Part 13

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He yawned, not realizing he had fallen asleep. When he slowly opened his eyes, he sat leaned against a cold stone wall. Red light radiated through the only window in the room; though it was faint. He whimpered quietly as he stood—his legs nearly giving way underneath him. He fumbled to make it over to the window, the wind blowing cold air into his face as he gripped the 3 thick metal bars that kept him from jumping out. He looked out to the world from where he stood. 

The ground was pale red, with a dry chalky-looking texture, the skyline fading from red to black as the sun started setting. He shuddered as he felt someone's gaze pierce through him. 

?) Oh. You're awake. 

His grip tightened on the bars before releasing them, hesitantly turning around. 

Skittles) Auditor..

Auditor chuckled quietly, stepping closer to Skittles. 

Skittles) What do you want from me.? 

Auditor) Isn't obvious? You're my bait. 

Skittles froze, staring at Auditor. He seemed unsure of how to respond.

Skittles) That's not a good thing to do.. 

Auditor) What do you know about good things?? 

Auditor snapped back at him. His voice harsh. Skittles seemed shocked, surprised at Auditors sudden mood change. Had he said the wrong thing? He wanted to show Auditor that he respected him, so maybe they wouldn't have to argue. 

Skittles) I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset-

Auditor interrupted Skittles, silencing him as he pushed Skittles against the wall; by his throat. 

Auditor) I did not come in here for your pity. 

Skittles slowly nodded, hacking as he held his knees to keep him upright—when Auditor released his grip. Auditors red eyes gleamed as Skittles slowly looked up at him. 

Skittles) H.. how did you.. get me- here..?

Auditor huffed, rolling his eyes. 

Auditor) Of course you change the subject. I've had you for a while now; it doesn't matter how I got you. Though I was luckily able to try a few of our newer serums on you as you were unconscious for so long.  

Skittles' eyes widened. He didn't want to be some test subject. Auditor laughed at Skittles' dismay; obviously trying to make Skittles uneasy. 

Auditor) So, don't be surprised if you have some weird reaction. 

Auditor later disappeared, leaving Skittles still standing there—wondering what to do with this newly learned information. There was nothing he could do. He had to accept what was happening. Accept that this was no dream. Though he just wanted to spread some happiness to escape this forsaken madness.. the madness had come to him.

— - —

Sheriff huffed, as he and Hank ran. Sheriff stayed a little ways behind, not at all comforted by the fact that Hank actually wasn't trying to kill him for once; though he was glad Hank wasn't mad at him.. well not yet anyways. 

Hank suddenly waved at a car driving by, and it pulled over. The grunt driving had rolled down their window, and spoke something to Hank. Sheriff who was farther behind, caught up to Hank as he started dragging the grunt out of their car though the window. 

Bringing You Down With Me (Skittles/Happy Hank X Sheriff )Where stories live. Discover now