C O N F U S E D ? . . .

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darkness. . . cold. . . the last thing i can re call is blacking out. how much pain i probably felt in that moment 


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"hey, Shinto?" . . . "ugh- what? my head. . . ugh."  i slowly opened my eyes, i saw Yuki, she was sitting up on the bed looking at me. i slowly got up and saw a smile form on her face. i looked at my surroundings, it was a cell, a dark one. purple-ish walls and some random cleaning supplies in the corner of the cell. and a very much broken mirror on the wall. . . i tired sitting up all the way but a sharp pain went through me. "argh-" "woah woah!- calm down there Shinto. don't get up yet." i looked down to where i'd been shot, it had been bandaged up. "yeah, okay. where are we anyways?" i said while slowly sitting up. Yuki looked at me with a frown "well, promise me you won't be angry with me." i was confused, i tilted my head. "well we're in a uhm . . . different universe." i blinked a few times. a different universe? how? is that even possible? "uhm, Yuki how in the actual h3ll are we in a different universe?" i asked confused. she had to tell me something, anything at all. "well i uhm. . . okay well i'll just explain from the start." i nodded my head as i was saying okay. "okay so, when you caught me crying i was actually running away. . . from these people. from this place." i nodded again. i was listening very carefully. "these people aren't. . . great people at all." "well no dip sherlock that guy shot me." i cut her off. she laughed about it though. "well, i have a lot of history with these people, like not a lot lot but. . . enough for me to run away from them. they took these like test subjects-" "test subjects? what did these people do?" i asked. in all honesty she was really confusing me. with her story. she goes from one point to another. huh. . . "oh yeah! i forgot to explain that part. . . " all i could do was stare at her. she was making no sense at all. "okay. . well i'm pretty sure you've heard of the myth of the gods, the gods who once roamed the earth as the actual God and his son, Jesus Christ." i nodded my head in response. there we all sorts of gods. my mom used to tell me the stories when i was little. "well the people here are worshippers of those and i quote, gods. they take people in from the real world and use them to turn them into some sort of. . . deformed human beings. they don't want them to be humans, so they turn into some sort of-" *BANG* me and Yuki shot our heads to the cell door.  someone was standing there. a tall women, she had black hair that was up in a ponytail. she was wearing some sort of uniform. "well, looks like you're finally up, Kuraokami."  i squinted my eyes at her. she had a certain tone, a sassy one. "well i guess i should introduce myself,  well my real name is off limits to you two dweebs so call me iris. i from here on out, is your caretaker and you have to listen to every single thing i say from here on out." she said while smiling, she seems prideful as h3ll, though. me and Yuki were jus staring at her and a weirded out in confused expression. "h-hey! why are you two looking at me like that!" geez so much for that confident act. all of a sudden we heard what sounded like a walkie talkie go off. "i have to take this. you guys don't move a muscle." not like we could go anywhere anyway. . ."hey, Yuki. you seem to know a lot about this place. why?" she was silent. like she didn't wanna answer me. but she spoke up anyway. "listen, we can't discuss it here, not now with iris being here, that is."  i looked away, towards iris. what was up with this place. . . "alright, boss wants to see you guys. . . well more like you, Kuraokam-" "please just call me Shinto." i cut her off. it was getting annoying, that names a mouthful to say anyway. "well alright then, Shinto, he wants to talk to you." she said as she unlocked the cell. i look back to Yuki who seems scared. shaken up a bit. i then thought of something i had seen, when we were in the 'real world'. i pulled out the ring i saw then pulled out Yuki's hands. "what are you doin-" i put the ring on her finger- wedding finger to be exact. "does that belong to you?" she blushed a little at the sudden contact. she nodded and gave me a 'thank you' smile. i put her hands back down then got up, the wound stung a little which caused me to put my hand on the gun shot. i walked out of the cell then iris closed it and locked it back up. she then started leading me toward where the boss was i guess. "aren't you going to lock my hands up? i mean, i could attack you at anytime." i spoke up. she looked at me. "well, you aren't entirely wrong Mr. Shinto. but i know you won't do anything cause i have permission to execute you on the spot." when she said that, my eyes widen. execute? what? why me? "well not like i care if i die or anything, i could careless but why execute? what did i do to you poor poor people." i said in a sarcastic tone. she huffed in response then stopped walking right infront of me. "listen buddy, i only know so much about what's going on, but i'm pretty sure all your answers lie behind this door." as she said that, she put her hand on a door then opened it. a bright light shone in my eyes, i had to squint my eyes to adjust my eyes to see properly. once i could see what was going on, there was a room with a big piano on the side as it was playing a sort of video game tune. floating books, and big windows that the sun was most likely shining through. in the middle of the room however, a man was sitting on what looked like a throne. he had  long multicolored hair sitting in a chair with a crown on his head. another boy was right next to him, short white fluffy hair covering his eyes, i thought he was hot for minute. what am i gay all of a sudden? i snapped out of my thoughts when i felt someone nudge my shoulder. "hey, just so you know this may go badly, just don't do anything stupid." iris whispered to me. i nodded in response as i stepped forward a bit. "so, you must be Kuarokami. well it's very pleasant to actually see you in person." huh? see me in person? has someone told him about me? "who are you? what do you want from me?" i furrowed my eyebrows. which he did the same following it up with a grin. a mischievous one. "well i do assume you know why you're here. don't you?" i felt. . . angry. "no. i don't. i just said what do you want." the tension started growing between us before iris stepped in. "okay guys, quit acting like this. i'll explain some of it to keep peace. Shinto, this is Yoshihito. he's the king and well. . . the owner of this universe. the guy next to him acts as his personal servant. his name is Yukio. now, onto the thing you're probably confused about. . ."  i felt someone staring at me. i looked at and saw that Yukio was looking at me. for a split moment, i saw his eyes. they were glossed over with a very faint blue. he looked away right after though. what does he do to him. . . "Shinto, you possess the power of the snow god from years back-" "wait what?! powers?!" i looked at iris in shock. power? seriously? im just a normal human being. "i knew you were going to act like this. . . " "act like what? this is the most dumbest thing i have ever heard."  i heard someone start laughing. i look over to see Yoshihito laughing. "oh look at him! he's acting like he has no idea!" he stood up then started walking towards me. as he was walking he snapped his fingers, then i felt a very painful feeling inside my stomach. "agh! what- what the h3ll!-" i almost fell to the ground but he made sure i caught my footing. "you know i really thought this would go the easier way." i looked at him in confusion.  "hey! boss, c'mon! you said there weren't gonna be any violence! you said it were be done peacefully!" i heard iris yell. all he did was laugh. "it was supposed to go nicely. but, he's already acting like he doesn't know." "know what? im so- confused." i managed to spit out that amongst all the pain i'm feeling. "now you made me angry." right when he said that, i went crashing to the ground. he'd punched me straight in the nose. "agh! damm-" "boss please stop! maybe try explaining to him, he's confused!" iris grabbed onto his arm at a attempt to stop him. he just pushed her out of the way. he grabbed the collar of my shirt then and looked me straight in the eyes. "im gonna give you one more chance. where is he." "w-what? who?" he gritted his teeth. i braced for impact. i was right for bracing for impact. he punched me right in the nose again. i fell back to the ground. i managed to get back up before he did anything else. but, the pain grew more and more. iris was screaming at him to stop, he was laughing. i couldn't take it. stop. stop. stop stop stop stop stop- i went flying back down to the ground before i knew it. he kicked me right where i got shot. but the kicking wouldn't stop. until finally. he stopped. "boss! for crying out loud quit it! does he show any signs, any signs at all of knowing what is even going on?! he isn't fighting back! that means he isn't aware of the power! right?!" iris yelled. he kicked me one more time before looking up at iris. i rolled on my back grunting. looking up at iris as well.  my black hair now messy as ever. "hm. i assume you could be right. lock him up, not with Miyuki though. i need to talk to her alone." i shot a glance at him. he looked back at me. he walked over to my face and stared at me. "you're really a work of art, aren't you now?" "what're you talking abou-" he smashed my face with his  foot , which caused me to black out. 

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