Part 16

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[ Thank you everyone for the support for this story, I am so, so happy!! I appreciate the reads and the favorites; every notification makes me smile. I  really do appreciate everything, so I hope you like this new part! ]

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Happy Hank woke up however long later. Neither The Sheriff nor Hank was on either side of him. Sheriff's shirt though, was laid over-top of him. He felt his face heat up a little when holding onto the torn fabric. He stumbled out of the small shack they'd made the night before. 

Hank wasn't anywhere in sight, but The Sheriff was running a hand through his hair; pacing around a few feet ahead from where Skittles stood.

Skittles) Sheriff.? Where's Hank?

The Sheriff perked up when hearing Skittles' voice, staring at the shirt that was clutched in their grasp.

Sheriff) Aha- He left-.

Skittles stood, staring wide-eyed at The Sheriff.

Skittles) W-what do you mean he left.?

Sheriff) I woke up early last night and saw Hank sittin' on the ground. Asked him what was up and he ignored me, sayin' that he wouldn't be here in the mornin'.

Skittles stayed quiet, his gaze moving to the ground in front of him. 

Sheriff) He told me he was goin' to Nexus City, though. Told me how to get there from here. 

Happy Hank sighed quietly before smiling a little as he gazed up to stare at The Sheriff's face. 

Skittles) He trusts you, Sheriff.

Sheriff quickly shook his head.

Sheriff) No, no-. He hates me.

Sheriff's response made Skittles giggle a little, stepping closer to him. 

Skittles) Well, maybe he doesn't trust you; but if he left me alone with you than he knows you can protect me. Not like I can't defend myself-!

Skittles added when The Sheriff smirked at them.

Skittles) He thinks I'm "innocent" and "naive."

The Sheriff coughed, agreeing with Hank for once.

Skittles) Are you alright?

Happy Hank was directly in front of The Sheriff, staring up at him. The Sheriff dipped his hat down to cover his face. He wondered why they were worried over a fake cough. 

Sheriff) Y-yeah, I'm fine.!

Skittles smiled a little, handing Sheriff back his shirt—not that there was much to give anyways.

Sheriff) T-thank you, Happy..

Happy Hank nodded a little when The Sheriff smiled back. He turned away, lifting his hat back up as he folded the shirt. His mind ran through all the events that had recently happened.

Sheriff) Hey, Happy.. How are you doing.?

Skittles looked up at The Sheriffs back—which was covered by his jacket—and stared silently for a few moments. He hadn't really thought of his feelings. 

Skittles) I-I don't know.. 

He looked to the ground when The Sheriff turned to face him.

Sheriff) Somethin's wrong, Skitz..

Happy pretended not to care about the silly little nickname again, but he really did like it. He tried to seem interesting in the dusty, dirt.

Skittles) I'm not upset or sad.. But I don't feel any happier, either. My body is so sore and I feel so, so heavy. 

The Sheriff stared at Happy Hank, frowning. He softly grabbed them, holding them tightly in a hug.

Sheriff) I'm sorry. 

Happy Hank gently pushed The Sheriff away, walking slowly towards the shack.

Skittles) I-I don't want your pity.. I just want to stop this Madness. I want everyone to get along, I just want everyone else to be happy. 

The Sheriff's eyes widened a little with the way Skittles was speaking. Were they talking down on themselves like they were below everyone else.? 

Sheriff) Skitz.. please come over here an' let me embrace you..

Skittles stopped in his tracks, slumping his shoulders as he turned around, walking up to The Sheriff, allowing The Sheriff to pull them into a hug. 

Sheriff) Please don't worry, everythin' will be alright..

The Sheriff smiled a little and Happy Hank looked up at him. The Sheriff felt his face heat up at the same moment his heart tore when he stared down into Skittles' teary eyes.

Past the guilt and worry behind their round eyes held kindness and empathy. Hidden behind that, The Sheriff was sure they hid love and pain.

The Sheriff held Happy closer to himself, holding on tightly. Skittles didn't pull away, even as The Sheriff gently placed a hand on their face; softly stroking their cheek with his thumb. His hand seemed to slide perfectly in with the soft curve of their face. Skittles leaned into The Sheriff's gentle touch. 

Skittles) T-thank you..

The Sheriff smiled, staring down at Happy Hank whose cheeks were tinted a faint pink. He stared down at their soft, light lips; which curved into a small smile.

The Sheriff leaned closer, finally closing this distance between them both. Happy Hanks eyes widened, his face getting hot as this became more then just an embrace. 

The Sheriff continued to hold their cheek but placed his other hand on Skittles' waist, pulling them closer.

The Sheriff noted that Happy leaned into his touch again and had closed their eyes. Their cheek was getting noticeably warmer against The Sheriff's hand as they gently wrapped their arms around The Sheriff's neck. He slowly pulled away, smiling.

Skittles panted a little, unsure of what to make of the situation. The Sheriff held him close, staring down at his face. Their eyes were the prettiest teal, a deep blue ring around their iris that streaked inwards; shining with small golden flecks. It complimented his sweet, soft-shaped face.

Skittles) S..-Sheriff..?

The Sheriff raised a brow.

Sheriff) Hm.?

Skittles) Why.. did you do that.?

The Sheriff sighed quietly, holding Skittles close. They didn't pull away, leaning their head on his chest as they hugged him.

Sheriff) I know you may not forgive me for what I've done in the past; but I want to make it right. I know I may never be as close to you like your siblin's.. but I want somethin' more than your family has. I want to be with you, Skitz. I want to see for myself how you truly think.. An' that's okay if you don't with me, because I'd fully understand. What I've done to you should be unforgivable.

Skittles remained quiet for a moment, staring up into The Sheriff's eyes. 

Skittles) Sheriff...

Skittles) I already forgave you a long time ago. 

Bringing You Down With Me (Skittles/Happy Hank X Sheriff )Where stories live. Discover now