Part 11

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Tob shivered in excitement, before noticing and calming down again. Sheriff blew out a breath silently. Tob led Sheriff over to his truck. It was a bright red pick up truck, it looked like an older model—explaining the cigar-type remanence smell coming from Tob, hoping his truck didn't smell like the early 1900's too. Sheriff had noticed that some paint near the front grill was flaking off, as Tob  opened the passenger door for him. Sheriff slowly got in the truck, not thanking Tob. Tob sat down on the driver's side, starting the truck. It rumbled, slightly shaking before the engine flared to life.

2 minutes went by. Sheriff was looking out the window, when Tob struck a conversation with him—clearly uncomfortable with the silence. 

Tob) So... Where are you headed?

Sheriff didn't catch what they had said, looking over at Tob. 

Sheriff) Hah?

Tob briefly looked over at Sheriff, before focusing his eyes back to the road. 

Tob) Where are you headed?

Tob repeated. Sheriff yawned, for the first time in what felt like ages.

Sheriff) My office..

Tob opened his mouth, then closed it again as he passed a silver car on the highway. Sheriff was honestly surprised he still had his office. He wondered why Auditor hadn't taken that from him yet, or maybe he was planning to. He guessed Auditor had acquired all his agents, though. 

Tob) Your office?

Sheriff) Yeah.. 'm the Marshal of Nevada. 

Tob looked over at Sheriff- who was now looking out the window again, his hands loosely laid in his lap. 

Tob) Marshal, ay? How's that working out for you?

Sheriff shrugged, not really knowing what to respond with.

Sheriff) It's.. fine.

Tob chuckled.

Tob) You got someone to look after?

Sheriff tensed. His mind instantly thinking about Happy Hank. It wasn't the same, though. It would never truly be the same. How would Skittles ever forgive him? He didn't need to ask.. it was obvious. What he did was unforgivable.

Sheriff flinched when Tob playfully punched his shoulder—suddenly remembering that Tob had asked him a question. 

Sheriff) A-ah.. no...

Tob nodded, smiling at Sheriff again. 

Tob) I see. 

When Sheriff didn't feel like talking to Tob anymore, they turned the radio on, changing it to a Rock & Roll station. Sheriff continued to look out the window as Tob started tapping on the steering wheel to the beat of the song that was currently playing.

Tob had continued to "jam" to the music on the radio, for like,  20 or so minutes, before he slowly turned it down.

Tob) Just showed up in Nevada, Sheriff!

Sheriff turned over to Tob, offering to guide him. Tob gleefully accepted Sheriffs offer, not hesitating whatsoever. Tob did whatever Sheriff had instructed, eventually pulling up to an agency-type building which held Sheriffs office somewhere inside. Sheriff opened the trucks door, getting out. 

Sheriff) Thanks, Tob.

Tob chuckled.

Tob) I'm coming with you!

Sheriff stared impassively at Tob. He didn't want Tob to get in the way. 

Sheriff) That's really not-...

Sheriff trailed off, as Tob climbed out of his truck. Instantly, Sheriff grumbled.

Sheriff) Don't worry about it-

Tob interrupted Sheriff by placing a finger over his mouth—to which Sheriff did not like. He didn't want to be touched by this—practically stranger; especially sense it seems like they've been flirting with him—and sure as hell didn't want any form of sexual relationship between the two—not having feelings for Tob, never willing to gain feelings for Tob. Sheriff shoved Tob away, way more gentle then he had intended. Tob just laughed. 


Sheriff) Damn.. does this guy know anythin' 'bout personal space.??

Sheriff mumbled, when out of earshot. He was walking through the building, surprised that there were still agents walking around on patrol. Tob followed closely behind Sheriff—despite Sheriffs displeasure with Tob accompanying him. Tob had kept replying with, "Oh don't worry about it! I've killed here and there in my day." And: "I'll be fine!" When Sheriff lied that it was too dangerous, as the reason he so much objected Tob tagging along. Tob also used "getting lost" as an excuse. Obviously bullshit. 

Tob eventually fell in-step with Sheriff. Every so often their hands touched, making Sheriff cringe. They stopped when facing a door, held beneath a gray sign that read: Sheriffs Office. 

Sheriff entered, Tob stepping in after him. Sheriff froze when he saw Auditor sitting in his chair, staring up at him—eyeing Tob. His elbows on the desk, with his hands held together in-front of his face. Sheriff shook his head, not wanting to have another fight with Auditor. Was he going to take his office now, too?

Sheriff) I.. I don't want to fight you, Auditor. 'f you want my office, you can just have it..

Auditor) Piss-brain!!

Auditor stood up, slamming his hands on the desk before Sheriff could say anything—causing him to flinch. Auditors eyes squinting as Tob hid behind Sheriff—resulting in an uncomfortable grumbled response from Sheriff. Auditor shook his head, leaning onto the desk with his hands. 

Auditor) I'm here to make a deal with you, not to take your office. 

Sheriff stared wearily at Auditor, stepping closer, and away from Tob; who was slightly trembling at the sight of them. Neither men said anything, though the reasons for both, completely different. Tob was stunned, maybe even too scared to speak, where-as Sheriff was simply waiting for Auditor to continue.

Auditor) You give me what I want, you can have Happy Hank back. Simple.

Sheriff blinked. 

Sheriff) And that is.?

Auditor shook his head, sitting back down.

Auditor) We talk about this in my office. Can't have unwanted eyes prying.

Sheriff didn't need an explanation, it was clear who Auditor was talking about. Finally. One thing they had in common. Neither of them wanted Tob here. Although, it was also clear that Auditor wouldn't say anything more, unless he accepted the deal—then and there. He knew Auditor didn't make unfair demands, but he hated having this deal a mystery—that is, until he finds out.

Sheriff) Fine.

Bringing You Down With Me (Skittles/Happy Hank X Sheriff )Where stories live. Discover now