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I spotted them as soon as we were close enough. Both of the Knox brothers stud in their whole glory with black suit that made them look like greek goddesses themself's, their eyes were fixated on me not even daring to blink as if they would lose a second of my sight. Daniel stud as a groomsman with a serious expression

The room was huge and filled with people turning their heads to look at me. It was perfect, it looked like a freaking palace made out of gold or something, beautiful bouquets of flowers where set up in every corner

I sucked in a shaky breath

Tears burned in the back of my eyes

We took the first step into the aisle and my arm tightened against Salvador's, my heart was thumping inside of my chest so hard i was worried it might stop. Everyone started to murmured only making me more nervous, i was fucking sure they were fucking judging me, some woman eyed me with venomously eyes

I swallowed and took another step

The walk toward them was the most long and excruciating walk i had ever had in my entire life. My hands were shaking uncontrollably as Salvador leaned in to kiss my cheek "you are a beautiful strong woman" he whispered "it was my honor to walk you down the aisle" i could see the tears gathering in he's eyes

My heart clenched as he finally gave me away to the Knox brothers

Their eyes shinned as they saw me

The priest was the first to talk, to be honest im not even sure if he's actually a priest but it looked like one, or maybe a minister? Is there a difference? I have no fucking idea "is a wonderful day to be gather today, is my honor to join this beautiful relationship in marriage" he was an old man with a sweet smile

I'm not catholic, i never was and never plan on being. God or whatever is up there left me the minute my father raised a hand at me, i used to cry and beg for god to please end the suffering, i can't understand if theres a fucking god why it wouldn't help those who suffer, why would he let all those atrocities happen?! Why didn't he fucking help me when i needed it?!

"Anyone of you have plan some vows?" He asked still holding that smile

Ace was the first to take a step toward me, he carefully took my hands in his

Looking straight into my eyes he talked "i used to think was love was never for me, i thought i was deem to be loveless for my life, until my eyes fell on the most beautiful and caring woman. Camille i love you, i freaking love you much i would burn this world if anyone dares to hurt you in any way, i want you to be happy with us, i want you to smile every morning" he chuckled softly "i want everything from you, even if that means that thing you do scrunching up you nose"

He let go of my hands after a squeeze

Greyson took my hands next, carefully drawing circled on my palm

My heart clenched at that action

"I've not felt happiness like i do now, just looking at you makes me want to never look away. The first time my eyes landed on you deep down i knew you were the woman i wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I want to share my life with you" his eyes burned into mine "my life had not meaning before you. Camille you are the woman i love with all i have"

The old man then looked at me

I shifted uncomfortably

I had no shit

Eventually and after some uncomfortable silence he caught up to the fact i had nothing to say

"Ace Knox, do you take Camille Hearst to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?

"I do" Ace replied with no hesitation at all, a grin taking over his lip

"Greyson Knox, do you take Camille Hearst to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?" He asked Greyson next

"I do" Greyson replied as did his brother

"Camille Hearst, do you take Ace Knox and Greyson Knox to be your husbands? Do you promise to be faithful to them in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love them and to honor them all the days of your life?"

I closed my eyes taking in a big breath, tears burned in the back of my eyes as my head scream for me to run. I could feel everyones eyes on me, they all waiting for me to say the so precious words and finally lock up my future. This marriage meant the end of me, it meant from now on all the decisions on my life and body were no longer mine to take, i knew matter of fact they would now legally have control over myself. Even if they already controlled me now the world would officially known i was married to the Knox brothers

I don't want to live like this

I sucked in a shaky breath "I do"

"With the power granted by the state of New York, i declare you wife and husbands" he declared sealing my future "you may kiss the bride"

Greyson was the first to stepped in front of me, his hands cupped my cheeks as he leaned to connect our lips, the kiss was slow and careful, his tongue explored my mouth. A few second later he leaned back with a smirk on his lips

Ace wrapped his arms around my waist pushing our bodies together, his kiss was fast but at the same time meaning for him. He backed away grinding at me

The room burst into claps as everyone stud up

I looked down as a single tear rolled down my face


The reception was amazing, i mean for everyone except for me

Hours passed as everyone mingled and ate

The brothers sat beside me all night, their hands rested all over my body, they told like a hundred time i looked beautiful or how happy they were i was finally Camille Knox. I sat there just drowning myself in way too expensive champagne, i felt to shallow i didn't even had energy to cry or tell them how much i hated them

Salvador had smiled at me from the distance, something was telling me that he had been threaten to stay away from me, they didn't want me to be close to him, they hated the fact i actually care for someone

"Camille" Greyson had raised his tone

I snapped my head toward him

"It's time to leave" he informed me

I stud up as all eyes landed on us

They started cheering as we made our way out

Wedding night

I knew what was coming

Ace wrapped a possessive arm around my waist

Greyson leaned in to kiss me cheek

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