Family part two

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Dang.. it's been awhile, very sorry about that. I've been pretty busy and a little stressed but I'm gonna try and post the last few parts of the story, I also wanna say thank you to everyone for 12k reads and I think around 400 votes! Anywho enjoy the story<3

Y/n's POV:
Dinners now ready and set up, Brahms and Thomas helped me set the table and Brahms brought the food out. My family got home right in time to eat, I just hope everything goes smoothly.
Brahms is to my left and Thomas is to my right- I'm pretty much sandwiched between the too. I felt a little bit bad for Brahms tho since he had to slide his mask up a few inches to eat, I'm sure he's uncomfortable. I mean Brahms puts up with a lot of stuff for me, so of course I feel bad about him being uncomfortable. I was a bit uncomfortable myself to, I was having fun talking to my family- of course I loved that I could see them again since it's been awhile but Thomas was the one making me uncomfortable..
His hand would brush against my thigh and he would even leave his hand on my thigh! Of course I would move away but I didn't want Brahms to notice and cause a scene. I would also give Thomas looks and a few times he would get the message and scoot away. I would scoot closer to Brahms so that he would put his arm around me, that always made me feel more comfortable.

-Time Skip-

After dinner me and my sister did the dishes, ofc we talked about all the drama that was happening over the past months (almost a year!) that we couldn't see each other. It was a great time to tell each other everything that was happening in life.. tho I didn't tell her anything about Brahms killing people and all that. Once that was done we all decided to watch a movie before bed.. well my parents wanted to go to sleep early so it would just be me, my siblings, Brahms, and Thomas.

We decided to watch The Goonies so before starting the movie s/n and b/n went to get some snacks, me and Brahms went to get some blankets, and Thomas was getting the drinks.
As soon as we got to my room for a blanket Brahms pulled me into a hug. He wanted to go to bed and cuddle, kiss, and all that but I told him we could cuddle during the movie and than when it was time for bed we could have our own time.
Brahms ofc just grumbled as a reply and than went back to our journey for the blankets.

Once we all got comfy and got our favorite snacks, I pressed play and we started to watch the movie. Brahms never saw The Goonies before so this movie caught his attention pretty quickly, he stared at the tv, cuddled up with me as we watched. Towards the end of the movie tho b/n and s/n fell asleep and Thomas was dosing off.. I myself was falling asleep, Brahms tho was wide awake still watching every detail of the movie.
I knew I was gonna be passed out asleep in a few minutes so I cuddled up more with Brahms as I felt my eyes getting heavy, Brahms scooped me up and held me close.

-Time Skip-

I woke up at around 7:41 am in my bed with Brahms next to me, I'm guessing he brought me upstairs to our bed once the movie was done. I left the room quietly and tiptoed downstairs and went to the living room, I saw everyone still sleeping there so I'm guessing my parents are still asleep too. Everyone will probably wake up at around 9 am so I have time to sleep in with Brahms or I could do some productive stuff instead..


Once I got back to my room Brahms had already started to wake up.

U: Good morning darling

B: Hmm.. good morning love

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