I love you

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TW: A bit Sexual and cringy also I'm sorry if it's a little rushed at the end!

Y/n's POV:
I woke up to the sun peaking through the window and checked the clock. 4:52 am, (I know the sun don't rise that early) I let out a small sigh and tried to get up but I couldn't. Brahms was holding me close to his chest, how would I get out without waking him.. orrr should I just wake him up?

After about five minutes I successfully got out of his grip without waking him up! I'm pretty proud of myself since this guy wakes up to the slightest movement. I quickly left the room not looking back since I didn't want him to wake up, he had a pretty rough night. I'm pretty sure he was having a nightmare because he was mumbling stuff and breathing heavily.

I was now in the kitchen, I was gonna eat then figure out what food to make Brahms when he wakes up but there was literally nothing! A pear in the fruit basket and that was really it.. what should I do?? I mean I could leave since it was still really early, I could get some groceries and maybe some personal stuff. I sat down eating the pear thinking about what I should do again but left the kitchen soon after since I felt uneasy with the fact that Arthur's head pretty much got smashed into the ground yesterday..

I sat in the study room with a notebook and pen, I was gonna write a letter to Brahms saying that I would be back soon and that I was coming back with groceries. I wrote the letter and placed it on the coffee table as I made my way to the front door, I called for a taxi after I left the kitchen so when I opened the door the car pulled up and I got in. I really hoped he would still be asleep when I came back..

I had asked the driver to take me to the closest grocery store as I fidgeted with my two rings. After about 15 to 20 minutes we pulled up into a small but nice grocery store. I payed the driver and went inside.
I got what I needed and headed to the register, I was hoping I would have enough time to go to a clothing store and get some clothes for Brahms and I but it was already 6:51 am! Brahms would be waking up any minute now if he hasn't already! I called a taxi while the catchier was scanning the food, I was really starting to panic.

As the driver pulled into the driveway I started to think about what was gonna happen when I walked through that door.

I payed the driver and had all the grocery bags at the door.. I opened the door hoping Brahms was still sleeping. Once I walked inside my eyes looked all over the room to see books all over, glass shattered, and other broken stuff.. the house was filled with Brahms cries.

I'll be honest I was scared. I just stood there wondering if I should call his name or stay silent and put everything away. I decided to grab all the bags and put it in the corner of the hallway. I wanted to follow the cries but it echoed through the whole house, making it hard to follow it.

After listening to the cries for a minute, I went upstairs to my room to see if that's where he would be. I slowly opened the door to see Brahms crying into my blanket as he cuddled with it. The letter was torn up and on the ground.


Brahms turned to me quickly as I walked up to him hesitantly. He got up grabbing me and pulled me into him..

*Sobbing* You left me! You said you wouldn't! WHY!?.. Why..

I'm sorry Brahms.. I went to get groceries, I left a letter saying I would come back. I'm sorry I left.. but I rather risk getting food and things you need then let you rot in pain here!
Brahms only cried hugging me tightly so I knew what I had to do to make up for what I did..

Brahms.. I promise I'll never leave you! And if I do.. I'll always come back. I love you to much to leave you.. I love you Brahms

With that I lifted Brahms chin so that he would look at me, I quickly slid his mask up revealing his lips as I quickly pushed my lips on to his as I put my arms around his neck.

Brahms put his hands around me as we kept kissing. He flipped me around so that he was on top of me as we stayed kissing, Brahms slightly nibbled on my bottom lip making me open my mouth. He took the chance and slipped his tongue into my mouth, I was a bit shocked but I let him. He started to tug on my shirt as I now knew he wanted to take it to another step... but I wasn't ready for that.

I slowly stopped kissing him and told him we could continue later. He looked into my eyes and then nodded his head, we cuddled in bed for awhile till I had to put the groceries I had left away. So I told Brahms as we left the room and around the mess downstairs as he stood with me in the kitchen. Brahms stuck with me like glue tho, never leaving me but I didn't mind. When I told him that I loved him, it was true. I always have loved him.. but.. I didn't want to admit it.

Once I was done I grabbed Brahms hand and led him to my room again and cuddled up with him. His heart was beating fast but he pulled me close keeping his head buried in my neck, enjoying every moment. I really do love him.

Brahms POV:
I was over joyed that I was now kissing my y/n as their words kept repeating in my head.

I love you Brahms

It sounded like they really meant it, it only made me love them more. I want to be with them forever and never leave their side, I want to stay cuddled up with them forever as long as they want to also. I'll stop anyone who even dares to try and take them away from me! For now tho, I'll enjoy every moment.

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