?"

I slowly nodded, surprised by his boldness to ask right here in front of everyone. "Do you want me to give him your number?" Jake asked and I whipped around to look at him. "I know my own number."

"Just trying to be helpful." Jake shrugged and I could feel Josh's eyes darting back and forth between us as he watched. I turned back towards Lee and gave him number quietly, hoping everyone would go back to what they were doing.

"Great seeing you again." Lee smiled and I offered him one in return. No need to be bitchy, he was cool. "Hey, there's that smile again."

"Are you one of those guys that think women owe you a smile?" Jake asked suddenly and I turned to stare at him. He broke into a spiteful grin. "I'm just kidding. Nice to meet you man."

As Lee walked away, Josh clapped his hands together. "Amazing. That was amazing. I loved that guy."

tongue tied - jake kiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now