Questions part one

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Sorry for not posting but sorry again if this isn't that good, I have a headache soo yeah.

Y/n's POV: I woke up and started to get ready for the day. It's been like three days since I told Brahms I loved him, since than Brahms sneaks into my room at night to sleep with me than leaves before I wake up but sometimes I hear him at night. I don't mind, I enjoy his company now but is he to nervous to ask to sleep with me? I guess I can't blame him since I would be too.

Reality hit me though. I can't help but think about Greta, Malcolm, Cole, and Arthur... what did Brahms do with Cole and Arthur? Did he actually kill Emily Cribs?? Was Greta really in an asylum? And.. poor Malcolm, I wish he survived. Would the police come here?! All these thoughts are drowning me..

I walked to Brahms kid room but he wasn't there, I went downstairs and looked but he wasn't there. Hm he must be in the walls. Having an idea of where he would be, I went to the kitchen to make him breakfast then get to cleaning. Having to be Brahms nanny and maid can be hard,.. but Brahms let's some rules slip so that it is easier for me. Sometimes Brahms helps me clean which is nice.

                     Good morning love

Brahms was right behind me but I was thinking to much to notice. Wait- did he call me love??
Damn it- I can the blush spread across my cheeks.

Good morning Brahms, the food is almost done so go ahead and take a seat. Ok?

Brahms POV: I nodded and sat down on a chair near by. I couldn't help but stare at them, they are so beautiful. I zoned out while staring at them though. We have been getting a bit closer since they told me they loved me, I love spending time with my pretty y/n~
I would do anything for them. I have been thinking about something though, I want to ask them to be my-


I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as my love called for me. Hmm? I replied still in a bit of a daze.

Y/n's POV: Here's your food dear. I gave Brahms his food and then sat down to eat mine. I couldn't help but think about everything. About Greta.. and the rest. Another thought also filled my mind.
Would Brahms ever let me see his face? I mean I only ever saw his eyes, lips, and a bit of his chin but still.. would he ever fully take it off? It's the same when we eat too, he pulls his mask up above his lips and kinda uses his hands to cover his face while he eats. I try not to look though, I don't want him uncomfortable.

                              (Time skip)

I just finished cleaning the rat traps when I remembered to get the mail, so I went down the driveway and to the gates then got the mail. Once I was in the mansion I started to go through it. Hmm what's this, I thought as I opened it.

What the- oh no.
The police had found the Heelshires's dead in the pond.. the police closed the case as suicide since there wasn't any evidence of force or anything. The Heelshires's lawyer went over their will, the Heelshires's wanted me and Greta to have the mansion and all of their money. But since Greta was at an asylum, everything was going to me... so the lawyer wanted to go over some papers. The letter had the lawyers email and office number so that I could schedule a time and date.

Great.. I mean I don't mind having the mansion but I needed to talk to Brahms about this.

                              (Time skip)

I talked to Brahms about the letter I had got. He said he would love for me to have the mansion and that he was happy I would have it instead of someone else. I was happy he was okay with everything and calm about the whole situation.
I had to tell him that I would have to leave to some where with Wi-Fi so I could call the lawyer about a time and date, Brahms wasn't so thrilled about me leaving but I reassured him that I would come back. I felt brave at the moment so I gave him a kiss on the forehead before leaving, saying I was going to take a shower.

I was now in the bathroom deciding whether to have a shower or bath. I mean I could use a bath right now, I want to relax and forget about everything for a moment. So I started the bath, got naked, and got in. I let the bath fill at my chest, then stoped the water. It was hot and definitely relaxing, I slowly let my head go under the water.. it was so peaceful. Everything at the moment was slow-


Before I could even think, Brahms had ripped me out of the water and sat me on his lap.

*Cough* *Cough* What the heck Brahms!

Y/n?.. I thought you were dead! Were you trying to kill your self?? Why would you go under the water!??

Brahms! I'm okay, I'm okay. I just wanted to relax.. I wasn't trying to kill my self Brahmsy. Why would you think that??

I'm sorry.. I didn't hear you humming a song so I got worried.. I'm sorry.

It's okay darling, don't worry. Im here and I'm not going anywhere. I kissed Brahms an his masked lips and got up from his lap. Brahms gaze form my eyes went straight to my naked body- shit! I grabbed my towel and practically ran out of the bathroom to my room. How embarrassing.

Brahms POV: I watched y/n run out of the bathroom embarrassed that I had just seen their naked body. I kept that image of them in my mind. Shit.. I'm hard.

                                (Time skip)

Y/n's POV: It was now dinner time, both me and Brahms stayed quiet. He probably could tell I was still embarrassed-


💭 Oh no-  Yes Brahms?

What are you thinking about? Is something bothering you?

Dang it, should I ask him about Emily?
And what he did with Cole and Arthur?


Sorry Brahms but um I wanted to ask you something (here goes nothing) it's about Emily Cribs


Brahms stayed silent and only looked at his plate.. was this a bad idea?

I just wanna say really quick that this wasn't supposed to be two parts but I'm really tired so I'm going to make this into two parts :) ignore how many time skips I put 😅

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