T H E D A Y I S A W Y O U . . .

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it was a cold, winter night out on Toyko. the streets were filled with chatter amongst people, snow falling down gently unto the middle of my palm. i should've been home, but i was wondering the streets, instead. "right, why am i out here anyway?'" i had said to myself. if i could say so myself, i was the odd one out on the streets that night. medium black hair, pericing red eyes, with a scar on my right eye. "hey, look at that boy..shouldn't he be in bed?" i could hear them. the voices were coming back to hunt me again, they would come in pairs, leave, then they'd come back to hunt me again. they were the only things i could come to, to talk to, though they hurt me sometimes. that's what friends are for? right.. i could hear them, the whispers out on the streets, i can sense danger, i sense when war is about to start, i had a dreadful yet ever so delightful feeling inside my body, walking home that night up that snowy, dark mountain. dad was probably passed out drunk, mom was probably out cheating again. nothing changed. nothing would ever change. all i ever asked for was a soft, yet painful death. that way i could atone for my sins. mom used to tell me what happened to sinner and bad people, they get punished, pushed around for ages till they stop moving. she used to show me pictures of  men and women getting their limbs ripped apart- torn apart. then they'd eat their limbs. i sighed at thinking about that. *creek* "huh?" i shot my head back behind me. . . something was following me. . . i looked at the ground and saw footprints, but they were human sized. "hmm, well buddy looks like it isn't big foot you dumbas*" i laughed. 

i  bent down, not to look at the foot prints but something very small- yet so elegant to look at. . . a ring with a moon on it. i assumed it had belonged to someone, i picked it up and looked at it . . but, i was caught off guard, muffled sounds were coming from nearby and i got startled. i followed the small foot prints to s small area which looked well hidden, i was close enough now to know that it was a girl, a girl whom was which is crying. i debated if i wanted to go or not to go, it was just some person who would never return the same act of kindness as you showed them. it isn't fair, and that's why you only have to live- no. nevermind. i don't even live for myself anymore, i don't wanna ever wake up to see another day, another snowy night.  i snapped out of my thoughts started walking towards the crying a bit  i pulled some tree brenches that were in my way  then i saw her . . .

a girl with long black and white hair sitting in a corner with her knees pulled up to her chest, only in shorts and a t- shirt, only winter boots on. she was by a small cabin. . . looked abandoned. i took a step forward only to step on a tree brench that had fallen. it made a creaking sound which seems to had startled her.

" whose there?!" her simi- high pitched voice said. i sighed then stepped out of hiding, my black hair blowing in the wind. she looked scared, but more calmer. "so what're you doing out here?" i asked, hoping for a bit of a response. but was left with nothing more then the wind slowly picking up blowing my and her hair in the process. she brought her knees even closer to her chest then before. i walked up to her then sat down next to her. i looked at the sky, snowflakes falling on my face in the process. i closed my eyes and hummed softly. a tune my grandmother used to hum when i was scared, or feeling lonely. she looked at me and raised one eyebrow in alight confusion. "what're you humming?. . ." she said softly, i looked back down at her, she was shaking, freezing most likely. i sighed. "a small tune my grandma used to hum to me when i was scared..my grandpa played it on his piano. . ." i smiled ever so slighty. it made her smile as well. i then noted that she was shaking, a lot. i took my scarf and jacket off and gave them to her. "here, you must be freezing, take these." she looked at me in some sort of shock. . . those eyes. their blissing of some sorta loss hope. i've seen it before. "a-are you sure? you're only gonna be left with that t- shirt?. . ." i shook my head. "i don't care. you're freezing cold." she was hesitant at first. but grabbed them and slipped them both on. "there. . . feel better?" she smiled. "yeah, yeah i feel a bit better." i nodded my head then looked back up in the sky. "Miyuki." i looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "huh?" she giggled then looked back up at me. "my name is Miyuki. i go by yuki, though." i nodded. "Kuraokami. my parents gave me the nickname Shinto, though." her eyes lit up ever so brightly. "wow really?! that's such a cool name!"  "really? well thanks. i guess." i smiled. this girl was something else. the wind grew harder, causing both of  us to shake. "oh uhm.. hey Kuraokami?" "hmmm." i hummed in response. "it's kinda like..freezing out here, yeah?" "wow really ya think?" i said in a more rude tone. she didn't really take it rude though. what a work of art she is. she stood up and reached her hand out. she smiled. i sighed and held unto her hand as well. i dusted my pants off a little as i began to speak. "soo, where do you live?" she turned her head back and almost looking suprised. "huh? what do you mean?" she asked confused. "well you  have to live somewh-" i was cut off when we both heard what sounded like gunshots and screaming. screaming of human beings and animals. she grabbed unto my arm. she looked..terrified. "hey what's wrong-" i was then pulled- i was- running?? "no time to explain we really need to go! right now! we started running in the forest away from the nosies. confusion piled up upon me. why were we running? what from? is mom and dad okay? worry felt upon me- no not worry, but. . . something was inside my stomach twisting in turning in every single direction . i stopped her. "what the h3ll are you doing Yuki?!" she was breathing very fast, she was shaking. she was scared. beyond terrified "nono you don't understand we have to go, right now!' "but why-" i was then cut off when i felt someone touch my shoulder. she looked..so scared. "right here." is all the voice said before pushing me down the hill along with Yuki. i fell on the soft snow, maybe if it weren't for the snow i'd be dead right now. i got up and scanned my surroundings. where's Yuki? "Shinto! please, hurry!' i looked to my right then saw Yuki waving her hand for me to hurry up and follow her.  i got up then stopped. in the process. i felt danger. . . i looked up at Yuki who looked like she just seen a ghost. "BEHIND YOU!" "wha-" 


my stomach. . . yeah my stomach. when i regained about what had happened, i felt a sharp pain in my stomach area. i placed my hand there. blood was gushing out. i'd been shot. i heard laughter as my head was smacked. i feel to the ground and looked up. . . a man, he was walking to Yuki.. "n-no leave her- pleas-"

darkness. . . .


this was fun to write. the tune shinto's grand,a used to hum and his grandpa played on the piano was the video i put as the cover image<3 each song will cover a spot in the story, you guys will just have to guess from here on out lol

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