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Ace had been all fucking day following me around, i might feel like shit but his presence is clearly not helping me. He wouldn't let me alone with my thoughts which i wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad thing, either way he was nudging me to eat all three fucking meals. He was still slightly angry at my last comment but covered it up when he tried to make a conversation with me, he asked questions i didn't even even know what to answer

He had to either hold me or sat me his lap

"What are you reading?" Ace asked as i sat on his lap because he wouldn't let me sit anywhere else

"It ends with us" i muttered

He hummed wrapping his arm around my waist, sinked his nose on my neck "puppy" he started "why did you drink so much last night?" His question took my by surprise

"I don't know" i whispered, of course i knew i wasn't just going to tell them

"Did you like it?" He asked lowly

"Yes" i whispered "i loved it"

"You won't drink again" he stated

"Another thing i'm not allowed to do" i said with a dark chuckle "you could have a list with everything i can't do" tears starting to swell on my eyes "i'll help you. I can't leave the mansion, i can't see my brother, i can't go to the basement, i can't leave food on my plate, i can't study, i can't dance-." I little sob left my throat "i cant fucking breath!" Before i knew it i was fulling sobbing sinking my face on my shaking hands "i can't breath Ace, i feel like i'm drowning and can't do anything about it" i slipped out of Ace lap turning to stare at him "i used to be happy you know? I want my freedom"

His eyes stared deeply into mine

"If freedom means leaving us you better get that idea of your head" he stepped closer harshly grabbing my jaw "because you are never leaving us"

"This is not normal Ace" i whispered "this whole situation is not normal, the way i'm feeling is not normal" i swallowed the lump on my throat "it's not normal i want to die"

"Don't" he ordered harshly "don't say stupid things Camille i'm warning you. We are offering you the world sweetheart, whatever your heart desires will be yours" he cupped my face "the three of us could be so happy together"

"What about me?" I whispered "what about my dreams Ace? What if i told you i want to study dance? Will you ever let me truly happy or i will stay miserable for the rest of my life?"

"You cant leave us" he gritted out "what assure us you wont try to scape the minute you leave this mansion?"

I would try

"Trust me" i said


I carefully perked through the living room window, Ares and Hades were playing in the garden. I walked to the kitchen door and stepped outside "pss" i whispered, Hades and Ares heads snapped my way immediately, i swallowed my fear "come come" the two horse-i mean dogs walked toward me "d-do you want to nap with me?" I asked, they stared at me like if i was crazy and maybe i was because i was talking to dogs

I fully opened the door

"Hades, Ares come with me" i ordered trying to sound like Greyson when he ordered, Ares and Hades clearly didn't react like they did with Greyson but when i started walking they followed me inside even if they hesitated at first "shhh" i hissed when Hades tail almost drop a vase

The three of us made our way to my room, i brought a blanket with me and threw myself at the bed. Hades and Ares stared at me before i pat beside me "come on" i encourage

They looked at each other before jumping in the bed with me, Ares snuggled against my side curling himself while Hades laid his head beside mine. Softly i started caressing their fur "you kill because you can't help it" i whispered under my breath "you were train to kill, i can't judge you for that"

Eventually i closed my eyes still exhausted from the drunk last night


"Point that feet Camille!" I could feel the sweat rolling down my forehead, my toes were killing me and i was afraid any minute my knees would colapse "stick it!" He shouted again almost making me stumble to the floor

"I-i" i tried to form out

"Do not talk!" He ordered "you can't dance and talk" 

I closed my eyes and nodded, i did half a turn before falling miserably to the floor "fuck" i whispered under my breath

"If this is all you got it won't work" Salvador said glaring down at me "do you want to thrive Camille? Do you want to prove everyone that a girl from east Harlem is actually someone? That is not a junkie or alcoholic, you Camille can be something else than that" i looked down not being able to look at him anymore "but this" he motion to me "is not enough"

"I can try harder" i said looking up to meet his eyes "i will make dance my life. I will eat, drink, sleep, dream, walk and just think if my posture is alright"

"I like your dedication kid" Salvador shifted his weight to his walking stick "get up and give me ten more fouette"

I nodded and got up ignoring the pain in my legs

After half an hour of just intense practice it was finally over. I sat on the floor stretching "do you think i will actually be something?" I asked

"It depends how hard are you actually willing to try" Salvador replied calmly "how are thing's at home?" He asked completely changing the topic, he had a tendency of doing so

"Easton is great" i replied

He hummed "he treating you good?"

"Yeah of course" I said

"He loved your mother deeply" Salvador said "he adored her... and when she pasted he kind of change" i frown looking at him "don't get me wrong kid it's just weird his change of heart to suddenly and taking you in"

"He's my brother" i told him

"Just watch your back kid, your family does not have the best reputation on loyalty and i'm kinda staring to like you" he rolled his eyes at the last part

"Salvador you can say you actually love me" i teased

"Hush girl" he dismiss me

"Sure old man"

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