Ch 5

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It has been three days since the fight and everything was almost back to normal. The prince was training and so was the others.
Jeonghan and Jun were trying their best to defeat the prince and Wonwoo and Minghao were working on their skill when a footsteps interrupted them.

A young lady, her soft features, big shiny eyes, long brown hair, her shy smile looking as beautiful as ever. Everyone stopped seeing her walk their way.
Jeonghan smirks, " Bet prince is going to have another proposal."
Everyone waited for her to stop by the prince but she walked past stopping in front of Minghao and Wonwoo.

" What the..? She wasn't here for the prince," Jeonghan whisper shouted and everyone was confused.
The prince can see the young lady talk to Wonwoo and a blush appears on his sun kissed skin. The prince wasn't liking the scene one bit, his heart was burning from jealousy and the thought of Wonwoo accepting the proposal eating him alive. His heart drops when Wonwoo and the lady excuse themselves and walk to God knows where.

Minghao came running to them, " I don't know whether to be happy for them or be sad for you," he told the prince.

" What do you mean?," The prince asked.

" Seeing your crush getting a proposal and walking away without knowing the answer might be hard for you," he smirks.

" What crush? Who?" The prince tried to defend himself.

" Oh please, prince. We all know you like him," Minghao and Jeonghan said at the same time. Jun's eyes widened in surprise, " I don't know about it. Why don't you tell me?" Minghao sighs, " Come here, you dummy. Let's practice again."

They all started from where they left but the prince can't stop thinking of Wonwoo and that lady. His mind was playing different scenarios that could happen and he didn't like any of them.

Wonwoo was gone for an hour or so and the prince walked back and forth, anxiety building in him. He decided to go to his hyung's room. As he opened the door he found his hyung checking himself in the mirror.

" That idiot…," Wonwoo mumbled, rubbing his neck, unaware of the other's presence.

" Hyung? What happened?," The prince asked, walking towards Wonwoo, who jumped up from the sudden voice behind him.

" Huh? W-why are y-you he-re?" Wonwoo stuttered, quickly covering his neck with the collar.

" Hyung, what are you hiding?" Mingyu asks in his deep voice, sending shivers down the latter's spine. The prince walked until Wonwoo was trapped in between the prince's arms and the wall.

" Min-gyu…." He whispers, the intimidating gaze of the prince making him feel small.

Mingyu tries to remove the collar and look at his hyung neck but Wonwoo quickly covers it with his hand.
" W-what a-re you-u do-ing?," He stuttered, making the prince more suspicious.

The prince held Wonwoo's hand down and quickly removed the collar before his hyung could do anything else. His blood boiled seeing a red-purple kiss mark sitting on his hyung's delicate skin.

" What is all this?" The prince demanded. Wonwoo sighs, not wanting to look weak for forcefully getting a kiss mark from a lady, he wanted to keep it a secret.
On the other hand, jealousy was making the prince more and more angry, no one else had the right to touch his hyung, he wanted to kill the girl.

" Why do you wanna know?," Wonwoo says, not wanting to reveal anything.

" Huh? What do you mean why?" The prince asked, confused.

" Yeah, it has nothing to do with you. It's between me and that lady," Wonwoo answered.

He's right, Mingyu has no right to invade his privacy. But the prince wants to monopolise his hyung, he doesn't want to share him with anyone.

" No, it's not only between you two. It also concerns me," the prince said, looking straight into Wonwoo's eyes.

Poor Wonwoo looked confused, first he was ashamed of his kiss mark, second the distance between him and the prince was making his heart beat fast and third those pink lips of the prince was tempting him to kiss them.

" It concerns me, I don't like you near anyone else because I like you. No, I love you," the prince confessed, making the latter's eyes and mouth go wide.

" W-what? Don't play around with me," Wonwoo says, trying to get away from the prince's arm but the prince held him tight, " Does it look like I'm joking. No, I'm not, I love you, Wonwoo hyung. I've loved you for a long time. I was afraid you would reject me and I'll destroy our relationship but seeing you with someone else. I can't control anymore," the prince finished.

Thousands of thoughts bombarded Wonwoo's mind. 'The prince likes me like I like him. He was jealous of me like I was. He loves me. Oh my god, I can't believe it's true. I feel like dreaming. But is it right for me to tell him about my feelings. What are you even thinking stupid? This is your chance to confess to him too.'

"I… I… " Wonwoo tailed, can't form the word he wants to speak.

" Hyung, I know you might not like me. I'm sorry, I must have scared you. Please, just forget what I even told you. I'll take my leave," Mingyu says, turning to leave but a hand holding his wrist stopped him. He turns around to face a blushing Wonwoo, " I.. want to.. tell you.. that I… too love you. I love you, Kim Mingyu."

The prince can't believe his ears, he swiftly pulls the older into a tight hug and rocks him, " Hyung, thank you. I'm so happy today."

Wonwoo smiles when he feels flowers blooming in his heart.

" Ah, hyung, let me ask you," the prince says as he pulls away from the hug," Jeon Wonwoo, will you be my boyfriend?"

A tear fell down from Wonwoo's eyes and he was overjoyed. He pulled the prince into another tight hug, " Yes prince, I'll be your boyfriend. Thank you for loving someone like me."

Date: 5 May 2022

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