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The sunshine peeking through the windows of the castle started to light up every corner. 
"Kim Mingyu, what the hell was this?" The 15 years old Wonwoo shouted as the 14 years old prince tricked him and threw him into the hot bathtub which was meant for the prince.

"Wonwoo hyung, look at your face, it turns red. You look so cute," the prince told the older and cupped his face, making thousands of butterflies dancing in the older's stomach. 

Wonwoo has grown up from a small abused boy to a strong talented boy. He was assigned to be with the mischievous prince all the time. It was an honour for the older to have this job assigned but it wasn't good for his heart at all. He doesn't know why but his heart beat faster for the prince. Wonwoo who doesn't talk to anyone and only replies with a word or a nod can go hours talking and listening to the prince. He felt special being with the prince. 

" Mingyu hyung, what have you done to Wonwoo hyung?," The younger prince, Kim Hongjoong, who had just entered the room asked.

" Oh, Hongjoong it's nothing. Why are you here?," the prince asked and Wonwoo dried himself in the corner.

" Father, ask me to remind you of the classes you have today," the young prince said and ran away.

" Hyung, are you coming with me?" Mingyu asked.

" No, I've to practice with uncle Jungkook," Wonwoo said and both went their separate ways. 

After a heavy practice with his uncle Wonwoo makes his way to be with the prince only to find the teacher hanging upside down from the ceiling. He quickly helped the teacher and comforted him. " Kim Mingyu, you..," he mumbled, angry and annoyed.

He ran and stopped at the place he knew the prince might be. There lay the prince at the soft grass in between the beautiful flowers and tall trees. The safe place of Wonwoo that only the prince knows about.

" Yahh.. Kim Mingyu, why did you do that to your teacher?" Wonwoo shouted as he stomped towards the prince.

Sitting up from his nap, the prince yawned and looked at Wonwoo with his half open eyes. Wonwoo's heart skipped a beat and he forgot all his anger.

" Hyung, I was bored without you. I just wanted some fun," the prince smiles.

" But traumatising your teacher is not fun," the older glare and the younger giggles and shrugs as the older sighs. 

The sight in front of Wonwoo didn't please him at all, he was feelings burning in his heart. A Princess has come to visit the prince and now both are laughing and talking. Not liking it very much, Wonwoo ran away wishing the burning sensation in his heart would stop.

He bumps into the strong body and falls down, " Wonwoo, are you alright?" The gentle voice of his uncle Jungkook was heard as he helped the boy to stand up.

" Yeah, sorry uncle. I'm fine," Wonwoo said, but the older man wasn't buying it. Seeing a huge frown and sad eyes were enough to know that something was wrong.

Jungkook gently placed his hand on the latter's shoulder, " Wonwoo, I can see through you, you know this right. So tell me what's wrong."

Wonwoo didn't want to lie to his uncle but still wasn't ready to tell anyone, so he told his uncle, " I don't know why I'm feeling this burning sensation in my heart when I see my favourite one with someone else."

Jungkook was first surprised then chuckled, " Wonwoo, baby, you're just jealous. It's an emotion that every human feels. Who were you jealous of?"

" Is it good or bad to be jealous?" The younger questions.

" Hmm.. it depends on the person you're jealous of or for. Sometimes when you truly love someone you get jealous when they are with someone else," Jungkook explained and Wonwoo nodded.
" But you don't answer, who were you jealous of?" The question again makes a tint of pink appear on Wonwoo's cheeks.

" Uhmm.. uhmm.. Nala.. yeahh.. Nala.. I was jealous that Nala was with someone else," Wonwoo said and the older chuckle ruffled his hair.

" Boy, you can't lie to me, I can see through you. Tell me about that person when you're ready and if you've any other problem you can go to your uncle Jimin and uncle Taehyung," Jungkook told him as he took his leave and Wonwoo decided to go to his uncle Jimin and uncle Taehyung. Right now he needs someone to talk to.  

Date- 15 Feb 2022

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