Torn Between Bad Boy and Prince Charming

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Life's A Beach: Chapter 12: Torn Between Bad Boy and Prince Charming

I rolled out of bed with my blonde hair mangled and a throbbing headache pierced my skull from all of the crying. If you want to know, I did cry myself to sleep. While I cried myself to sleep that night, I could hear Luca peacefully snoring through the paper thin walls. It eventually halted. Thank goodness.

I hope he has the worse hangover of his life.

The only thing was, Nelly didn't react the way I thought she did. Most of all, she didn't even react. She just told me to head up to bed and she somehow managed to drag Luca upstairs to his room. Silence is deadly though. I'm sure we were going to get punished somehow. The guilt of my failed responsibility poured out of my eyeballs.

I stood in front of my full body mirror in the morning disgusted. My eyes were a dull grey instead of the live blue I was used to. My sun-kissed hair was limp and fried from the smoke at the club. Old make up was smeared across my cheek. My skin was a deep tan. I guess that was a plus besides the pinkish sunburn peeling on my left shoulder.

I scrambled into the shower to wash my worries away and hurried back to my room. The smell of the ocean water still lingered in my hair no matter how many times I washed it. I loved it. I quickly slipped out of my clothes and draped a fresh towel around my torso. I tugged on Nelly's blue swimsuit and felt butterflies erupt in my stomach.

I was waiting for the moment.


I yanked open the sliding glass door and was greeted by the hot Florida summer air wrapping around me. A slight breeze tousled my damp hair over my shoulder and the blazing sand crunched beneath my toes just how I imagined it would. With every crunch, every little worry and problem slowly crumbled away. With every lap of a foamy wave, a bad memory was lost. Just being on the beach cleared my mind. 

As soon as the towel dropped from my torso everything just slipped away. The blue strapless suit made my tan look extra good. I was actually proud of my tan that summer.

The noon sun had already made an entrance and I felt the vitamin D entering through all of my pores. In the best way. I spread out in the sand and dug my body underneath the warm sand which stirred everywhere. It spilled across my flat stomach and found it's way into my wild locks. I fetched a magazine out from under my arm which was complimented with a bottle of fresh lemonade that I found in the fridge.

"Perfect" I rambled to myself and flipped through the pages in the up-to-date teen magazine

I skimmed through pages with overly-skinny models who resembled twigs, impossible-to-do hair tips, and not-so-cheap makeup brands until one article struck me.

Torn between two opposite boys?

"Yup" I replied before taking a swig of the crisp lemonade that hydrated my dry throat

My throat was cracked from all the screaming and crying the night before.  I didn't even want to remember anything. The acidic liquid soothed the pain and the gruesome memory away.

Is one boy Bad Boy while the other is Prince Charming?

"Spot on.." I grumbled and continued reading the page

It's always the Bad Boy that reels you in with his player ways and mischievous personality. Beware he's a heart breaker, but he can kick ass . Prince Charming may seem too gushy or dull, but he will never break your heart and can sweep you off of your feet.

"Telepathy" I groaned and scanned the gushy pictures on the sides of perfect couples

I could just picture myself with both Jasper and Luca in each scenario. Luca punching faces and Jasper riding a stallion.

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